
    • 描述部署对儿童和家庭的各种影响。
    • 描述您可以使用以前,期间和之后的员工来支持员工的策略。
    • Provide support and resources to families related to mental health and well-being.




    Children experience a range of emotions, and those emotions are amplified when a family experiences a major change like deployment, death, divorce, separation, relocation, or job loss. You and your staff will likely work with children whose families experience these types of stressful events. These events mark an important time in the life of a child and their family. Each family handles stress differently, and each child will have unique needs. Nevertheless, you can use specific strategies to help staff members support children. It is your job to make sure staff members are competent and confident in their ability to support the mental health of children and youth.

    First, you can introduce staff members to the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework. This framework is designed to prevent child abuse and neglect, but it is also an excellent way to approach your work with all families. When we strengthen families, we support the mental health of children. This framework focuses on strengths and promotes overall well-being. While it is beyond the scope of this lesson to completely explain the Protective Factors framework, but you can learn more by visitinghttps://cssp.org/resource/about-strengthening-families-and-the-protective-factors-framework/。目前,您可以教授有五个保护因素,他们可以帮助所有家庭的支持:

    By the Center for the Study of Social Policy(图1)

    1. 父母的适应力

      Families are able to manage stress and bounce back from challenges.

    2. 对儿童发展和养育的知识


    3. 社会关系


    4. Concrete Supports in Times of Need

      Families can get the help they need when crises strike: food and shelter, medical and mental health services, social, legal, and educational resources.

    5. 儿童的社会和情感能力


    You can learn more about the Protective Factors Framework by visiting

    For the purposes of this lesson, we will focus on resilience. This is the ability to manage stress and bounce back from challenges. It is important for adults and children alike. Dr. Kenneth Ginsberg has written extensively about how to develop and model resiliency to support military youth. Watch this video about his discussion of the "7 C's" that help children positively cope with the challenges of military life:http://www.fosteringresilience.com/videos.php.。You can also read more about the "7 C's" for building resiliency in the Learn resource below, from the International Youth Foundation's,7 CS:弹性的基本构造块



    • 第一阶段-预计出发
    • Stage 2 — Detachment and Withdrawal
    • Stage 3 — Emotional Disorganization
    • 第4阶段-恢复和稳定
    • Stage 5 — Anticipation of Return
    • Stage 6 — Return Adjustment and Renegotiation
    • 第7阶段 - 重新融入和稳定

    Figure 1. Emotional Cycles of Deployment. Adapted from Morse (n.d.) and Pincus, House, Christenson, & Adler (2001).



    As a coach or trainer, you need to stay connected to the mental health needs of the children and families in your program. Make sure you know which families are experiencing deployments, divorce, relocation, grief, job loss, moving houses, adding a new family member or any other major change. Create opportunities for these families to connect with one another informally or through support networks on or near your installation. Also keep in mind that many of your staff members may experience similar life events. Listen to their concerns and help them find proactive ways to handle their stress.

    模型一个富有同情心的、解决问题的方法。let staff members know that you are there to listen any time they need to talk. And make yourself available to families. Although they will probably build the strongest relationships with the staff members who work directly with their children, you can also be a strong supportive resource for families. Advocate for initiatives that will help your program support children, families, and staff through difficult times. For example, watch this video demonstrating how one program helps bridge the distance between deployed service members and their children.





    Scenario You might say…


    "LaShorage, I know you're hurting right now. I'm here to talk any time you need me. Let's take it slow. It might help to remember the kids in your class have these same feelings. You can help each other learn to talk about it …"




    "Stacey, can you share some of your experiences and approaches with the other teachers? I think we can all learn from you and the way you connect."





    当工作人员准备就绪时,使用Mental Health Best PracticesChecklistin the Apply section to observe these competencies in staff and family child care providers. Provide feedback about what you see, and be prepared to support staff members and family child care providers as they meet the mental health needs of children and families.



    您必须熟悉与儿童心理健康相关的资源,尤其是与部署相关的资源。花点时间浏览下面的资源。使用Mental Health Resource Sheetand write down the resources you find. Use the two-page支持ing Children Who Are Experiencing Stress从儿童保育意识到更好的支持工作人员谁与儿童经历焦虑。

    Think about ways you can share these resources with staff. You can also consider how these resources could be used to support children in families experiencing other kinds of separation such as long-term illness, incarceration, or frequent travel.



    It is important to continuously observe staff members’ performance and provide feedback on what you see. Use theMental Health Best Practices Checklistas a focused observation tool to support staff that have completed the Healthy Environments course but may need additional support or follow up on supporting children and families experiencing stress. This checklist provides an easy way to follow up on goals set around this topic and provides specific feedback to staff members about what you observed.



    Term 说明
    Deployment 把部队或物资转移到所需的作战区域。军人家属可以根据需要迁往战区或者其他地区
    Fleet and Family Service A Navy program which supports individual and family readiness
    MFLC公司 The Military Family Life Consultant program helps families get the support they need




    Finish this statement: Parental resilience, knowledge of child development and parenting, social connections, concrete supports in times of need, and social and emotional competence of children are…




    Your community is celebrating the return of a large group of service members from a lengthy deployment. Which of the following isnot你的项目可以做些什么来支持孩子和家庭?


    Beardslee, W. R., Avery, M. W., Ayoub, C. C., & Watts, C. L., (2008). Family Connections Project at Children’s Hospital Boston. Fostering Resilience in Families Coping with Depression: Practical Ways Head Start staff Can Help Families Build on Their Power to Cope.https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/fostering-resilience.pdf

    社会政策研究中心(2018).加强家庭保护因素框架。Resources athttps://cssp.org/our-work/project/strengthening-families/

    Gewirtz, A. H., & In Youssef, A. M. (2016). Parenting and children's resilience in military families. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

    Ginsburg, K., & Jarlow, M. M. (2014).Building resilience in children and teens: Giving kids roots and wings (3rd版)。American Academy of Pediatrics. More information available at:http://www.fosteringresilience.com/index_parents.php

    Huebner C.R.(2019)。美国军人家庭儿童的健康状况。AAP部分关于制服服务,AAP委员会儿童和家庭健康的心理社会方面。儿科。143(1)。http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/143/1/e20183258.full.pdf

    Morse, M. D. (n.d.).近距离观察当前状况:重新审视部署的情感周期。http://suttutht.networkofcare.org/veterans/library/article.aspx?id=2127

    Pincus, S. H., House, R., Christenson, J., & Adler, L. E. (2001).The Emotional Cycles of Deployment: A Military Family Perspective.https://www.military.com/spouse/military-deployment/dealing-with-deployment/emotional-cycle-of-deployment-military-family.html


    ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. (n.d.).聚在军人家庭周围(CTAMF)).www.zerotothree.org/about-us/funded-projects/military-families