Secondary tabs
- 学about specific practices that are associated with professionalism.
- 了解有效的领导力以及它如何为专业性做出贡献。
- 在早期护理和教育环境中检查专业增长和指导资源。
What is Professionalism in Child-Care and School-Age Programs?
Families rely upon all program staff to provide a warm and responsive environment for their children. Each employee must make conscious, intentional decisions about how to interact in daily encounters with children, parents, and colleagues. T & Cs and program managers must be acutely aware that the classroom staff they coach, mentor, and supervise may sometimes face difficult ethical situations. Following an ethical code can help with difficult decisions that arise within the child-care setting.
最重要的专业领袖全部用作员工的榜样。正如教师和青年工作者必须与每个孩子和家庭建立关系,T&CS和管理人员必须仔细参加与每个工作人员建立关系。托儿和青年计划必须有一个明确的阐明共享使命和哲学所有S.taff members understand and that is demonstrated by everyone who works in the program. T&Cs and program managers support that mission and philosophy by treating each staff member with dignity and respect. Just as teachers are expected to guide children, program leaders guide the adults who work in the program. T&Cs and program managers have a powerful influence on the professional climate in the center or program. Effective professional leaders are team players who carefully listen when families and staff share their ideas and concerns that impact program quality.
It is very important for T&Cs and program managers to speak and act authentically. For example, if a program manager states that all staff should use a calm manner when speaking, then the program leaders should use a calm manner when speaking to children and colleagues. It is important that there be a match between what a leader says and what the leader does.
有效的专业领导者享受他们的工作并展示它。他们鼓励积极的氛围。他们知道,有趣和笑,庆祝成功,并承认工作人员为儿童和家庭做的所有美好事物是很重要的。领导人可能计划在工作人员之间建立社区的快乐事件,例如在员工会议期间承认个人,庆祝与Potluck Suppers的员工生日和生活活动,或一起参加专业会议。
有许多优秀的资源关于领导力的development. Those who are new to the role of T & C or program manager will want to read some of the excellent articles and books about leadership in the Resources and References list. Joining a face-to-face or an online community of practice with other program leaders is another way to learn more about leadership and professional behavior with colleagues.
有许多书籍,网站和网络研讨会可用于帮助您和您的员工更好地了解专业行为以及它如何影响早期护理和教育计划的质量。早期童年领导专家Fran Simon提供了有关早期护理和教育领导者需要做些什么来创造愿景的建议。这些只是她的文章中列出的一些人,“抬头抬头”:
- 加入专业协会,参加会议,志愿者
- Participate in live and virtual professional learning networks
- 与社交媒体(例如,Twitter,LinkedIn,Pinterest等)聘用,其中数十万名教育工作者分享了与有价值的信息和突破相关的信息
- 从事正式的专业职业和领导力
- Find a mentor-even leaders need inspirational people in their lives
- 导师承诺年轻人,并从与他们的订婚中学习
- Build a library on leadership and related topics
- 订阅电子邮件和打印新闻通讯和来自各种来源的专业期刊
Additionally, the reference list below contains books, articles and Web sites that you may find helpful as you learn more about professionalism and leadership in the field of early care and youth development.
For more information on what to expect in this course and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Training & Curriculum Specialist ProfessionalismCourse Guide。
To support the professional development of the direct care staff members or family child care providers you oversee, you can access their corresponding Course Guides:
- 婴儿和蹒跚学步专业Course Guide
- Preschool ProfessionalismCourse Guide
- 学龄儿童专业Course Guide
- 亚慱彩票APP家庭幼儿专业主义Course Guide
所有工作人员都承诺与他们所服务的儿童和家庭建立关系。在您作为T&C或Program Manager的角色中,您必须与每个员工建立关系。这并不需要制作所有员工的员工亲密朋友,但这确实意味着您必须努力赢得每个工作人员的尊重,以有效地领导。正如您为儿童和家庭创造一个安全的气候,您必须有意识地为工作人员创造一个安全的气候。工作人员需要知道您对他们的问题和疑虑开放,并且您将在您的日常互动中专业。
Allred, K. W., & Hancock, C. L. (2015). Reconciling Leadership and Partnership: Strategies to empower professionals and families. Young Children, 70 (2), 46-53.
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012).领导挑战:如何制定非凡的东西在组织中发生(第5版)。旧金山,加利福尼亚州:jossey-bass。
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2009). NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation: A position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/gobally-shared/downloads/pdfs/resources/positionstatements/2009%20professional%20prep%20stdsrevised%204_12.pdf.