The environment consists of the space in which children learn as well as the people in that space—their peers and caregivers. This lesson provides information on methods to include positive means for encouraging children as they develop healthy self-concepts.
- 反思学习环境的重要性以及它如何帮助我们的塑造。yabo电子游艺
- Recognize the uniqueness of military life and the effects it may have on school-age children and their sense of self.
- 认识到自我保健的方法,将使学龄工作人员更有效。
Environments play a large part in identity formation and comprise of many aspects. As discussed in the School-Age Learning Environment course, an environment is a combination of the physical space and contents as well as the adults, relationships, and sense of community within it.
As an adult, you may have several choices about where you get to spend your time. You can seek out places that you feel good in and you can avoid places that make you feel uncomfortable or stressed. School-age children don’t have this level of control about where and how they spend their time. In Lessons One and Two, you learned that school-age children develop their sense of identity primarily as a result of the messages they receive from the significant adults in their lives. Many children will likely spend a large amount of their day with you in your program. Therefore, every choice you make regarding the environment will send messages to them telling them if they are accepted, valued, and capable, or not.
We all want to provide children with spaces that are safe, welcoming and responsive. Intentional planning and design can help ensure your program setting is a special place for the children and families in your care. Your program environment should be a nurturing and supportive space that encourages children to be who they are with you and explore new ideas. It should be safe, stimulating and developmentally appropriate, and it should validate children’s thoughts and feelings and provide them with numerous opportunities to practice skills and experience success. Ongoing attention to many aspects of your classroom environment, for example the social, verbal, physical, and academic dimensions (Kostelnik, Stein, & Whiren, 1998; Loukas, 2007), is key to creating a high-quality space that promotes learning, exploration, and respect for individual differences.
As highlighted in lesson two, no two children or families will ever be the same in your program and it is your responsibility to be sensitive and responsive to each child’s and family’s needs. This becomes crucial when it comes to how you organize and plan your school-age program environment to ensure all children will be successful. For example, while some children in your program may be able to thrive in busy, crowded, and even loud surroundings, others may require quiet, less crowded and less busy spaces.
- Living on a military installation:许多家庭,军事和民用,基于他们居住的地方的某些部分基地。家庭生活可以发送有关他们的生活方式,偏好和经验的信息。对于军事家庭,生活在安装上可以建立一个强烈的社区感。这有助于塑造家庭如何与他人相关的方式。
- Deployment:Deployment is one of the most stressful events a family can experience. Families must learn to adapt to changing circumstances before, during, and after a deployment. The service member’s sense of self may change drastically as a result of experiences during deployment. The family members, particularly the spouse, can also experience changes in self-perception after long periods of independence or single parenthood.
- Frequent moves:A Permanent Change of Station (PCS) can cause a great deal of stress for families as children adjust to new schools, programs, and friends. Children or family members may reinvent themselves in a new location, or they may struggle to define themselves in a new school or community.
- 工作时间:Military family members may also work unconventional or long hours when they are home.
- 退休并返回民用生活:许多从军事服务退休的人都年轻,发现自己准备好了第二个职业。这可能是一个艰难的过渡。服务会员可能难以找到重视其技能集的新雇主。他们可能会感到一种损失感,因为他们离开了活跃的社区,可能会努力发展他们的民用身份。
- Remember that issues that affect civilian families affect military families, too:离婚或婚姻冲突,配偶或伴侣的失业,以及医疗保健需求只是可以塑造家庭身份的一些活动。
Here are some additional ways to support military families, based on recommendations from families surveyed in the National Military Family Association Report on the Cycles of Deployment (2006):
- 帮助一个家庭在他们对自己和彼此的期望中变得现实。这适用于部署,永久性变更,退休等主要生活过渡。帮助家庭与彼此开放沟通的沟通,恐惧和兴奋。
- Provide families with information about what they can expect before, during, and after deployment or other transitions. Recognize that every child’s response may be different on the basis of age, developmental stage, and temperament.
- Offer ongoing discussions and support to families with regard to return and reunion challenges.
- 请记住,甚至那些具有经验的家庭 - 并不总是有他们需要的信息和支持。
Considering your Own Sense of Self and Wellness
Another strategy you can use is visualization. See yourself interacting positively with a school-age child in your activity room. If he or she displays behaviors that seem to disrupt your teaching approach, try seeing this child without those behaviors and you responding in a caring way.
Self-care is a very active and powerful choice to engage in the activities that are required to gain or maintain an optimal level of overall health. This includes not just the physical, but the psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual components of an individual’s well-being. In your role as a school-age staff member, you can create an environment that supports children to engage in self-care. Your own self care practices can be a starting place to demonstrate the importance of self-care. Learning to use self-care practices is an indication of developing a strong self-concept and staff members who are aware of self-care practices can act as positive role models for children.
- Consider keeping a journal. It can be therapeutic to write the day’s events and your perspectives on paper. You might also consider keeping a gratitude journal to help you be mindful about the positive aspects of your life.
- 建立。与朋友,家人和熟人联系。出去午餐或和朋友一起喝杯咖啡。在杂货店沿着你面前的人交谈。这些小时刻可以帮助您感受和支持。
- Even a little regular exercise can help you feel better, sleep better, and cope better with life’s daily stressors. Healthful eating can make a difference, too.
- 记得呼吸。当我们受到压力时,我们倾向于喘息。通过花点时间拍摄一些深呼吸,我们正在为自己花费时间,降低我们的压力水平。
According to child-care expert Jeff Johnson (2010), your attitude can help you make changes in your life and your program. Johnson has six suggestions:
- Positive outlook: Thinking positively about situations and people can help you bring about beneficial outcomes. Your personal outlook on life plays a critical role in your level of self-care.
- Self-awareness: Knowing who you are includes being aware of your feelings, your breath, your emotions, your thoughts, and your relationships. Start by taking an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Examine your life, past and present. Notice how far you’ve come and the skills you possess that got you to this point.
- Healthy selfishness: It’s important to recognize your own needs as valid and do what is necessary to meet them.
- Relinquish control: Allowing yourself to relax and see things as gray instead of black and white can allow you to see more options and opportunities.
- Playful attitude: Changing your mindset requires playfulness, curiosity, and excitement. Try exploring life through the eyes of a child and see how different things seem.
- Thoughtful choices: As life gets busy, slow down and make sure you are making thoughtful choices. Reconcile with yourself that you may never master a task perfectly and sometimes it is going to have to be good enough.
As you see these examples of supportive environments for school-age programs, reflect on your program builds a supportive social, verbal and physical environment for school-age children and youth. Consider how you specifically help support military families and school-age children’s sense of self.
- 了解和尊重每个孩子和青年individual.
- 表现出兴趣,并积极参与您在您的计划中正在做的孩子和青少年。
- 及时回应并满足儿童个人需求。
- Respond positively as each child and youth develops new skills or accomplishes tasks.
- 以一种使所有儿童和青少年积极参与的方式组织材料。
- Respond in a similar fashion to boys and girls in your program. Check your classroom materials (e.g., books, posters, other learning materials) for bias or misconceptions regarding individuals from different groups).
- Plan experiences that enable children and youth to express themselves and explore their sense of self and others (e.g., ask them to draw pictures of themselves or their family and friends, share their favorite foods, games, places of interest, books, etc.).
发展自我保健计划,平衡工作in the different areas: physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual and workplace/professional. Try to form habits that span these different areas of self-care. Share your self-care plan with your trainer, coach or administrator.
- 你可以找到更多的自我保健资源 -issuessuesue-50/Chapters/Self-care-for-yourself-d-your-family.。自我保健评估适用于澳大利亚家庭和社区服务提供的“自我护理评估”
Johnson, J. (2007).Finding Your Smile Again: A child care professional’s guide to reducing stress and avoiding burnout。St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
Kostelnik, M. J., Stein, L. C., & Whiren, A. P. (1988). Children’s Self-Esteem: The verbal environment.童年教育, 65(1), 29. Retrieved from
Johnson, J. (2010).保持你的笑容:关心快乐,爱和意图的孩子。St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
Loukas, A. (2007). What is School Climate?Leadership Compass,5(1),1-3。从...获得
Petty,K。(2009)。部署:在军事家庭与孩子合作的策略。St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
Wittmer,D. S.,&Petersen,S. H.(2013)。Infant and Toddler Development and Responsive Program Planning—A relationship-based approach(第2号)。上部马鞍河,NJ:美林普伦特大厅。