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    • Describe the components of assessing social-emotional development in school-age children.
    • Discuss the role adults play in supporting the social-emotional skills of scholl-age children.
    • Identify typical social-emotional milestones in school-age children.







    让我们来看看学龄儿童的社交情绪发展。下图表概述了本书学龄儿童中的社会情绪发展里程碑What Teachers Need to Know about Social and emotional Development由ROS LEYDEN和ERIN SHALE:


    5.- to 7-Year-Olds
    • 发展更大的同理心
    • 建立并保持积极的关系和友谊
    • Start developing a sense of morality
    • 控制冲动行为
    • Identify and manage emotions
    • 形成积极的自我概念和自我尊重(身份形成已经开始)
    • 变得有弹性
    • 开始运作更独立(从照顾个人财产以做出决定而不需要不断支持)
    • 表单关于道德价值观的意见和学习权和错误
    • Be able to express an opinion and negotiate
    • Begin understanding different viewpoints
    • Start making more sense of “who I am” ("Who am I like? Who likes me?)
    • Develop a sense of family history (identity)
    • 关于死亡的问题
    • Accept that parents are not all powerful
    • 适合并被同龄人接受(专注于比较 - 我适合吗?)
    • 有一个最好的朋友
    • 加强合作技能
    • 适应性发展的身体,处理感觉尴尬和自我意识的痛苦(我会看起来像什么?我看起来正常吗?)
    • 继续炼制自我(流体和不断变化)
    • 锻炼价值观和信仰,经常充满激情地采用道德姿态
    • 建立独立和个性(强烈的私人,只想独占时间,在学校和家庭展示不合规)
    10 - 和11岁的孩子
    • 在各种社交场合中表现得适当
    • Refine communication skills
    • 解决人际关系冲突,了解被动,自信和侵略性反应之间的差异
    • Become more independent and responsible for actions
    • 价值和尊重规则和权限
    • 知道how to act appropriately and safely in cyber social world
    • 管理青春期的情感变化(在需要熟悉和渴望未知的安全之间撕裂)
    • 通过建立优势和接受局限性来发展更积极的自尊和恢复力
    • 通过乐观的镜头确认“我是谁”
    • Establish independence
    • Adjust to a larger social world with greater expectations and demands
    • Overcome the awkward and clumsy stage
    • 在对等组中找到验收
    • 变得更加自信,能说不
    • 远离家庭和更近的朋友的支持
    • 处理问题和越来越多的对性和关系的担忧
    • 管理混乱和意想不到的感受,如anger and rebellion
    • 走向自我验收

    学龄Children and Social-Emotional Development




    Relationships are the core of social-emotional development. A child’s ability to establish and keep relationships is a very important aspect of their development. This is primarily seen in a child’s ability to make and keep friends. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, friendships allow children to “broaden their horizons beyond the family unit, begin to experience the outside world, form a self-image, and develop a social support system.” Because relationships are so vital to a child’s social-emotional development, a lesson will be dedicated to the topic later in this course.






    • 感到恶心
    • Having nothing to do
    • 没有足够的钱
    • Feeling pressure to get good grades
    • 感到遗留出一群同龄人
    • Not spending enough time with parents
    • Not having homework done
    • Not being good enough at sports
    • 不能根据需要穿着
    • Experiencing body changes
    • 迟到的学校
    • 比其他同龄其他孩子更小
    • 让父母在他们面前争论
    • 与老师不相处
    • 超重或比同龄其他孩子更大
    • Moving
    • Changing schools
    • 与父母争论关于家庭的规则
    • 调整父母分离或离婚
    • 被迫尝试他们真正想要的东西(例如,吸烟)


    School-age children are learning how to recognize what causes stress and how it affects their behavior. Some children may still openly act out their feelings, whereas others will keep their stress to themselves. We want children to learn how to manage their stress in a healthy and positive way. Keeping the lines of communication open with families will help you be on alert if a child may be experiencing a stressful situation at home or at school. As a school-age staff member, it is important to watch for signs that a child may be overloaded with stress so that you can help them cope with it in a healthy way. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, common signs of stress overload are when a child:

    • 发展诸如头痛或胃痛等身体症状
    • 似乎焦躁不安,疲惫和激动
    • Appears depressed and is uncommunicative about emotions
    • Becomes irritable, negative, and shows little excitement or pleasure in activities
    • 看到ms less interested in an activity that was once extremely important
    • 在学校的成绩开始堕落
    • Has less interest than usual in attending classes and doing homework
    • Exhibits antisocial behavior such as lying and stealing, forgets or refuses to do chores/tasks and seems much more dependent on family members or teachers than in the past



    Watch this video to learn about social-emotional development across the school-age years.

    As a school-age staff member, you will be supporting children and their social-emotional development. You can do this by:

    • 为儿童提供机会,以识别和理解自己的感受和情感,并与他人讨论它们
    • Encouraging critical thinking, problem solving, and supervised risk taking
    • 努力创建一个结构化,安全,让孩子学习和发现的环境
    • Demonstrating respect for others
    • 提供识别,拥抱和庆祝多样性的环境
    • Providing an environment that is nurturing and inclusive to children with special needs
    • Acknowledging the contributions of all children to the community
    • 鼓励儿童和青少年来试验各种活动,材料和经验,以发现人才和偏好



    观察学习环境中的学龄儿童是最佳方式,了解哪些孩子正在开发强大的社会情绪化技yabo电子游艺能,并且哪些可能需要帮助。查看并完成Observing Social-Emotional Skills活动。与您的教练,教练或管理员分享完成的工作。



    How do you adapt your behavior to reflect values or norms related to a particular environment or situation? Children may have a difficult time learning this skill, and in order to support their learning it is important to reflect on how在自己的生活中使用这项技能。查看并完成Adapting to Environments形成。与您的教练,教练或管理员分享完成的工作。




    Which of the following is a typical social-emotional milestone in five- to seven-year-olds?




    Finish this statement: As a school-age staff member, you can support children’s social-emotional development by…

    References & Resources

    Council on Accreditation Standards for Child and Youth Development Programs. Retrieved from


    Durlak,J.A.,&Weissberg,R.P.(2013)。遵循基于证据的课后计划来促进社会和情感发展是有效的。在T. K.Peterson(ed.),扩大思想和机遇:利用越野和暑期学习的学生成功yabo电子游艺(第194-198页)。协作通信集团,华盛顿,D.C.从中检索http://www.expandingyabo电子游艺

    国家教育协会年轻Children. (2012). Teachers’ Lounge: Determining if behavior is bullying.Teaching Young Children,5(5),34。

    Sandall,S. R.,&Schwartz,I. S。Helping Children with Challenging Behaviors Succeed in the Classroom。摘自S.R.Sandall&I.S.施瓦茨与G.E.约瑟夫,H.-Y.Chou,E.M. Horn,J. Lieber,S.L.odom,&r.狼,建筑块用于具有特殊需求的学龄前儿童(巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Broo亚慱彩票kes,2002),49-50。

    Sandall,S.,Hemmeter,M.,Smith,B.,&Mclean,M。(EDS。)(2005)。DEC推荐实践:实际应用的全面指南。Longmont,CO:Sopris West Publishing。

    Schor,E.,美国儿科学院。(2004)。照顾你的学龄龄儿童:5-12岁。New York, NY: Bantam.