My Internet Safety Pledge
Iagree to the following:
- I will turn off my computer monitor right away and tell my trusted adult if anything makes me feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused.
- I will tell my trusted adult if anyone online asks me my name, my address, my telephone number, the name of my child care program or school, or my picture.
- I will tell my trusted adult if anyone online asks me to meet in person.
- I will tell my trusted adult if I am experiencing cyber bullying or if I suspect a peer is being cyber bullied.
- I will only talk to people online that I know in real life.
- I will only use kind and respectful language on the Internet.
- I will only use or visit approved websites and programs. If I wish to try a new website or program, I will talk with an adult first about the site or program so that she or he can preview it and help decide.
- Except for special assignments, I will use screen media for no more thanminutes per day.
Student's Name:
Student's Signature:
Guardian Name & Relationship:
Guardian Signature:
My Internet Safety Pledge
I ___________________________________ agree to the following:
- I will turn off my computer monitor right away and tell my trusted adult if anything makes me feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused.
- I will tell my trusted adult if anyone online asks me my name, my address, my telephone number, the name of my child care program or school, or my picture.
- I will tell my trusted adult if anyone online asks me to meet in person.
- I will tell my trusted adult if I am experiencing cyber bullying or if I suspect a peer is being cyber bullied.
- I will only talk to people online that I know in real life.
- I will only use kind and respectful language on the Internet.
- I will only use or visit approved websites and programs. If I wish to try a new website or program, I will talk with an adult first about the site or program so that she or he can preview it and help decide.
- Except for special assignments, I will use screen media for no more than _______ minutes per day.
Student's Name:
Student's Signature:
Guardian Name & Relationship:
Guardian Signature: