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- 为出生到12岁的儿童描述体育发展。
- Describe factors that affect growth and strategies for supporting all learners.
- 帮助员工识别和应对每一个我ndividual child’s development.
- 观察工作人员并提供有关他们对发展的理解的反馈。
这U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed resources you can use to share information about typical developmental milestones. According to the CDC, you can expect milestones to occur at roughly predictable times. The Apply section has a document you can use that lists developmental milestones from birth through school age.
Every child is unique in their pattern of growth and development. Growth and development is influenced by a variety of factors. Environmental characteristics and experiences can influence development in a positive or negative way. Some of the factors that can have a negative influence on development include:
- 营养不良
- Lack of access to active spaces or experiences
- 失能
- 医疗问题,疾病或药物
In some cases, culture can also influence a child’s growth. For example, in some cultures infants are not placed on the floor because floors are not considered safe spaces for infants. This may affect the amount of time an infant spends stretching, reaching, rolling and crawling. In other cultures, physical activity may be influenced by gender roles. For example, school-age girls may be discouraged from participating in active sports or rough play.
Supporting All Learners: Understanding Individual Differences
您的计划有责任为所有儿童提供服务。这包括有和没有确定特殊需求的儿童。物理发展有很多个性的变化。有些孩子似乎是出生的运动员。其他孩子以较慢的节奏发展他们的身体。对于具有鉴定残疾的儿童,这也是如此。有助于工作人员了解每个孩子的能力是重要的,无论诊断如何。还必须记住,每个残疾的孩子都不同。有些孩子可能有身体残疾,并且通常在其他域中发展。两个具有相同鉴定残疾的儿童可能具有截然不同的需求。 Consider these examples:
- Jessica和Michael都使用轮椅进行移动。Michael通常在认知和社交领域开发。他从他的同龄人开始篮球比赛,并在椅子上迅速上下移动。杰西卡正在学习在她的轮yabo电子游艺椅上推动自己。她很容易累,更喜欢被推动。
- Spencer and Amy both have Down Syndrome. Spencer has global developmental delays, and his fine- and gross-motor skills are affected. At 1 year old, he does not crawl or move independently. Amy, also 1 year old, has been walking since she was 10 months old and climbs every piece of furniture she can find.
- 奥斯汀和贾姆尔都对自闭症谱进行了诊断。奥斯汀是一名10岁的患者综合征。他有延迟社交技能,但他擅长精细和毛的技能。他喜欢跑步,往往会在操场上跑步而不是与同龄人一起玩耍。贾马尔被诊断出患有自闭症,并以精细且粗略的技能斗争。他更喜欢静静地坐着并分开物体。
While these are only three examples, they begin to represent the range of experiences you might see in your program. Familiarize yourself with your program’s or service’s policy on inclusion and help staff understand their responsibilities to get to know the whole child. If children in your program use any type of supportive devices, ensure that staff members are trained on how to use these devices appropriately.
In the next lesson, you will learn more about helping staff use strategies that promote development. For now, consider the different ways you can collaborate with others in your community to promote knowledge of physical development. Consider working with a local nurse, pediatrician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, physical education teacher, or adapted physical education teacher to offer trainings or workshops.
Helping Staff Become Aware of Physical Development Alerts
Share the CDC developmental milestones guidelines with staff members and families. These reader-friendly pieces can help staff members feel comfortable and knowledgeable about development. Many of the guides, particularly those for children up to 5 years old, contain advice about when families should talk to a pediatrician about their child’s development. The guides can help empower families and prevent unnecessary worry about a child’s development. These guides can help adults become aware of potential problems and to act early. Refer to the guides yourself when questions arise about development and make sure staff members know what to do when a concern arises about a child’s development. They should always talk to you first. You can provide resources and perspectives on long-term development. You can also help make connections with other professionals who can help.
要创建一个更包容的环境并支持所有学习者,您必须先模范包容性态度。您的设施符合美国残疾人法案,所以在最低的儿童和家庭,具有各种身体需求的家庭可以访问您的建筑物。但是,您必须超越访问权限。确保所有儿童和家庭都感到欢迎和涉及。考虑在您的计划中提供的经验,并帮助员工头脑风暴可能的修改和适应。这Kids Included Together程序可以是思想的宝贵资源。对于幼儿,你也可以考虑Building BlocksandCARA’s Kit. These resources from the Council for Exceptional Children Division for Early Childhood provide practical ways to help children succeed in their environments. When a child with identified special needs enters your program, work with thePUBLIC计划管理员和/或残疾专家to make sure you and the staff members know how to support the child’s physical development. You can be a resource for brainstorming and for providing materials. Consider these quick and easy adaptations:
Identified Need:
- 粘贴魔术贴带到球的条带,使其更容易掌握
- Create your own ball out of crumpled paper wrapped in masking tape.
- 使用海滩球。
- Use a scarf for throwing and catching.
Identified Need:
- Slightly deflate the ball to make it easier to catch or kick.
- Use a larger ball.
- Play on a surface such as grass or carpet that provides some friction for the ball.
Identified Need:
- 购买或用钟声购买球,所以有视力障碍的儿童可以参加。
- 使用鲜艳的材料。
Clearly, observation is an important part of promoting physical development. You must ensure that staff members know typical developmental milestones, use appropriate curricula and programming, and watch children in action. Let’s consider a few examples.
Use the menu at the left or the pager below to cycle through scenarios
设想 |
留在观看Carlie works in an infant room (6 weeks to 6 months). Like all staff in infant rooms, Carlie is often busy changing diapers, making bottles, and soothing babies. While observing in the room, you have noticed that Carlie seems to treat floor time like a break for herself. When a child is laying on a mat, she sits nearby. However, she seems to attend to the other children. She uses the time to feed another infant, move toys around, etc. She does not seem to interact with the infant who is laying on his back or tummy. |
You Say |
你做 |
Meet with the team
设想 |
舒适Carlie,珍珠和乔西在一个婴儿房间工作。在你最后几个教室访问期间,您已经注意到Britta(3个月)总是在坐下来。您的访问一直在不同的时间。当你在上次访问期间提出移动她时,卡莉说:“你可以尝试,但我打赌她会尖叫。那座座位是她的安全毯。“ |
You Say |
你做 |
Monitor the situation
设想 |
SafetyFelicia是幼儿房(2年)的领先优势。她爱上了课堂上的孩子,她的热情是传染性的。她的课程计划始终合适,您可以与她享受汇报会议,因为她对她的想法和孩子们如此热情地谈话。您总是希望在她的房间里享受您的观察,但最近你已经离开了每次都会强调的房间。什么费西娅称之为“选择”和“运动自由”,你可能会致电混乱。在你上次的观察期间,两个孩子在房间周围跑的圈子里碰撞。你甚至听到Felicia赞美两个幼儿,因为他们站在一张桌子上时。你知道幼儿需要活跃,但这个课堂似乎没有安全。 |
You Say |
Say to Felicia:
你做 |
设想 |
确保优先事项Hendricks在学龄前儿间工作。亚慱彩票他班上的许多孩子都将在秋天幼儿园去幼儿园。亨德里克斯的儿子在二年级,所以他对当地学区非常熟悉。他定期谈论幼儿园是一个“不同的世界”,需要让孩子们准备长期群,座位工作,以及现代幼儿园的要求。随着春天开始,Hendricks的课堂变化。他正在让孩子们坐在地毯上或长时间的桌子上。他似乎在户外令人沮丧的活动。 |
You Say |
Say to Hendricks:
你做 |
设想 |
合作与竞争力玛丽亚在学龄计划中工作。她在当地大学团队中扮演足球,是竞争力的。她似乎更愿意与该计划的运动儿童合作。她鼓励他们的能力,但她似乎阻止了较为活跃的孩子参与积极戏剧。她结构竞争匹配。她迅速放弃了在课程计划上写的合作游戏,并快速适应使游戏具有竞争力和“更有趣”。 |
You Say |
你做 |
Some staff members might need some extra support with applying what they have learned in their own courses. This activity is designed to help staff members articulate the value of physical activity and to help them reflect on the physical development that they will see at different stages. Use theThinking About Development与团队或个人工作人员的活动。鼓励他们在他们的节目空间中张贴工作或与同事分享。
学期 | Description |
发展延误 | 可能会怀疑当孩子不符合发展的mental milestones at the expected times; delays can occur in any area of development |
Developmental milestones | A set of skills or behaviors that most children can do at a certain age range |
Developmental screening | A tool used to help identify children who are not developing as expected and who may need supports; screening can be completed by pediatricians, teachers or others who know both the child and child development well |
Carlson, F. (2013).Big Body Play:为什么喧闹,充满活力,非常实物的发挥对于儿童的发展和学习至关重要yabo电子游艺. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
莱文,D。(2013)。Beyond Remote-Controlled Childhood: Teaching young children in the media age. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Milbourne, S. A., & Campbell, P. H. (2012). CARA's Kit: Creating Adaptations for Routines and Activities. Division for Early Childhood.https://www.naeyc.org/search/cara%27s%20kit
Sanders, S. W. (2002).活跃于生命:幼儿的发展适当的运动计划。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.