Take some time to make sure your activity areas are designed to offer children and youth valuable learning experiences. Keep in mind that in some smaller school-age environments you might find two of the activity areas combined. For example, the library area may contain writing materials. Your school-age environment may have additional activity areas that are not included on this list, such as woodworking, construction (block) area, cooking or sewing. Make note of what you see in them as well.
Toys and Games
- 是儿童将使用它们的空间(表,地毯)旁边的玩具和游戏吗?
- Are toys and games stored so children and youth can get them on their own?
- Are there some toys and games that are designed for two or more children to play together?
- Is there enough space for children to play without distractions or without having to move?
- Are toys and games rotated based on children’s interests and learning goals?
- Are a variety of toys and games available at different difficulty levels?
- 是水附近的艺术区,所以孩子们可以轻松清理吗?
- Are art supplies (smocks, brushes, etc.) stored where children can get them?
- Are art supplies stored near where they will be used?
- 有可用的各种材料,所以儿童可以使用他们的创造力吗?
- 是否可用于绘画,绘画,雕塑,拼贴等的材料?
- 扫盲材料是否可用?
- Is the writing area away from loud or distracting areas like music and movement?
- Are there a variety of writing materials (e.g., pens, markers, colored pencils, crayons) available?
- Are there a variety of writing surfaces available (e.g., large-lined and thin-lined paper, color construction paper, Post-it notes, dry-erase boards?)
- Are there reference books or materials to support children’s work (e.g., picture dictionaries, thesauruses, common words on the wall, children’s names)?
- Are there materials that encourage children’s writing (e.g., mailboxes for the children to communicate with one another, journals)?
- Is this a space where children can comfortably complete their homework (or do you have another such space available)?
- Is the library area away from loud areas like music and movement?
- Are there clear boundaries for the library area?
- 是否有舒适的座位或靠垫阅读?
- Are there a variety of print materials (fiction, nonfiction, picture books, comics, magazines, joke books) at different reading levels?
- Are books rotated based on children’s interests and learning goals?
- Are there accessories like a listening station or other literacy activities?
Discovery and Science
- Are there clear boundaries on all sides of the area?
- Are materials stored on open shelves, so children can get materials themselves?
- Is the discovery area near water, a window, or a door to the outside?
- Are materials rotated based on learning goals and changes in the environment (e.g., seasons, investigations)?
- Are the tools available that children need for exploration: magnifying glasses, writing materials, measuring tools, reference books, etc.?
- 这个空间是否支持勘探年长的孩子dren as well, by offering more sophisticated science experiences (e.g., simple machines or mini-experiments)?
Dramatic Play - if applicable
- 是远离像图书馆,电脑还是写作的安静区域的空间?
- 是否通过货架或其他障碍在所有两侧清楚地定义的空间?
- 有几个孩子可以一起玩足够的材料吗?
- Is there appropriate furniture for children to use in play (table, kitchen, etc.)?
- 是基于儿童兴趣旋转的材料吗?
- Are there literacy and writing materials for children to make grocery lists, write notes, read menus, etc.?
- Are dress-up clothes free of gender or cultural stereotypes and available to all children?
- 他们的副本是戏剧或其他材料,以鼓励剧院探索吗?
Music and Movement
- Is the music and movement area near an electrical outlet (for CD player, etc.)?
- Is the music and movement area separate from quiet areas like the library or writing space?
- Are musical instruments available and represent different cultures, sounds, and experiences?
- Are materials available for rhythm or dance (streamers, scarves, etc.)?
- 这个空间可以用于探索其他运动或戏剧性的艺术,如剧院吗?是否有相关的道具或材料?
- Are computers stored away from water?
- Are all electrical cords secured properly so children do not trip or pull them?
- Are software or programs available for children to use on their own?
- Can adults help children use the Internet as a reference and resource?
- Are headphones or other materials stored with the computers?
- 成年人可以很容易地看到每个孩子的电脑使用吗?(在安全环境课程中,了解更多信息的互联网安全课程)
Other areas? Construction/Bloacks? Cooking? Woodworking? Sewing? Questions to consider:
- Are these areas placed next to resources children might need (e.g., sinks, outlets)?
- Are they placed appropriately next to other loud or quiet activity areas as appropriate?
- Do the materials in each space represent and support children and adults of different gender, cultural background, and experiences, and with varying ability?