This lesson will provide you with an overview on the importance of planning experiences and activities that support positive behavior in school-age children. Interactions are a simple but effective way to establish positive approach to guidance in your school-age program. This lesson will stress the importance of positive interactions and describe effective responses to challenging behaviors. It will also provide information on working with families around supporting their child’s behavior.
- Distinguish between positive directions and negative directions.
- 开发冲突管理技术和技术,以应对挑战性行为。
- Describe a collaborative process for program activities.
The learning environment is not just made up of the materials and equipment, but also the activities and experiences that take place within it. As a school-age staff member, part of your role involves planning activities and experiences that support positive behavior.
- Vary activities:Plan a variety of activities and experiences that reflect the current interests of the children. You can fight boredom by providing activities that spark children’s interest. When children become bored, they are more likely to act out or engage in negative behaviors or peer conflicts. Keeping them on task and interested will help promote positive behaviors.
- 满足所有能力水平:规划活动时,应对该计划中所有能力和发展水平有挑战性,有趣和右拟合活动的组合。
- Support social skills and teamwork:计划支持合作游戏和学习以及社交技能的活动。yabo电子游艺(有关社交技能的更多信息,请参阅社交课程。)应以一种允许儿童共同努力,共同发展社交技能的方式进行计划。
- Celebrate diversity:计划支持和庆祝多样性的活动和经验。让孩子们计划有助于教导他们的文化或家族生活方式的同伴的经验。
Giving school-age children choices over their activities will help reduce negative behaviors by sparking their interest and keeping them involved. According to the Council on Accreditation’s Standards for Child and Youth Development Programs, children should:
- 有机会在计划活动中选择
- 可以选择退出任何计划活动或实地考察
- 参与开发,规划,实施和评估反映其需求和利益的活动,政策和倡议
When children are actively engaged in the planning and implementation of activities, experiences, material selection, field-trip locations and other aspects of the program, they tend to be more interested and excited, which will lead to positive behavior. You can involve them in a variety of ways; some examples are:
- Hold regular planning meetings where children can come prepared with ideas or brainstorm with their peers about what they would like to see in their learning environment. Encourage their creativity and flow of ideas as they discuss what they would like to see. Before the end of each meeting, come away with a few concrete ideas that you know you will be able to put into action. This way, children will know that you take their ideas seriously and they will be more willing to participate in the future.
- 创建选择板,让孩子们看看有哪些活动并选择他们想去的地方。这也缓解过渡,因为孩子可以从一个活动从一个活动移动到另一个活动,只要有空间就可以了。选择板可以以各种方式创建。这里有些例子:
- 制定允许儿童从未来观察或提供自己的建议的活动的调查。并非所有孩子都会感到舒适地参加计划会议,但他们可能有很大的想法。您还可以实现一个建议框,让孩子们为学习环境写下想法,并将它们留在匿名盒子中供您查看。yabo电子游艺
- Develop a peer tutoring or buddy program. Children may be interested in helping other children learn a skill or subject that they excel in. Match children up and allow them to help each other with their homework, reading skills, or athletic skills. This is a great way to keep children engaged in the learning process and to keep their interest.
- 邀请孩子们教授特殊技能或人才。许多孩子们可以享受分享他们喜欢做的东西,并且可以做得很好。让孩子们有机会教授工艺,电脑技能,乐器或运动,他们觉得他们擅长。您可以让他们帮助他们为同行创建扩展活动。孩子们将享受“老师”并创造活动计划。这将使他们从事并鼓励他们继续履行他们的特殊技能或人才。
- 邀请孩子们分享一个特别的文化element or activity. Giving children an opportunity to share something that is special or unique to them is always a great way of increasing their interest in the program. Give them the chance to share clothing, food, holiday events, or activities that are special in their culture. You can work with the child’s family to plan a special experience to celebrate their culture.
- Give children the opportunity to be a “teacher’s assistant” when you are implementing their activity idea. When children come to you with an activity or experience they want to see implemented in the program, it is always a good idea to let them help you bring it to life. Children will benefit from seeing how an idea becomes an activity plan and how that plan gets implemented into the learning environment. Let them help you make supply lists and gather materials. This will encourage them to continue thinking of ideas they would like to see and give them an idea of what kind of work it takes to make it happen.
Dan Gartrell, in民间社会教育, recommends teaching children the five-finger formula for social problem solving. This method involves assigning a definition or purpose to each finger. Once children are taught this technique, they can use their own bodies to calm themselves down during times of disagreement. The five steps are listed below, and you can read more about this technique by reviewing the article in the Learn section.
- 冷却(拇指)
- 确定问题(指针)
- 头脑风暴解决方案(高大)
- 去吧(ringer)
- 随访(PINKY)
- 所有各方都对结果感到满意。The conflict won’t actually be resolved if the children do not feel comfortable with the outcome. It is important to continue working toward a compromise and mutual feeling of satisfaction. Otherwise, conflicts will continue to come up.
- 儿童之间的关系涉及的年代trengthened or improved in some way.这并不意味着冲突中的儿童将成为密切的朋友,因为冲突得到解决。相反,这意味着所涉及的孩子们将更深入地了解彼此,并将共同努力达成相互协议,并将在未来避免相互冲突。
- 孩子们以建设性的方式解决未来冲突的能力已经加强或改进。Through the process of resolving the conflict, children should learn methods of resolving future conflicts in constructive ways. You want children to be able to resolve conflicts positively and constructively on their own. This is a major life skill that will benefit them academically, socially, and in their future careers.
