In this lesson, you will learn how the T&C is a vital support to staff members as they implement the program’s curriculum. The T&C is recognized as an expert and leader in providing observation and reflective supervision to assist the teaching staff with planning and implementing the chosen curriculum. The program manager supports the curriculum through maintaining the environment, ordering materials and supplies, and ensuring that staff is provided professional development opportunities in order to feel successful as teachers and youth leaders.
- To understand how to provide instructional leadership to program staff as they implement curriculum, assessment, and instruction.
- 了解如何使用反思监督,员工观察和课程计划审查,以支持该计划的课程。
- 了解成为终身学习者并保持现场当前的重要性。
“课程包括所在的知识,技能,能力和理解,儿童被收购,并将发生这些收益的学习经验的计划。”yabo电子游艺- 通过8岁(2009,第20页)为诞生儿童提供儿童的早期儿童计划的发展适当的做法。
Curriculum planning for infants, toddlers and preschoolers is often tied to teachers' observations of children (i.e., a form of assessment), which guides the development of activity plans and learning experiences that help children work toward their individual goals, and is based on their observed interests. The basis for curriculum in school-age and youth programs, however, often looks different. Ensure activities and experiences are designed and developed based on current research and curriculum; for example, activities should be conducted in the following areas: character and leadership development; education and career development; health and life skills; the arts; sports, fitness & recreation; and technology. Children and youth may directly suggest activities or projects they are interested in, and/or activities may be centered around a larger project where there is a defined goal for the group (e.g., creating a community garden, putting on a play, making a model of the human heart).
- 课堂观察(检查环境因素,如时间表、材料、惯例)
- 老师观察(使用reflective supervision cycle: pre-observation meeting, classroom observation, and post-observation meeting)
- Participation in teacher planning meetings and other team meetings
- 在解决问题的会议中的参与
- 以关系为中心的成人-儿童互动建模
- Actively coaching staff when they are implementing new strategies or procedures
- Participation in professional development activities with staff
- 基于员工需求的个性化观察反馈
- 通过在职专业发展提高工作人员的知识和技能
- Providing staff members with resources and information to ensure that the curriculum is appropriate considering culture, language, and ability for all children and youth
The program manager understands that together with the T&Cs, he or she makes intentional decisions to foster a warm, caring community among staff members. A strong sense of community encourages collaboration as program staff work as a team to implement the curriculum. The T&Cs and program manager share relevant information about staff members and also work collaboratively to ensure that staff provide high-quality education and care for all children and youth enrolled in the program.
The environment is a critical part of instruction (so critical that often the environment is called the third teacher). The environment includes not just furniture, materials, and equipment but also teacher-child interactions. There are a number ofenvironment rating scales用于早期护理和教育和青年计划。对教师 - 儿童互动进行了广泛的研究,并对成人儿童互动对儿童的成果进行了影响。一些研究发现了Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)是衡量师生互动质量的有效指标。这些环境评估通常是儿童保育中心、起步和pre-K项目所需的,作为州质量评级和改进系统评估的一部分。T&C和项目经理应该非常熟悉他们选择的观测工具。为了成为教师和儿童的敏锐观察者,培训是至关重要的。
- 你这周的活动计划是从哪里来的?
- 你认为这些计划将如何帮助每个孩子实现他们的目标?
- 你希望学龄青年将从这种经历中获得什么?
- 您是否认为可能需要任何修改以确保所有儿童都可以参与此想法?
- 你需要什么资源才能使这个计划成功?
- Are there ways you could involve families in this activity?
T&CS'和计划经理的重要组成部分与早期护理和教育和青少年发展领域保持着当前。加入专业组织(例如,国家幼儿教育协会,幼儿幼儿幼儿师司,国家之后的幼儿学会课程,是关于在该领域的新信息及时接收信息的绝佳方式。订阅从业者期刊(教育幼儿,Exchange)provides short articles that can be shared with staff during a meeting. Websites that contain evidence-based information can be bookmarked.
There are many resources available for T&Cs and program managers to assist staff in implementing curriculum and building positive relationships with children and youth. The websites below contain resources that may be helpful to coaches as they support teacher-child interactions. Review some of the free resources and bookmark these websites. You may find some new ideas to share with the teachers you coach or supervise.
教育幼儿– Selected Past Articles -
T&Cs and program managers indirectly support the teaching-learning cycle. Although they are not directly teaching children, their commitment to high-quality learning experiences for all children and youth engages staff members to examine their work.
Heffron,M. C.,&Murch,T.(2010)。婴儿和幼儿计划中的反思监督和领导。华盛顿特区:零至三。