- Describe the importance of play and social-emotional development.
- Define cooperative learning and how it supports social and emotional development.
- Identify the core abilities that should be included in activities and experiences that promote social and emotional development.
- 讨论如何在您的计划中支持具有特殊学习需求的儿童的社交情感技能。yabo电子游艺
When observing children at play, it may appear to be all fun and games, but there is actually a lot of hard work and learning occurring. School-age children have many responsibilities and expectations during their structured school day, so in their after-school program, they need time for unstructured play. Free play allows children to use their imaginations for pretend play and to create, dream and explore. Play is one of the most important ways children use to develop their social skills. Studies have shown that when children are engaged in play, they aren’t just having fun, they are working hard at the following:
- Practicing social skills such as negotiating, taking turns, sharing, compromising, expressing emotions, and listening to another’s feelings
- yabo电子游艺学习如何与另一个人的对话和理解,何时是时候倾听或回应
- yabo电子游艺学习如何在赢得或丢失游戏,运动或活动时适当地表现
- 了解素质如此公平和正义
- 学习ing how to follow rules and developing self-regulation
- 发展同理心和动机
- 提高创造力和解决问题的技巧
- Children who engage in social and dramatic play are better able to view situations from another’s perspective and are considered as more intellectually and socially competent by their teachers. (Connolly & Doyle, 1984; Sawyer, 2001).
- Outdoor play helps improve children’s physical well-being, attention, conflict resolution skills, coordination, and weight (Clements & Jarrett, 2000; Council on Physical Education for Children, 2001; Fjortoft, 2001; National Associaton of Early Childhood Specialislts in State Departments of Education, 2002).
- 在一个故事中发挥事件的儿童改善了讲故事的理解和发展了更强大的心态 - 这是别人有不同的感受,思想,观点和信仰(Pellegrini&Galda,1980)。
- 已发现儿童戏剧性和早期阅读成就之间的积极联系(Pellegrini,1980)。
学习ing social skills occurs in almost any play experience; however, those that are dramatic or theatrical in nature provide more opportunities for children to practice their social skills with their peers. Dramatic play allows children to act out real life or fantasy scenarios and situations. As children grow, these scenes become more complex and may last days or even weeks. When interacting during dramatic play, children practice having conversations, sharing information, empathy and teamwork.
- 孩子们互相增加友谊和尊重。
- 儿童的自尊得到了增强。
- Children are motivated to participate in higher-order thinking.
- Self-awareness and self-control: Children are aware of their feelings and behaviors and know how to use self-control to regulate their emotions and behaviors as appropriate.
- 有效的听力和观察:儿童能够参与谈话并理解听力和响应的时间。孩子们还了解如何阅读另一个人的肢体语言和非口头线索。
- 对一系列情感的了解:孩子们了解一系列情感,他们自己和他们的同龄人以及如何回应另一个人的感受。
- 想象力:儿童能够从另一个人的角度看待事物并同情他人。
- 容忍和验收:儿童尊重和庆祝他人的差异。
- 解决问题:儿童能够使用思维技能来通过问题来工作。
Peer-mediated interventions involve strategies in which teachers purposefully pair children who have advanced social-emotional skills to work with children who are working at developing these skills. These strategies ensure that children have multiple opportunities throughout the day to practice social skills during routines and activities. For example, you can pair children to support practice and learning of skills such as sharing materials with a friend, reading a book with a friend, taking turns during games or activities or responding to a friend’s request to play. Remember when considering using these strategies, you should choose peers who are socially competent, compliant with adult requests, well-liked by other children and peers, and those who have good language and play skills and like to take on the “teacher” role with peers. You can teach these children to lead their peers who are practicing and learning social skills by: responding to a peer’s request to play, helping a peer play with a game or activity, suggesting an idea for pretend play, prompting a peer to share a toy, prompting a peer to select a game or activity, or prompting a peer to take turns with an activity or toy.
- 通过在尊重和善意上创造环境基础,支持儿童发展社交技能。
- Model healthy ways of expressing emotions, interacting with others, and coping with stress.
- 计划在合作学习环境中鼓励儿童共同努力的计划。yabo电子游艺小组儿童以一种方式给予儿童的背景和能力,有机会一起工作并彼此学习。
- 允许在学习环境中制定社交技能,通过给孩子时间以非结构化的方式进行互动和互动。yabo电子游艺给孩子的时间放松,想象一下,与他们的同龄人进行对话。
儿童自然的社会性实践技能s while interacting and playing with others. Spend some time observing their play. View and complete theExplore: Playtime Observations活动。与您的教练,教练或管理员分享完成的工作。
Berk,L. E.(2013)。儿童发展(第9 ED。)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司
关于早期学习的社会和情感基础的中心。yabo电子游艺Resources: Preschool Training Modules。从...获得http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/resources/training_亚慱彩票preschool.html.
Edwards,C. C.,A&Da Fonte,A.(2012)。5分计划:促进与残疾学生家庭的成功伙伴关系。教学特殊的孩子,44,6-13。
灰色,C.A.,&Garand,J. D.(1993)。社会故事:通过准确的社会信息改善自闭症学生的回应。专注于自闭症行为, 8(1), 1-10.
Guralnick,M. J.,Neville,B.,Hammond,M. A.,&Connor,R.T.(2007)。发展延误的幼儿友谊:纵向分析。应用发展心理学杂志, 28, 64-79.
全国专业教学标准委员会。(2012)。Early Childhood Generalist Standards for Teachers of Ages 3-8(第3辑。)。阿灵顿,弗吉尼亚州:国家专业教学标准委员会。
国家质量教学中心中心。yabo电子游艺社会情感支持材料:(1)给儿童职责,(2)继儿童领先级,(3)促进联系,(4)了解儿童的需求,(5)建立一个关怀社区。相关内容在线 https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/school-readiness/effective-practice-guides/social-emotional-development
Sandall,S.R.,&I.S.施瓦茨。2008年。构建具有特殊需求的学龄前儿童的积木亚慱彩票。2nd ed. Baltimore: Brookes.