Secondary tabs
- Identify tools you can use to promote healthy habits like fitness and good nutrition.
- 描述在学龄计划中准备和服务食物的准则。
- Practice and promote portion control for children and youth.
- 提供积极玩耍和身体健康的机会。

Healthy lifestyle attitudes begin early. You can help school-age children develop lifelong healthy habits. Understanding what to eat and how much to eat are important skills for children and youth to learn and develop. At the same time, understanding the importance of physical activity and how to achieve it is equally significant for children. Establishing and maintaining healthy lifestyle attitudes ultimately affects children's learning and reinforces the significance of the mind-body connection.
童年肥胖是一个越来越普遍的问题,而不是今天的社会。被认为是肥胖的儿童的数量自1980年以来几乎增加了两倍。2015 - 2016年的数据显示,被认为是肥胖的儿童的数量近20% - 或者在6至19岁以下的5名儿童和青少年令人震惊的1人。肥胖率急剧增加的根本原因是复杂的并且包括各种因素。然而,当我们将这个号码与1980年(CDC)的仅记录的数量相比,很明显,不健康的决定和生活方式是严重的问题。
我们所有人每天都需要各种食物。健康的饮食包括混合谷物,水果,蔬菜,乳制品和蛋白质。MyPlate指南可帮助您可视化您和儿童的相对数量的食物 - 每天需要。你的盘子应该覆盖水果和蔬菜。另一半在谷物和蛋白质之间分裂。用这种食物的平衡填充板块将有助于儿童养成健康的习惯。
观看关于White House YouTube频道上MyPlate计划的介绍视频:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sefmsk08lie
Tips to Encourage Portion Control
鼓励在学龄课程中控制可能具有挑战性。在开放式零食环境中,儿童做出选择;他们收集自己的小吃,当他们饥饿时吃饭 - 小吃是他们的选择,以及其他活动。当儿童服用太多或太少,溢出或拒绝特定食物时,饭后或零食时必须有必要的时间。这是健康饮食过程的一部分。您可以通过耐心响应来帮助流程。为了防止许多问题:
- Use small, child-sized pitchers and serving dishes. These can be especially helpful for the younger school-age children in your program.
- Use child-size plates, bowls, and cups; this will help children limit themselves to healthy portions.
- 请记住,孩子的胃口和口味随着时间的推移而变化;在整个学龄龄阶段发生增长刺激。
- 鼓励孩子在他们的盘子或餐巾纸上施加一份每种可用的食物,但不需要孩子吃某种食物或一定量的食物。
- 冒险进食模型;即使你知道自己不喜欢每种食物,也要自己尝试。
- 对于那些出于健康原因需要严格控制食物份量的孩子,教他们每种食物要吃多少,并监督他们的饮食。
- In an open-snack environment, you can also provide a picture and/or words about what one serving of today's snack looks like (e.g., one apple, 1 large gram cracker square, and 1 cup of milk), so children know the appropriate amount to take. You can check back in with those who may need more.
- 允许第二次帮助营养食物,并确保水总是可用的。
Some individuals, cultures, and religion follow eating habits that differ from the USDA recommendations. It is important to find out if any children in your care cannot follow the USDA guidelines. Families should notify program staff of any dietary restrictions and note any substitutions or accommodations that need to be made. Staff must ensure that dietary restrictions are posted in food preparation areas and in areas where children eat. Staff should monitor dietary restrictions daily. When working with school-age children with dietary restrictions because of their religion, it is best to get written instructions from families detailing what they can or cannot eat or drink.
- 在相对较短的时间内体重减轻了很多
- 穿大的或宽松的衣服,或穿多层的衣服来隐藏自己的身体
- 痴迷于超重和抱怨肥胖(即使学龄儿童体重平均或较瘦)
- 痴迷于食物的热量和脂肪含量
- 痴迷痴迷
- 饿死自己,或限制食物
- Eats a lot of food at once, then makes himself or herself vomit
- 经常在饭后去洗手间(有时你会听到水流声;这隐藏了呕吐声)
- 使用或隐藏使用减肥药,泻药,IPecac糖浆或灌肠剂
- Avoids eating with or near others
What Does a Program That Promotes Healthy Eating Look Like?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children and adolescents should have 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day. Children's weekly activity should include a combination of aerobic activity, muscle- and bone-strengthening, and stretching. In school-age programs, the National After-School Association suggests that school-age children be offered the choice to engage in at least 30 minutes of active play for every three-hour block in the program.