To learn more about the five finger formula, click on the following link to Dan Gartrell’s article that introduces the concept:。
Despite a program’s use of prevention strategies, there will still be some children who engage in challenging behavior. Similar to progressing through developmental stages, there are certain behaviors that are considered typical for specific ages as children grow. Although certain behaviors are common in school-age children, they can be challenging to adults. Behaviors, such as being overly aggressive, talking back to staff or being overly distracted, could mean something is disturbing in that child’s life and they are unable to express their feelings in an appropriate way. In most situations there is a reason for school-age children’s behaviors. You must be prepared to respond appropriately when challenging behaviors occurs. Possible reasons for their behavior include: health problems, learning disabilities, or emotional abuse.
- 如果孩子们在群体时间内脱离,则将小组时间短于计划,并切换到更加活跃的儿童定向活动。
- 帮助无聊的孩子们找到有趣的事情。如果你注意到一个孩子在无所事事徘徊,提供孩子的建议(“艺术区是开放的,布拉登。你想尝试陶器活动吗?”)。
- 当孩子参与具有挑战性的行为时,您必须响应并准备为孩子提供可接受的替代品。在规划活动时,它有助于将此孩子纳入其中。
Involving Families
- Begin the discussion by expressing concern for the child.
- Let the family member know that your goal is to help the child.
- Ask the family member if he or she has experienced similar situations and if he or she is concerned.
- 告诉家庭成员,您希望与家庭合作,帮助孩子培养适当的行为和社交技能。
- 告诉家庭成员关于课堂或计划发生的事情,但只有在家庭成员理解你对孩子们担心之后,并不责怪家庭。
- 提供与家庭成员合作开发可以在家和课堂使用的行为支持计划。
- Emphasize that your focus will be to help the child develop the skills needed to be successful in the program. The child needs instruction and support.
- Stress that if you can work together, you are more likely to be successful in helping the child learn new skills.
Connect families with community agencies that provide behavior support. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program can also be a valuable resource to share with families. Families can get the individualized support they need from experts in their own homes. Many behavior consultants will work with your program, as well, to make sure the child has a consistently implemented plan.
As you plan activities and experiences for your school-age program, it is important that you ensure it is a collaborative process. Your program goals are based on your knowledge of child development, but the activities, materials, and physical environment should be chosen with the help of the children in your program. By observing and talking with the children in your program, you can implement a collaborative approach.
- 观察:Listen to children and notice how they are using the materials in the environment.
- Ask:向儿童寻找关于他们希望在程序中发生的事情的想法。
- 头脑风暴:提出问题,例如“你想了解什么?”或者“你已经知道了什么?”这将帮助您根据儿童兴趣计划活动。
- 识别:基于观察和对话,识别对计划中儿童感兴趣的主题。
This activity has been adapted from。
Backpack连接系列由Tacsei(幼儿社会情感干预技术援助中心)创建,自从与NCPMI合并以来)为员工和家庭成员提供一种方式,共同努力帮助幼儿发展社会情感技能并减少具有挑战性的行为。工作人员可以选择在将新的策略或技能引入该计划时在每个孩子的背包中发送讲义。每个背包连接讲义都提供了帮助家庭成员随时了解他们的孩子在他们的计划中学习的信息以及关于如何在家里使用策略或技能的具体思路的信息。yabo电子游艺该系列是与合作开发的金字塔加:科罗拉多州社会情感能力和包容中心和Bal Swan Children's Centerin Broomfield, Colorado.
You can access the entire list of Backpack Connection Series handouts on the NCPMI (National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations) website:。
Fields,M.V.,Merritt,P.P.,Fields,D. M.,&Perry,N。(2014)。建设性指导和纪律:八岁的诞生。Pearson更高的ed。
Edwards,C. C.,A&Da Fonte,A.(2012)。5分计划:促进与残疾学生家庭的成功伙伴关系。Teaching Exceptional Children, 44, 6-13.
Gartrell,D。(2012)。民间社会教育:指导如何教导幼儿民主生活技能。National Association for the Education of Young Children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (2014).有效实践原则:双向沟通。从...获得
National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.社会情感支持材料:(1)给儿童职责,(2)继儿童's Lead, (3) Fostering Connections, (4) Being Aware of Children'需要,(5)创造一个关怀社区。相关内容在线
Ostrosky,M. M.,&Meadan,H.(2010)。帮助孩子们扮演并一起学习。YC:幼儿,65(1),104-110。
奥斯特朗斯基,M. M.,&Sandall,S. R.(EDS)。(2013)。解决幼儿'挑战性行为(Young Exceptional Children Monograph Series No. 15). Los Angeles, CA: The Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children.
桑切斯,D. D. D.,Steece-Doran,D.,&Jablon,J.(2013)。规划积极指导:强大的互动会产生差异。教育幼儿,6(2),8-10。从...获得
Sandall,S.&Ostrosky,M. M.,(EDS)。(1999)。解决具有挑战性行为的实用思想。年轻特殊的孩子专着系列。Longmont,CO:Sopris West。
Santos,R. M.,&Ostrosky,M. M.了解语言差异对课堂行为的影响。CSEFEL What Works Briefs。从...获得