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    • 描述你在促进项目工作人员、儿童和家庭积极生活方式方面的作用。
    • 塑造积极的生活方式。
    • 描述激励员工和家庭健身的策略和资源。




    提倡积极的生活方式in the Program




    Whether you realize it or not, you are a role model for staff members and families. Your actions and behaviors make a difference. Think about the messages staff members receive from you. Do they know that you value their health and wellness? Do they know that you value your own health and wellness?

    This can be a difficult question. Many Americans are not as fit as they would like to be. Perhaps you struggle to find time to go for a walk, or your hectic days leave you with no time to make a healthy dinner in the evening. You and staff members share the same struggles. You can take a first step toward helping staff members know your program prioritizes wellness. Walk down the hallway to talk to someone instead of sending an email. Bring in fresh fruit for staff appreciation instead of doughnuts. Organize an evening or morning walking club that meets outside of business hours. Encourage staff members to take walks on their breaks, and you should do the same. Talk about swinging by the gym on the way home, and invite someone to go with you.


    • 识别并重新引导消极或不准确的想法。如果你无意中听到一个孩子或工作人员说他或她自己愚蠢或取笑他或她自己的外表,帮助重定向负面评论。专注于积极的事情,或者帮助设定目标。例如,如果一个孩子因为理解数学作业有困难而感到沮丧,那么解释一下,孩子必须努力学习才能理解作业的内容,而且某些概念对每个人来说并不总是那么容易。一起解决问题,并在需要时提供辅导帮助和资源。
    • 给予适当的表扬:每天努力表彰工作人员和儿童。有一个为他们感到骄傲并相信他们的成年人,对那些有自尊问题的孩子来说,意味着一个不同的世界。它也能为你的员工带来改变。每天观察,这样你就可以称赞一副新眼镜或一个新发型。观察并注意某人工作的努力程度或最近的成功。当孩子们在踢足球或做项目时给予鼓励。对做得好的工作表示称赞。
    • 讨论验收:公开讨论如何接受你自己。帮助儿童和工作人员了解他们不能改变自己的特征或特征之间的区别,例如他们的鞋码或种族,以及他们可以改变的特征,例如达到健康体重或提高运动技能。








    • 在办公室里放几个大的平衡球。当你开会时,鼓励员工坐在这些椅子上而不是椅子上。
    • Have walking meetings when appropriate. Take a lap around the outside of the facility while talking to staff members about your latest observation.
    • 在你的办公室门上方张贴一些愚蠢的或鼓励性的东西,鼓励员工出去时伸手去摸。
    • 在会议开始和结束时做一些伸展运动或呼吸练习。
    • 比赛看谁能把车停在离大楼最远的地方(安全)。
    • 鼓励员工佩戴计步器,并跟踪他们在工作中采取的步骤。有职场挑战。
    • Participate in community events as a staff. There are 5K walks nearly every weekend in many locations around the country. You can get involved in walk-a-thons, jump-rope marathons, or dance marathons.
    • When school-age programs take active field trips, get involved. Make sure staff members know they are expected to be participating with the children as part of active supervision. Bring your swimsuit when the group goes to the pool!
    • 让每个人都参与进来。如果你的程序有PA系统,每天都有一个“运动分钟”。宣布一个有趣或愚蠢的运动,每个人都应该做,无论他们在哪里。
    • 在接下来的30天里,使用“探索”部分的活动来头脑风暴一些有趣或愚蠢的方法,你可以将运动融入你的工作场所。你会惊讶地发现运动很快就变成了一种习惯。

    提倡积极的生活方式at Home and in the Community



    The first step in promoting a physical lifestyle is to let families know what is going on in your program. Then help them get involved. If you have a bike club, can you organize a family ride on the weekend? If the children have started a walking challenge, can families add their data to the challenge? Invite families on active field trips. Model for them how to get involved and have fun while staying active.




    激励的关键是感受到你的努力所给予的支持和回报。当体育活动是你的项目文化的一部分时,工作人员会被激励参与。通过创造日常活动的机会,培养员工的积极性和参与性。继续探索Healthy Kids, Healthy Future网站 ideas about building momentum for movement in your program. Start by creating a sense of fun and excitement. Talk to local businesses or gyms about whether they would donate items to help motivate staff, families, or children: a free pass to the gym or pool, a kettlebell, a yoga mat, a T-shirt, or a water bottle could all help motivate staff, children, or families to keep going. In the previous lesson, you watched a video about the空军配合系数program. This type of program, in which children track their activity, can be a great model for your program. How can you help children, families and staff members be aware of their activity levels? Sometimes the simple act of tracking your activities can be motivating. Learn from others in your community and outside of it, and you will do your best to help develop a program that promotes healthy lifestyles for all.



    Physical activity is easiest if you make it part of your lifestyle and your program’s culture. This does not always come easily, and it can be hard to fit physical activity into busy days. Planning ahead is the solution. Take the time now to think of 30 days of simple physical activities that your program can promote as an organization: families, staff and children all participate!





    This resource addresses five best practices around the topics of physical activity, screen time, food, beverages, and infant feeding, along with ways to overcome common challenges that prevent implementation of recommended best practices. For example, concerning the best practice around adequate daily physical activity, the technical manual offers suggestions to overcome these common challenges:

    • 不确定如何促进体育锻炼(第3页)
    • Lack of space (p. 4)
    • 认为孩子们已经很活跃了,不需要帮助就可以活跃起来(第5页)
    • 坏天气(第6页)
    • 照顾残疾儿童(第6页)
    • 缺乏时间(第8页)
    • 挑剔的婴儿(第9页)
    • 不确定如何让肚子时间更有效率(第9页)






    Your program recently conducted Family Night—A Night of Wellness. Resources were shared with families about how to engage in an active lifestyle at home. A parent who was unable to attend asks you to share some of those ideas. Which of the following ideas would encourage this parent to participate in an active lifestyle at home?




    Action for Healthy Kids. (2019). Game on activity library.

    健康儿童行动。(2019). 提示单:课前和课后活动。

    疾病控制和预防中心。(2011). 体育活动与健康。检索自

    儿童保育意识。(2020). 卫生资源和链接。检索自

    军事家庭准备信息交换所。(2018). 肥胖预防资源中心。州立学院:宾夕法尼亚州立大学。检索自肥胖预防/

    儿童保育延伸网络。(2012). 儿童保育中的营养和体育活动。

    Let’s Move! (2014).

    尼莫基金会。(2020). 健康的孩子,健康的未来。检索自

    Sanders, S. W. (2002).终身活动:适合幼儿发展的运动项目。华盛顿特区:全国幼儿教育协会。

    芝麻作坊。(2014). 芝麻街:健康的生活习惯。检索自