Unfortunately, in 2011, only 18 percent of teen girls and 38 percent of teen boys were physically active for 60 minutes each day (CDC, 2011). Teaching children the importance of physical activity by modeling good behaviors and creating a fun and safe environment will only help those numbers increase in coming years. In the Physical Development course, you will learn more about physical fitness, ways to engage and motivate school-age children, how to encourage motor development, and how to incorporate physical activities into your daily plans. Examples of appropriate physical activities for school-age children include:
- Brisk walking
- Dancing
- 有氧运动
- 跑步
- 体育运动,如网球、曲棍球、足球、篮球、排球和篮球
Muscle strengthening
- 体操
- Push-ups
- Sit-ups
- 攀登
- Jumping rope
- 跑步
- 远足
- Sports, such as volleyball, tennis, basketball
- 瑜伽
- 武术
- 舞蹈
- 体操
- Make sure each child is dressed for the weather. Encourage families to send children in layers that can be easily removed if needed.
- 如果孩子没有适当的装备,可以提供额外的清洁手套,夹克和帽子。
- Make sure all the clothing a child is wears is dry.
- 提供户外阴影和遮蔽区域。
- Use sun protection on sunny days. Make sure children wear protective clothing and sunscreen with SPF 15 or greater.
- Make sure water is available.
The best way to encourage physical activity in children is to be physically active yourself. At recess, sitting down on the playground or at a picnic table outside sets a poor example for the children (and it limits your ability to supervise effectively). Instead of sitting or standing still while children play, take an active role. Your first priority is to ensure safety and adequate supervision, but when you can do so safely, join in. Here are some ideas:
- 建议踢球游戏,营造障碍课程,或在操场或室外空间散步。
- 把音乐带到外面跳舞。
- 提供像跳绳,平衡梁和球一样的玩具。大多数学龄课程中的儿童年龄的广泛跨度意味着您需要提供各种球,蝙蝠,篮球,球拍等。
- 确保你穿着衣服;穿戴合理的鞋子和衣服。
- 通过认识到他们的努力鼓励孩子的活动。Try noticing and commenting positively when children run, throw, jump, dance, or participate in other vigorous physical activities, for example, ‘that was a challenge to catch!’ If you need a refresher on the difference between praise vs. encouragement, see the Michigan State University Extension website athttp://msue.anr.msu.edu/news/praise_vs_encouragement..
- 在膳食和零食期间加入学龄儿童。与孩子一起吃,吃对他们的相同食物。
- 确保您的部分尺寸是合适的,记住您的水果和蔬菜!
- 在参加活动期间,不要食用任何外来食物或饮料。
Portion Facts
在“选择MyPlate网站”中查看儿童开发的一些食谱:http://www.choosemyptate.gov/recipes..您还可以在营养和饮食网站上找到许多儿童友好的食谱https://www.eatright.org/kids-eat-right-listing(select the "recipes" tab). As you select recipes to make with the children, remember to consider any food allergies. You can read more on food allergies in第七课在本课程中。重点主题课程第七课:幼儿食品服务要点yabo11vip还包括有关此主题的信息。
Special Programs
When possible, plan special programs for school-age children to help reinforce their healthy eating habits. Invite local physicians, nutritionists, or chefs to visit your program to discuss the importance of healthy eating. Another idea is to work with athletes from local high school, college, university or even professional teams to discuss how healthy eating is important for their performance.

