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    • Recognizing varying skills and abilities of school-age children.
    • Identifying safe materials and games for school-age children.
    • 进行材料和游戏的安全检查。




    As a staff member in a school-age program, you have the responsibility to make sure children are safe in your care. As children grow older, they become capable of using more complex games and materials. They may have the opportunity to use real tools and equipment that are considered unsafe for younger children. As they are exploring, it is important for you to make sure these items are safe. You do this through regularly checking games and learning materials and using your judgment when choosing games and learning materials for your program.

    是很常见的学龄项目为孩子服务dren from 5 to 12 years of age. Children in this age group represent a wide range of physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Some things may be safe for older children, but unsafe for younger children. Consider the ages and abilities of each child in your program when choosing and using games and learning materials. Take precautions to make sure your setting is safe for younger children as well as older children. Use your knowledge of child development and the children in your care to make decisions. If a new child comes into your program, it is important to take time to show the child how to use materials safely. When new processes or tools are introduced, children should be shown how to use them and how to be safe around others using them.

    What do safe games and learning materials for school-age children look like? How do you know if a game is safe? How can you help all children use materials safely?Watch this video to see examples of how school-age staff choose and use materials safely.

    Providing Safe Materials for School-Age Children

    Watch this video to see examples of how school-age staff choose and use materials safely.

    Read this section to learn more about choosing, using, and checking learning materials.


    When choosing learning materials for school-age children, think about these ideas:

    1. Loud noises:选择适合您设置的玩具和设备。对于发出响亮而噪音并可能损害儿童的听证会来说是谨慎的。没有简单的方法来确定对象是否太响亮。最好的建议是遵循在玩具和设备上印刷的安全指导。通常,响亮的物体将携带警告不要在室内使用。对于产生噪音的任何物体,密切监督儿童并帮助他们学会安全地使用它。帮助他们学会在ARM距离处保持噪音,而不是将物体保持在耳朵附近。为儿童提供关于耳机,视频游戏和手持设备的卷的指导。
    2. Cords and strings:Strings and cords can be dangerous for younger children in your program. Avoid any strings that go around a child’s neck (necklaces, capes, toy guitar chords, “leashes” in dramatic play). Also avoid drawstrings in sweatshirts and clothing. These may become trapped in doors or moving equipment. The Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends cutting off strings or cords.
    3. 尖锐点:Be wary of broken objects or any objects with sharp points. Proper supervision is needed when working with materials that contain sharp points, such as knitting needles or woodworking tools. Be sure to adhere to recommended age limits set by the manufacturer when using these types of materials.
    4. Projectiles(flying toys) can easily injure eyes, so be certain that arrows and darts used by children have blunt tips, such as rubber or flexible plastic suction cups or cork. Check to see that tips are attached securely to shafts. Always use safety goggles and safety equipment when recommended. Any activity that involves propelled objects should be done in an area separate from other activities. Propelled objects should be aimed away from other children and staff.
    5. Electric toys:仅使用电动玩具仅与成人监督,教育儿童正确使用它们,并谨慎使用。建议为8岁以上的儿童推荐带加热元件的电动玩具。确保电动玩具满足安全要求。确保电动玩具标记为UL,这意味着它们符合承销商实验室设定的安全标准。
    6. Balloons:Balloons can be fun, but they are not safe for children under 8. Children may accidently inhale a broken balloon while trying to inflate it. Broken balloons can conform to the throat and completely block breathing. Children may also have latex allergies. If you use balloons, make sure an adult inflates all balloons. Carefully supervise play, and quickly remove any broken balloons.
    7. Tools:Woodworking tools, power tools, and kitchen appliances should only be used when an adult can supervise.
    8. 视频游戏评分:除了对材料的遵循年龄建议外,您还应检查儿童为您的计划或购买的任何视频游戏的评级。娱乐软件评级板(ESRB)通过为游戏提供视频游戏提供了一个评级,提供了关于游戏年龄适用性的指导。它最好地遵守评级EC(幼儿期)或E(每个人)的游戏,即使游戏评级e(每个人)都可以有一些暴力和不常使用轻度语言。阅读“学习”部分结尾的附件,了解有关视频游戏评级的更多信息。
    9. 动物:If your program is considering pets or other animals, read the宠物在计划附件中at the end of the Learn section.

