Remember that each school-age program is different. Consult with your trainer, coach, or administrator regarding the expectations of your program.
As discussed in the lesson, you can also talk with school-age children and youth to make schedule choices together. Do not be afraid to change the flow of the schedule, test it out, and then check back in with the children and youth, their families, and your staff to see how it’s working.
Below are some examples of developmentally appropriate schedules for school-age programs. Please note the time blocks here are guides; remember you want to offer consistent routines, but also be flexible.
Before School Care
- 6:00-7:30: Arrival (e.g., sign-in, put away belongings, wash hands)
Indoor free choice with different planned activities available
Open snack available as an option (each child and youth is asked) - 7:30-7:45: Gather belongings, dress for weather, transition to bus or vans
After School Care
- 2:45-3:00: Arrival (e.g., sign-in, put away belongings, wash hands)
- 3:00-3:30: Outdoor play (free choice with some planned activities available)
- 3:30-3:45: Wash hands during transition in from outside
Class meeting to share activities of the day; children may share progress on particular projects - 3:45-4:45: Indoor free choice time (open snack offered during this time and a few small-group planned activities)
- 4:45-4:55: Clean-up, leaving two open activity areas for the end of the day
- 4:55 -5:30: Outdoor play (free choice)
- 5:30-6:00: Wash hands during transition in from outside
Two free-choice options available
Child pick-up, clean-up as children leave
Extended Care and Summer Care Programs
- 7:00-8:30: Arrival (e.g., sign-in, put away belongings, wash hands)
Indoor free choice with different planned activities available
Open snack available as an option (each child and youth is asked) - 8:30-8:45: Morning group time
Class meeting to share activities of the day; children may share progress on particular projects - 8:45-9:45: Indoor free choice time
Also planned small-group activities, projects - 9:45-10:00: Clean-up, transition to outside
- 10:00-11:00: Outdoor play (free choice with some planned activities available)
- 11:00-11:15: Transition inside, wash hands, gather lunch
- 11:15-12:00: Lunch
- 12:00-12:45: Quiet activities (e.g., silent reading, small-group reading, quiet art projects, and math games)
- 12:45-2:00: Outdoor play (free choice with some planned activities)
- 2:00-2:15: Transition from inside, wash hands
- 2:15-4:00: Indoor free choice with several planned activities; also planned small-group time with projects
Activity to help make snack
Open snack offered from 3-4 - 4:00-4:15: Clean-up, leaving two open activities for the end of the day
- 4:15-5:30: Outdoor play (free choice)
- 5:30-6:00: Wash hands during transition in from outside
Two free choice options available
Child pick-up, clean-up as children leave
*Summer or extended care schedule may vary to include field trips, swimming, water play, etc.