在本课程中,您将了解什么程序management means for a school-age staff member and about the roles and responsibilities you can assume that contribute to the overall quality of your program.
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- 反思学龄工作人员的程序管理手段。
- Describe roles and responsibilities that are associated with program management.
- Describe the significance of program management for program quality.
"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus."——亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔
In our daily lives, we all do things, assume roles, or participate in experiences that require management skills. Consider all the different activities you or your loved ones engage in on a day-to-day basis that reflect managing some kind of experience or event. These can include deciding what ingredients you need to gather for a recipe and planning a trip to the grocery store, managing busy family schedules, and planning vacations or family gatherings. Take a moment and think about a few things that come to mind from your daily life that involve some type of management.
Now, think about what enables you to do these things well. Is it the fact that you plan ahead? Or the fact that you write down a set of steps or tasks that you need to follow? Is it perhaps that you work with others to get what you need done? Or that you take into consideration what is meaningful for the situation you are in? All of your descriptions and thoughts offer a window into your sense of management.
在本课程中,您将了解什么程序management means for a school-age staff member and about the roles and responsibilities you can assume that contribute to the overall quality of your program. Program management encompasses a variety of tasks: establishing and maintaining relationships with school-age children, youth, and their families, collaborating with others, planning and implementing activities, and evaluating program quality. This lesson provides a general overview of program management for school-age staff members.
What does Program Management Mean for School-Age Staff Members?
In your daily work, your utmost commitment should be to strive to create the best possible experiences for school-age children and their families. Children's growth takes place over time, and each experience affects development. Who children become has everything to do with the experiences they have throughout their lives, including the experiences they have while they are in your care. Optimum development is strengthened when children and youth engage in meaningful interactions with adults who strive for the best and adhere to high-quality professional standards. Remember that your words and actions should reflect your program's mission when it comes to serving school-age children and their families.
Think about some of the experiences you participate in in your daily work, such as:
- Interacting with school-age children and their families
- 规划和实施经验和活动
- Interacting with supervisors and managers
- Collaborating with fellow staff members
- Interacting with community partners
- Reflecting on your progress and contributing to program success and quality
Establishing and maintaining high-quality practices is essential for every task you accomplish every day. This process continues to evolve and develop as you encounter new situations and as you become more experienced. This course will help you understand how your own management of these practices contributes to the growth and development of school-age children and families that in turn contributes to overall program quality.
Relationship-Based Care
程序管理意味着团队的所有成员都有程序内的特定角色和职责。建立与同事成员,T&CS和管理者的关系非常重要,以便有信任的潜在基础。与您的T&CS或Program Managers的关系对于您自己的专业成长至关重要,在这些关系中,您可以在您遇到困难时获得有关您的实践和指导和支持的建议和建设性反馈。与您的T&C和计划经理构建强大的关系也有助于您可以提供儿童和家庭的支持。当有开放和诚实的沟通时,您可以轻松地战略支持儿童和家庭的最佳方式,特别是当儿童和家庭面临挑战时。您还认识到您,您的T&C和计划经理在共同努力支持儿童和家庭方面具有不同的角色和责任,但是您对彼此的努力补充了,您的重视并认识到每个人为团队带来什么。您将在即将到来的课程中了解更多有关与他人合作的更多信息。
Establishing and nurturing relationships should be at the core of your practice with school-age children, families, colleagues, and supervisors in your program. When you build warm, trusting relationships with children and their families, you lay the foundation for healthy development. You build this trust by taking the time to get to know each family and child in your care, honoring and incorporating their customs and culture in your classroom, and inviting their input when planning activities and experiences.
Along the same lines, when you establish trusting professional relationships with colleagues, T&Cs, or program managers, you set the stage for your own professional growth and development. Just as you focus on children’s strengths and talents, you should work with your T&C to strengthen and nurture your own strengths and talents that will enable you to be the best you can be and to provide high-quality professional care that also contributes to your program’s quality. Part of relationship-based care in your professional relationships is being able to ask for assistance, and being prepared to accept the guidance of your T&C or program manager.
