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- 教学人员如何识别家庭的优势和需求。
- 为如何在社区中找到资源的家庭提供信息。
- Develop resources to strengthen families in your program.
- Acknowledge circumstances affecting military families.
- 描述支持和加强军事家庭的战略。
由社会政策研究中心(Figure 1)
Parental Resilience
Knowledge of Child Development and Parenting
社交and emotional development promotes healthy relationships with others. Children with strong relationships, who can regulate their own behavior, express their emotions, and relate to others, are at lower risk of maltreatment.
Families everywhere go through times in their lives when they need help accessing information to help navigate their circumstances. You may be just the person they come to for help! A family member may have a question or concern, and you may be asked to provide information, suggestions, or recommendations about a variety of topics, such as child development, challenging behavior, literacy, in- and out-of-school activities, community connections, healthcare providers, and so forth. Sometimes you may have answers and sometimes you may have to search for answers. Above all, if a family member shares a need or concern with you, respect his or her privacy.
家庭需要的资源可能范围从informational books to health-care services to family support groups. The first step in providing resources to families is to know what a family needs. Some family members may ask you or staff members directly about resources; however, staff members should be aware that some families have needs although they do not share them. There are many reasons a family might not share their needs, for example pride or embarrassment might make them hesitant to talk. To ensure all families are aware of these resources, use a universal education approach. This means you let all families know about community resources, not just those who appear to be at risk of needing help. In addition to a universal education approach, discuss using universal screening tools with your program administrator. One widely-available and free tool is the Protective Factors Survey, 2nd edition (PFS-2). Though the PFS-2 was created to prevent child abuse and neglect, it also provides you a snapshot of your program's families, changes in family protective factors, and areas where staff can focus on increasing individual family protective factors. You can learn more about the PFS-2 in the References & Resources section. Below is a list of potential resources that families might need information about:
- 社区联络或家庭倡导者
- 医疗保健机构
- 政府福利(例如,社会保障,食品券)
- Books with information about a specific topic (e.g., toilet training)
- 育儿研讨会和培训
- Local school districts
- 地方特殊教育服务
- Child care
- 养育热线
A second step in helping teams to provide information to families is learning how to locate it. The Internet is often a great place to start, and some helpful websites are:
- 父母到父母 -www.p2pusa.org.
- Beach Center on Disability -https://beachcenter.lsi.ku.edu/beach-families
- National Parent Helpline -http://www.nationalparenthelpline.org/
- 家庭支持服务-https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/supporting/support-services/
有些家庭更喜欢依赖寡糖r own resources than outsiders for help. Although staff members might be aware of a family’s need, the family might not be willing to accept help. Respecting cultural and family differences is extremely important. Although it might take time, building a strong relationship with classroom members can help the family to be open to suggestions.
这个探索exercise will give you practice thinking about real-world scenarios and resources that might support your families.
- 孩子对他们曾经享受的活动似乎不太感兴趣
- 孩子有困难:
- 加入一组
- 亲爱的
- 处理他人
- 回应失败或成功
- Signs of depression
- Child seems uncommunicative
- 孩子似乎撤回或安静
- Child becomes more dependent and shows signs of regressing to young, childlike behaviors
- 普遍的不尊重或反抗权威
- 爆发
- 发脾气
- 积极的行为
- 撒谎,偷窃,欺骗
- 学业或成绩的变化
- Child seems unable to focus
- 外观上的剧烈变化
- Drastic changes in eating habits
Signs of Stress
- 疼痛和痛苦(头痛,颈部或背部疼痛等)
- 失眠
- Fatigue
- 更多的感冒或疾病
- 心跳加速
- Irritability
- 注意力不集中
- 愤怒
- Short temper
- 增加酒精或吸毒
- 比平常更多或少吃
- Overeating “comfort foods”
当你看到自己或他人有压力的迹象时,采取行动。阅读this article并思考如何帮助其他成年人在工作中遵循以下建议:
当您认为对您的要求 - 如工作,学校或关系 - 超出您的应对时,会发生压力。一些压力有时可以有益,产生提升,提供驱动器和能量,以帮助人们通过考试或工作截止日期等地位。然而,极端的压力可以具有健康后果,影响免疫,心血管和神经内分泌和中枢神经系统,并采取严重的情绪损失。
Untreated chronic stress can result in serious health conditions including anxiety, insomnia, muscle pain, high blood pressure and a weakened immune system. Research shows that stress can contribute to the development of major illnesses, such as heart disease, depression and obesity.
但通过寻找积极的,健康的方法来管理压力,可以减少许多这些负面健康后果。每个人都不同,他们选择的方式也是如此。有些人更喜欢追求爱好 - 园艺,演奏音乐,创造艺术,而其他人则在更加孤独的活动中找到救济,如冥想,瑜伽和走路。
Here are five healthy techniques that psychological research has shown to help reduce stress in the short- and long-term.
锻炼。这项研究保持不断增长 - 锻炼和身体的思想效益。我们一直听证着常规运动常规的长期效益。但甚至有20分钟的步行,跑步,游泳或舞蹈会议在一个压力时间中可以立即产生持续数小时的立即效果。
Get social support.打电话给朋友,发邮件。当你和别人分享你的担忧或感受时,这确实有助于减轻压力。但重要的是,与你交谈的人是一个你信任的人,一个你觉得能理解和验证你的人。例如,如果你的家庭是一个压力源,那么如果你和他们中的一个分担你的工作烦恼,你的压力可能不会减轻。
You can also support staff as they develop and implement family education and outreach events. Make sure staff members use their knowledge of families to plan these events. The most meaningful family education events are provided “just in time” when families need the information. For example, a teacher of young infants would be unsuccessful planning a family education event about toilet training. The families of young infants would not need that information, or they might become overwhelmed. Likewise, a staff member in the school-age program should plan events around topics that are likely to be meaningful to families. Topics might include bullying, friendship, chores, etc.
- 这些信息是否立即用于参加的大多数家庭?
- 信息是适合参加的家庭的孩子吗?
- Have families requested information about this topic?
- Have you heard families talking about this issue?
- 您是否知道或认为这些家庭的儿童正在经历这个问题(即,咬,厕所训练,约会,药物使用等)?
- Is the issue directly affecting families in the program (i.e., downsizing, deployment, economic concerns, etc.)?
Military life is not all about challenges, though. Military families have a variety of supports that you can help families maximize. Military families are often part of a strong military community. They may live on an installation with other military families, and they may have a group of friends in similar circumstances. They also have access to health-care, mental-health, and advocacy resources through their service or installation. These can be valuable assets for families. Finally, they have access to you — military child care. You understand the families’ contexts and can be a valuable source of social support.
During deployment, many changes occur within the family which children and youth may not fully understand. Learning about deployment is often stressful for military families, and there is not always the hoped-for time to plan, organize or work through the strong emotions involved. Children and youth can struggle with feelings of confusion, fear, sadness and loss. Young children are just as likely to experience these emotions as older children, although they might be unable to verbally express their feelings.
Staff members can support families by listening and learning about the ways they are supporting their children through this transition. Staff members can also encourage additional communication and engagement between children and their families. Caring adults can help children by providing words to the emotions surrounding the experience, such as, “I know you are sad and wish Mom was going to be able to stay home with you. Mom loves you. While she’s away, Aunt Karina is going to take care of you and keep you safe. You are safe and loved.”
Families anxiously await the return of loved ones from deployment. While viewed as a long-awaited and happy occasion, returning home can also bring about anxious feelings and difficulties. Families and caregivers established and maintained daily routines that did not include the deployed family member. The parent returning home may have had experiences that changed her or him in some ways. Helping families prepare for and maintain connection in the return home is just as important as it is to plan for departure. Children and youth will need an opportunity to continue to feel safe and to adjust to the return of a loved one.
- Help a family to be realistic in their expectations of themselves and of each other.
- 提供有关在部署之前,期间和之后可以期待的信息,认识到每个孩子的响应在年龄,发育阶段和气质的基础上可能不同。
- 就返回和团聚的挑战向家庭提供持续的讨论和支持。
- 请记住,家庭 - 即使是那些经验的人 - 并不总是有他们需要的信息和支持。
学期 | 描述 |
部署 | Movement of armed forces and their logistical support infrastructure around the world. Deployment may cause families to be separated for extended periods of time |
授权 | 这个feeling a person has when he or she has the skills to do what he or she needs to do well |
贷款图书馆 | 一个人可以找到和借用对他们有所帮助的资源的地方 |
PCSing | “永久变化的车站永久变化”的缩写。当服务成员从一个值班站移动到另一个工作岗位时使用 |
资源 | Materials, such as books, DVDS and handouts that have helpful information |
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National Military Family Association. (2006).关于部署周期的报告:2005年4月至9月的调查答复分析。Alexandria, VA: Author.
儿童及家庭管理局幼儿发展局副助理局长办公室(2017). 家庭支持性住房的幼儿自我评估工具。华盛顿特区:美国卫生与公共服务部。
Pawl, J. H., & Dombro, A. L. (2001).yabo电子游艺与家庭一起学习和成长:与父母合作支持幼儿发展。华盛顿特区:零点到三点:婴幼儿和家庭中心。
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. U.S. Department of Education. (2016). Policy Statement on Meeting the Needs of Families with Young Children Experiencing and At Risk Homelessness. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.https://www.researchconnections.org/childcare/resources/33125/pdf.
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