使用找到健康的饮食风格并保持一生guide to complete the探索营养和健康activity below. Also look at the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Childcare and Early Education Family Checklist for Physical Activity in Early Care and Education checklist athttp://nrckids.org/files/physicalchecklist.pdf.Share your responses to the questions in the activity with a trainer, coach, or administrator.
照顾好自己的健康是为儿童和青少年塑造健康习惯的重要途径。白天很难进行体力活动。有关想法,请访问活跃你的方式blog from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services athttps://health.gov/news-archive/blog-bayw/. 然后用他们的活动计划者在https://health.gov/moveyourway/actity-planner/.一周一周,使用此跟踪工具为自己的身体活动设定目标。与他人合作,帮助您实现目标。当您需要提升以保持您的进展时,请在疾病控制和预防地点的中心审查身体活动的好处https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/pa-health/index.htm..

使用Youth Physical Activity: The Role of Schools找到你可以在你的项目中使用的有关体育活动的资源。在你的计划中发布这个资源,鼓励每个人以有趣的方式增加他们的体育活动。
Additionally, review the following resources that you may want to post, apply, or share in your classroom:
- 教师小贴士,促进健康饮食和课堂体育活动,国家慢性病预防和健康促进中心
https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/npao/pdf/Tips_for_Teachers_TAG508.pdf - Youth Physical Activity Guidelines, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
健康儿童行动(2019). 提示单:课前和课后活动。https://www.actionforhealthykids.org/references/
美国儿科学院。(2006)。父母的童年肥胖指南:健康的路线图。s. hassink [ed。]
美国儿科学院。(2018)。Nutrition and Fitness. Retrieved fromhttp://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/preschool/nutrition-fitness/Pages/default.aspx
光明的未来(2001). 实践中光明的未来:体育活动。华盛顿特区:乔治敦大学。
Child Care Aware. (2020). Health Resources and Links. Retrieved fromhttps://www.childcareaware.org/our-issues/health-nutrition/health-resources-and-links/
Institute of Child Nutrition. (2018). Child and Adult Care Food Program Resources. Retrieved fromhttps://theicn.org/cacfp-resources.
堪萨斯州立大学(n、 d.)。让我们行动,学习,享受乐趣:体育活动课程。
MacLaughlin, S. (2017). The Truth about Juice. Zero to Three. Retrieved fromhttps://www.zerotothree.org/resources/1902-the-truth-about-juice.
Murphey, D., Cook, E., Beckwith, S., & Belford, J. (2018). The health of parents and their children: A Two-Generation Inquiry. Washington, D.C.: Child Trends. Retrieved fromhttps://www.childtrends.org/21/10/AecftwogenerationHealth_ChildTrends_october2018.pdf.摘要从中检索https://www.childtrends.org/a-parents-health-is-one-of-the-strongest-predictors-of-a-childs-health
儿童保育与早期教育的健康安全国家资源中心。(2018)。Healthy Weight. Retrieved fromhttp://nrckids.org/HealthyWeight
儿童保育与早期教育的健康安全国家资源中心。(2017). Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs. Retrieved fromhttp://nrckids.org/cfoc/childhood_obesity.
儿童保育与早期教育的健康安全国家资源中心。(2018)。Achieving a state of healthy weight: 2017 update. Aurora, CO: University of Colorado Denver. Retrieved fromhttp://nrckids.org/files/ashw.2017_7.23.18.pdf.
国家儿童保健和早期教育健康与安全资源中心(n、 d.)。动作瞬间。
塑造美国,健康和体育员的社会。(N.D.)。儿童的身体活动:5 - 12的儿童准则陈述(第2号)。从...获得https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/guidelines/pa-children-5-12.aspx.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Retrieved fromhttps://health.gov/our-work/physical-activity/about-physical-activity-guidelines
U.S. Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Food Care Program. (2017). Information for Child Day Care Centers. Retrieved fromhttps://www.fns.usda.gov/cacfp/child-day-care-centers
美国农业部(n、 d.)。选择我的盘子倡议:儿童健康和营养信息。检索自https://www.choosemyplate.gov/browse-by-audience/view-all-audiences/children/kids