Culturally and Linguistically Sensitive Practices
As a school-age staff member, you are likely to encounter children, families, and coworkers from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences. As manager of your classroom, it is important for you to understand the significance of always striving for high-quality practices while at the same time acknowledging diversity and individual differences. For example, a family member may not share the same values as you when it comes to topics such as child guidance, physical activity, or nutrition. In your daily practice, you will need to be able to create welcoming, nurturing environments and provide school-age children and their families with culturally and developmentally sensitive care that will lay the foundation for their success. This success will also pave the way for your own classroom success and ultimately the quality of your program.
Take time to review the following examples that reflect a school-age staff member's management roles and responsibilities. In your daily work as a school-age staff member, you can be an effective manager by:
- Getting to know each child, youth, and family member in your care; you should learn about their background, culture, language, interests, skills, and needs
- yabo电子游艺了解学龄计划中最佳实践
- Collaborating with others as a team (coworkers, family members, T&Cs, managers, community partners) to design and implement high-quality developmentally appropriate experiences for each school-age child and their family member in your care
- 保持有关每个孩子或青少年技能,不断变化的兴趣和可能影响他们学习和发展的经验的信息yabo电子游艺
- Using information and feedback from others to improve your practice and strengthen your program
- Having a good attitude and being willing to learn new information that will help improve your practice
All these practices help make you a better decision-maker within your own classroom or program. They arm you with the information and strategies necessary to be a strong manager of the kinds of activities and experiences you want the children and families in your classroom and program have. You should work with your T&C or manager, to ensure high-quality practices for school-age children and families in your care. By supporting your professional growth, you will directly enhance the quality of the program for school-age children and families.
Completing this Course
For more information on what to expect in this course, the Program Management能力反思, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the School-Age Program ManagementCourse Guide。
Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.
What do you think makes a good leader? Download and print the handout成为您计划的领导者。阅读有效领导者的品质并回答问题。然后,与T&C或主管分享并讨论您的答复。
Read the following article and then use the resourcePerspectives on Leadershipto reflect on questions about leadership in your school-age program.
- If I Were an Afterschool Program Site Director
Allred, K. W., & Hancock, C. L. (2015). Reconciling Leadership and Partnership: Strategies to empower professionals and families.Young Children,70(2), 46-53.
Bloom, P. J., Hentschel, A., & Bella, J. (2013).Inspiring Peak Performance: Competence,commitment, and collaboration。The Director's Toolbox Management Series. Lake Forest, IL: New Horizons.
Derman-Sparks,L.,Nimmo,J.,&Leekeenan,D。(2015)。领导力问题:在幼儿期间创造反偏见变化。交换,37(6), 8-12.
Division for Early Childhood. (2014).DEC Recommended Practices in Early Intervention/EarlyChildhood Special Education 2014。Retrieved fromhttp://www.dec-sped.org/recommendedpractices。
Feeney, S. (2012).Professionalism in Early Childhood Education: Doing our best for young children。Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Jablon, J., Dombro, A. L., & Johnson, S. (2014).Coaching with Powerful Interactions: A guide for partneringwith early childhood teachers。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012).领导挑战:如何制定非凡的东西happen in organizations (5TH.ed).San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2009). NAEYCStandards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation: A position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children.Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/position-statements/2009%20Professional%20Prep%20stdsRevised%204_12.pdf
Neugebauer, R. (2015). Knowledge and Competence of Early Childhood Leaders: New insights from the National Academies of Science.交换,37(6), 92 - 94。
Simon, F. (2015). Look Up and Out to Lead: 20/20 vision for effective leadership.Young Children,70(2), 18-24.
Sullivan, D. R. (2010). Learning to Lead: Effective leadership skills for teachers of young children (2nd ed.). St. Paul MN: Redleaf Press.
Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners. (2014). Wisconsin Core Competencies for Professionals Working with Young Children & Their Families . Retrieved fromhttp://www.collaboratingpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/CPlinkedDocs/WI_Core_Competencies_2014_16WITHlinks.pdf