
    • 总结司机和助理资格
    • Select safety items for a vehicle safety kit
    • 练习每日旅行前车辆安全检查
    • Apply safety guidelines when transporting children by car, van, school bus, or other vehicles








    • Be at least 21 years old
    • Be licensed to drive the vehicle (a commercial license may be necessary)
    • Have a safe driving record for at least five years
    • Have no criminal record involving crimes against children or involving drugs or violence
    • 没有医疗条件,损害驾驶能力
    • 没有酒精或处方药,这会影响安全在过去12小时内安全驾驶车辆的能力
    • Agree not to smoke in or near the vehicle

    做not transport children in your personal vehicle.

    Attendant Qualifications

    In addition to the driver, at least one adult should be present in a vehicle transporting children. While the driver focuses on road safety, an attendant focuses on keeping the children safe in the vehicle. The attendant is responsible for monitoring health and safety needs and ensuring safe behavior. The attendant should have training or experience in child development or early-childhood education. This person should also have valid first-aid training and certification.



    Safety items should be stored securely in a car used to transport children. These items should only be accessible to the driver, attendant, and emergency responders. These include:

    • 急救箱
    • 灭火器
    • 座椅皮带刀具
    • Maps
    • 带电的手机
    • The name, address, and telephone number of the school-age program
    • Emergency contact information for each child
    • Any prescribed medications for a particular child (breathing treatments, epinephrine injector, etc.)





    • Use a car seat or child-restraint system. Follow local, state, and federal laws. For young school-age children a booster seat may be necessary.
    • 确保您知道如何正确安装座位。检查座椅是否安装正确,在车辆移动之前,将正确安全地固定。
    • Never allow a child to sit in the front seat of a vehicle.
    • Replace a car seat if it has been recalled, involved in an accident, or is beyond the manufacturer's "date of use."

    In a school bus:

    • Use an approved child safety restraint system designed for children under 50 pounds.
    • Make sure the restraint system is installed and used correctly.
    • 做not place restraint systems in emergency exit rows.
    • Have a plan for evacuating children from the bus. Practice your plan.
    • Make sure there is a spot to secure a forward-facing wheelchair with four tie-downs.
    • Remember any vehicle that can hold more than 10 people is considered a bus, but large passenger vans are not approved for use as school buses unless they meet certain standards.

    In all vehicles:

    • Never leave a child alone.
    • Make sure the temperature is safe and comfortable. Children are not always dressed for the weather. Use the air conditioning if the internal temperature reaches 82°F. Use the heater if the internal temperature drops below 65°F.
    • 当儿童进入并退出车辆时,请执行名称到脸部。使用您的出席表。
    • 检查车辆以确保没有孩子留下。
    • Lock the vehicle once you are sure no children are inside.
    • 教孩子们的交通安全规则。这些包括戴安全带并保持坐姿。
    • Only pick up and drop off at the curb or at an off-street location.
    • Make sure a parent or guardian observes the pick-up and drop-off procedures. Stay with the child until the parent or guardian verbally and physically takes responsibility for the child.
    • 记录每个接送和下车的出勤时间和时间。
    • 在规划在何处和如何保护孩子时,考虑到个人的健康,行为或移动性需求。

    Be sure to follow yourPUBLIC程式运输学龄儿童的政策和指导方针。



    It is important to think about problems that might occur related to vehicle safety. Review the车辆安全方案活动。阅读方案,并回答以下问题。与培训师,教练或管理员分享您的回复。然后将您的答案与建议的答复键进行比较。





    学期 Description
    面向前部的安全座椅 这是一个儿童安全束缚系统,其定位在儿童的脸部和面向车辆前部的身体。它始终用于车辆的后座。对于20磅超过20磅的孩子来说只有安全
    后朝后的安全座椅 这是一个儿童安全约束系统,其定位在儿童的脸部和面向车辆后部的身体。它始终用于车辆的后座。建议仔细安全座椅,直到孩子2岁或超过制造商的重量限制
    校车 Any approved vehicle that can carry at least 10 people. It must meet National Highway Traffic Safety Administration safety standards. Large passenger vans meet the standards if they comply with the motor vehicle standards prescribed for school buses and multifunction school activity buses under NHTSA’s 2005 guidelines








    Which of the following is not part of a typical vehicle safety kit?

    References & Resources:

    美国儿科学院,美国公共卫生协会,育儿和早教中的健康安全国家资源中心(2011)。照顾我们的孩子:国家健康和安全绩效标准;早期护理和教育方案指南。第3版。伊利安尔州麋鹿格罗夫村:美国儿科学院;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。也可提供http://nrckids.org.. Chapter 6 (p287-294)


    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (1999). Guidelines for the transportation of preschool-aged children. Available athttp://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/buses/guide1999/prekfinal.htm.