    Using Games and Learning Materials Safely

    Once you have chosen games or learning materials, you must be sure to use them safely. Ask yourself these questions:

    • 是安全护目镜,需要,可用和状况良好吗?
    • Are any heating devices (cooking equipment, etc.) stored out of reach when not in use?
    • 在使用附近的成年人并积极监督潜在的危险材料吗?

    Checking Games and Learning Materials

    All games and learning materials are subject to regular wear and tear. This means games and learning materials may become unsafe over time. Consider these issues when checking on the games and learning materials you already have in your program.

    椅子,桌子,书架上可能会锐边机汇er time. Both wooden and plastic materials can become unsafe and warp, crack, and break. Children can get splinters or cuts when just sitting on the furniture or getting something from the shelf. These damaged objects should be removed from your program space.


    Look at your board games and puzzles as they are played. From daily use, pieces may become broken. The cases or containers may also become less strong and unsafe. If you should find this is to be true for your program, replace the box and put the items in a safer container.

    As you check your room for safety, some questions you should ask before you allow children to play and use materials include:

    • Are rugs in good condition and free from frayed edges? Will children trip over them when walking around the room?
    • Are items such as sharp objects, medicines, cleaning supplies, chemicals, and heating devices stored out of reach of children?
    • 剪刀和锋利的铅笔储存在朝下的点?
    • Are safety goggles available and in good condition? Look to see that the straps are strong and long enough and that there are no cracks in the frame.
    • 篮球和足球网是否充分建成,牢固地附着在篮筐上,使他们不会成为勒死危害?
    • Are electrical cords secured safely and in good condition (no fraying)? Are all electric objects in good working order?
    • Are computers plugged into approved, secured surge protectors?


    The facility conditions for a school-age environment can change weekly, daily, hourly, or maybe even instantly. Therefore, it is very important for the safety of the children in your program that you inspect facilities daily and monitor continuously while children are present. It is unlikely that all facility hazards will be prevented, but inspection and continuing supervision can go a long way in keeping children safe.

    Consider the following:

    • 选择与儿童安全和年龄的游戏和学习材yabo电子游艺料。
    • 安全使用游戏和学习设备。yabo电子游艺教孩子如何安全。仔细监督。
    • Check games and learning materials daily. Use your daily safety checklist to inspect games and learning materials.
    • Check the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s website for product recalls.

    What should you do if you decide a material or environment is unsafe? Make note of any potentially unsafe situations on your daily safety checklist. Remove or replace the unsafe item. If the unsafe situation is related to facilities or equipment, immediately make a report to your director.

    Be sure to listen for news of product recalls, as well. The Consumer Product Safety Commission keeps a database of product recalls




    To complete the选择或失去活动,阅读有关材料。然后决定您是否“选择”项目的项目或“丢失”。如果您选择该项目,请描述如何安全使用它。如果您丢失了该项目,请解释为什么它不安全。然后将您的答案与建议的答案密钥进行比较。



    You saw safety checklists in Lesson One. Use the additional sample checklists provided here. Walk around the room with a coworker, administrator, trainer, or coach. Discuss the safety features of the materials in your program. Learn what to do if you find something that is unsafe.


    Term 描述
    ESRB视频游戏评级 关于娱乐软件评级板(ESRB)的指定评级,用于视频游戏的年龄适用于性别,暴力,物质滥用和亵渎等问题,等等
    Non-toxic Items marked “non-toxic” are tested to be free of poisonous or harmful substances
    Recall A callback by a manufacturer to return products or goods that have been sold or used and are discovered to be unsafe or defective






    Ayo, a second-grader, brings you a broken game piece that is very sharp. What should you do?




    American Academy Of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. 2011. Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs. 3rd edition. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Also available at


    Oesterreich,L.(1995)。空间和设备。在L. Oesterreich,B. Holt,&S.Karas,爱荷华州家庭幼儿手册[P亚慱彩票APPM 1541](第69-80页)。Ames,IA:爱荷华州立大学延伸。