- 教导员工适应环境的重要性,以满足残疾儿童的需要,并教导员工这样做的策略。
- Model strategies for working with children with dis/abilities.
- 观察并提供有关环境如何支持残疾儿童的反馈。
- 帮助工作人员收集信息并确定孩子的需求。你可以在教室或节目中观察。关注孩子如何与材料、成人和同龄人互动。帮助员工注意孩子的优点和潜在障碍。与家人谈论孩子以前的经历。
- 头脑风暴策略。确保您和员工熟悉儿童个性化教育计划(IEP)或个性化家庭服务计划(IFSP)。使用您收集的信息来确定孩子在您的计划中需要支持的时间。利用孩子的力量。帮助员工想办法满足孩子的需要。
- 制定战略。支持员工尝试新想法。提供反馈,建立战略模型,并讨论实施。
- 评估这些策略是如何运作的并做出改变。
Start the process by having an information-sharing meeting to learn about the child. Model inclusiveness and problem solving by asking questions. Here are questions to ask:
- 你已经试过什么了?
- What worked? Why do you think it worked? What made that strategy work?
- 什么不起作用?为什么不?为什么这个策略让它失败了?
- What does the child like? What are his or her favorite times of day? Favorite songs, books, activities, people?
- 孩子不喜欢什么?她或他避免什么活动、人、地方?
- 你对这个孩子最关心的是什么?
- 你认为哪一个改变会对这个孩子产生最大的影响?
同时,模型和孩子的家庭都一起工作her information and collaborate on next steps. You can ask staff members to observe your conversations with families or role-play with staff members so they feel prepared to have conversations directly with families. Model communication with families by asking questions such as:
- 在家里,什么样的支持或策略能帮助你的孩子?
- 你的孩子在家里什么地方工作或玩耍最好?他或她最喜欢什么空间?
- What spaces at home does your child seem to dislike? Are there any spaces that seem difficult for your child to navigate or work successfully in?
- Are there particular triggers or challenges we should be aware of? When or where do you notice your child seems to struggle the most?
- 如果您的孩子正在使用任何自适应设备(牙套、助行器、通讯设备),您是否愿意到我们的教室或节目中来和孩子们谈谈?
You can also model sharing what you and other staff members have observed in your program, your research, and what your initial plans are. When modeling, make sure you highlight for families the parts of the environment that the child seems to enjoy or work well in as well as the areas where he or she is struggling. Share with them the ways you have worked together as a staff to draft a plan, but also invite families to share their ideas and suggestions. Confirm that they are comfortable with the environmental modifications you wish to implement and then set a time when you will report back how things are working.
After the meeting, spend some time carefully observing the child. It is best to be transparent about when, what, and how you will observe. Let the staff members know what time you will visit, how long you will stay, and how often you think you will come back to observe the child. Make clear that you are observing the child interacting with his or her environment; this observation is not a performance evaluation or classroom inspection. Your goal is to help the staff members and the child. Talk with the staff members about whether you will be sitting back and taking notes, working with the child, or trying out ideas. Let the staff members see any observation tools you choose to use.
When you conduct observations, make sure you allow plenty of time to see the child in a variety of settings. You want to see:
- Settings in which the child is always successful
- Settings or activities the child likes
- 孩子挣扎的环境或活动
- 孩子不喜欢的环境或活动
Use the action-planning tool in the Apply section to help the team decide how to put their ideas in action. Action planning is an important, and often forgotten, strategy. It does not need to be formal or complicated. Here's a sample of another way to write an action plan:
行动Steps | 责任人 | Timeline |
为Britt创建一个选择板。列出程序中可用的选项。使用图片和文字。 |
Pam (coach) |
11月18日星期一之前 |
创建一个时间表或计划器,让Britt从选择板中提取图片/文字,并创建自己的计划。 |
帕姆会带来计划员/时间表。Pam将在第一天示范如何使用它 |
模特周11/18;迪伦开始使用与布里特那一周 |
启动同伴伙伴计划。确定布里特的3个朋友同意参加这个项目。教他们帮助布里特制定计划,然后坚持至少一次过渡。 |
Dylan (Staff) will ask Britt who her friends are and talk to them about program. |
11月28日开始一周 |
Once the plan is written, do your part to help the team make the changes they planned. As a trainer or coach, you may be responsible for finding materials, locating resources, or modeling a strategy with the child.
Conduct regular observations and meet with the team to make sure problems are being solved. Be sure to celebrate successes! Also, remember to make sure there is constant communication with the child’s family, either by helping to facilitate conversations with the family, or by confirming that staff members are regularly updating children’s families.
Use the适应环境在观看以下视频时,集思广益地讨论如何为员工提供支持,视频突出显示了一个节目中的各种片段。完成后,将您的答案与建议的答案进行比较。
Use the following tools to help you design and deliver environmental supports for children. Use the儿童和青年观察矩阵和行动计划表观察特定儿童和支持人员,为儿童设计和提供环境支持。使用调整学习环境最佳实践清单yabo电子游艺作为一个重点观察工具,支持已完成学习环境课程,但可能需要额外支持或后续创建支持所有儿童的学习环境的员工。这个检查表提供了一个简单的方法来跟进围yabo电子游艺绕这个主题设定的目标,还向员工提供了关于您观察到的内容的具体反馈。
应用特殊技术中心。(2011). 通用学习设计指南2.0版。韦克菲尔德,妈。yabo电子游艺
幼儿学习与知识中心。(2020)yabo电子游艺. 特别探索:儿童早期包涵材料。华盛顿特区:开始吧。检索自https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest/preschool-inclusion-series
Grisham Brown,J.、Hemmeter,M.L.和Pretti Frontczak,K.(2005年)。在包容性环境中教幼儿的混合实践。马里兰州巴尔的摩:布鲁克斯出版公司。
Head Start Center for Inclusion Retrieved fromhttp://headstartplusion.org/
Kids Included Together Retrieved fromhttps://www.kit.org/
Milbourne,S.,&Campbell,P.(2007年)。卡拉的装备(consultant’s version): Creating adaptive routines and activities.Missoula, MT: Division for Early Childhood.
National Inclusion Project. Let’s ALL Play: Inclusion in Recreation Programs. Retrieved fromhttps://www.inclusionproject.org/lets-all-play/
Snow, K. Disability is Natural. San Antonio: BraveHeart Press. Retrieved fromhttp://www.disabilityissnatural.com/