- Reflect on what program management means for a school-age staff member.
- 描述与程序管理相关的角色和职责。
- 描述程序管理对计划质量的重要性。
“专注于手头的工作的所有想法。太阳的光线直到带到焦点之前不要燃烧。”- 亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔
Consider the following definitions that the Merriam-Webster Dictionaries website provides about management: "the act or process of deciding how to use something," "the act or skill of controlling and making decisions about a business, department, sports team, etc.," "the people who make decisions about a business, department, sports team, etc.," and "judicious use of means to accomplish an end." How do these definitions compare to your own definitions or ideas about management?
As a school-age staff member, you may not see yourself as a manager. Your program probably has a manager or director who engages in management tasks like hiring, scheduling, managing budgets, ordering materials and equipment, or providing needed support to staff. Nevertheless, you and your fellow school-age staff members are also managers as you assume significant roles that impact those in your care and at the same time contribute to program quality. For example, you manage the day-to-day planning of experiences and activities that meet the needs of each school-age child or youth in your group, as well as the planning of meaningful and intellectually stimulating environments that promote learning and growth. You initiate and manage the development of relationships between yourself and children, families, and coworkers in your program. With the guidance of Training and Curriculum specialists, program directors, or other mentors, you should strive to ensure high-quality developmentally appropriate practices that support positive experiences for all school-age children and families. When doing that, you also contribute to your program's success and growth.
- 与学龄儿童及其家人互动
- Planning and implementing experiences and activities
- 与监事和管理人员互动
- 与同事成员合作
- 与社区合作伙伴互动
- 反思您的进度和促进计划成功和质量
项目管理意味着所有的成员茶m have specific roles and responsibilities within the program. It is important to build relationships with fellow staff members, T&Cs, and managers, so that there is an underlying basis of trust. Your relationships with your T&Cs or program managers are critical for your own professional growth and within these relationships you can receive advice and constructive feedback about your practice and guidance and support when you have difficulties. Building strong relationships with your T&C and program manager also facilitates the support you can provide children and families. When there is open and honest communication, you can easily strategize together the best ways to support children and families, especially when children and families face challenges. You also recognize that you, your T&C, and program manager have different roles and responsibilities in working together to support children and families, but that you complement each other’s efforts, and you value and recognize what each person brings to the team. You will learn more about working with others in upcoming lessons.
沿着同一条线,当您与同事,T&CS或Program Manager建立信任的专业关系时,您可以为自己的专业成长和发展设置舞台。Just as you focus on children’s strengths and talents, you should work with your T&C to strengthen and nurture your own strengths and talents that will enable you to be the best you can be and to provide high-quality professional care that also contributes to your program’s quality. Part of relationship-based care in your professional relationships is being able to ask for assistance, and being prepared to accept the guidance of your T&C or program manager.
As a dedicated staff member, you will need to work with your colleagues, T&Cs, and managers to learn about the cultural and linguistic practices of the children and families in your care and to access resources to assist you in working with culturally and linguistically diverse families. There are a variety of books, articles, DVDs, and webinars that address cultural and linguistically sensitive practices with children and families. Being sensitive to cultural practices and language differences demonstrates an openness to learning about an individual’s knowledge and beliefs. It is always best to ask questions rather than assume or do nothing, and your T&C can help facilitate that process.
- 在您的照顾中了解每个孩子,青年和家庭成员;您应该了解他们的背景,文化,语言,兴趣,技能和需求
- 学ing about best practices in school-age programs
- 与他人合作作为团队(同事,家庭成员,T&CS,管理人员,社区合作伙伴),为每个学龄儿童及其家人提供高质量的发展适当的经验
- Keeping ongoing information about each child's or youth's skills, changing interests, and experiences that might affect their learning and development
- 使用其他人的信息和反馈来改善您的练习并加强您的计划
- 具有良好的态度,愿意学习将有助于提高您的惯例的新信息
有关在本课程中预期的更多信息,程序管理Competency Reflection以及在整个课程中提供的随附的学习,探索和应用资源和活动的列表,参观学龄计划管理课程指南。
你认为良好的领导者是什么?下载并打印讲义Being a Leader in your Program。Read through the qualities of effective leaders and respond to the questions. Then, share and discuss your responses with a T&C or supervisor.
Allred,K. W.,&Hancock,C. L.(2015)。协调领导力和伙伴关系:赋予专业人士和家庭的策略。小孩子那70(2),46-53。
Derman-Sparks, L., Nimmo, J. , & LeeKeenan, D. (2015). Leadership Matters: Creating anti-bias change in early childhood programs.Exchange, 37(6),8-12。
Jablon,J.,Dombro,A. L.,&Johnson,S。(2014)。强大的互动教练:合作指南有幼儿教师。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。
Kouzes,J. M.,&Posner,B.Z.(2012)。The Leadership Challenge: How to make extraordinary things在组织中发生(5thed)。旧金山,加利福尼亚州:jossey-bass。
Neugebauer,R。(2015)。幼儿领导者的知识和能力:来自国家科学院的新见解。Exchange, 37(6),92-94。
沙利文,D. R.(2010)。yabo电子游艺学习领导:幼儿教师的有效领导技能(第二次)。圣保罗MN:Redleaf按。