
    • Describe features of the environment that support positive guidance and social development: supportive relationships, routines and schedules, and environmental design.
    • Identify proper methods of supervision to ensure safety and prevent challenging behaviors.
    • Recognize methods of including all learners and supporting positive guidance at home and with families.





    As you will read in the Learning Environments course, the environment includes not only the physical space and furniture arrangement, but the people, routines, schedules, and character of the space. Young children develop foundational skills for self-regulation in the first five years of life, which means caregivers and early childhood teachers play an important role in helping young children regulate their thinking and behavior. As a school-age staff member, you have the opportunity to continue to explore how the environment can be used as a powerful tool to support the development of self-regulation and to prevent challenging behavior.

    学龄儿童应该incorp的环境orate space for distinct activities. This might include computer and tech labs, homework labs, onsite playgrounds, integration of sports and fitness staff, and theme and activity clubs. The activity spaces should be clearly defined with specific boundaries and designed to promote learning and exploration. The focus of individual activity spaces can incorporate academic subjects like math, science, writing, or art. Within certain activity areas or for certain projects, you could also strategically limit materials to help encourage collaboration and teamwork, which fosters the development of social skills. For example, a staff member might provide a limited number of tools in the construction area. This encourages school-age children to take turns and work together. Additionally, school-age children should be instructed on the access, use, and return of materials to ensure that proper engagement and organization of the program areas is maintained.

    Guidance: Routines & Schedules


    According to the Council on Accreditation’s Standards for Child and Youth Development Programs, the daily schedule should:

    • Be flexible
    • 提供稳定性,没有刚性
    • 让孩子以轻松的方式满足他们的身体需求
    • 允许孩子们将一个活动从一个活动顺利移动到另一个活动,通常以自己的节奏
    • Facilitate smooth transitions when children need to move together as one group

    发布的日程表或中央location that all children can access is a great guidance tool for school-age programs. Many programs create visual schedules that include the time, name, and a visual depiction of each activity. This way, children can check throughout the day to see what is coming next. You can also refer to a visual schedule throughout the day to help with transitions. There are many ways to create a visual schedule. Here are some examples:




    It is important that school-age children actively participate in designing their program. This allows them to develop a sense of belonging and ownership, which will help in preventing challenging behaviors. As mentioned in Lesson Two, it is important to first ensure that your program is developmentally appropriate. The schedule needs to be flexible enough to meet individual and group needs while at the same time provide a routine predictable enough for children to know what is expected of them. It is important to recognize that the program schedule should evolve as children’s interests, needs, and experiences develop.

    Guidance: Physical Space

    The physical layout of the environment should be designed in a way that supports positive guidance techniques and positive behaviors. The environment should be comfortable for children and allow for clear sight lines for supervision for staff. Your program might have separate rooms for distinct activities (homework, construction, snack, science, etc.), or you might use furniture to designate separate spaces. For example, a set of couches defines the video game or lounge space, a stage defines the dramatic play space.


    • Eliminating large open spaces where children feel overwhelmed or where they will run. In all age groups, furniture should be used to help define spaces and encourage safe traffic patterns. Low shelves provide safe boundaries for play and movement. The physical space can be changed or rearranged in a way to accommodate the current interests and needs of the children and activity plans.
    • 让孩子们有舒适的地方放松,阅读或与朋友聊聊。这些舒适的安静的地方让孩子们休息一下,他们可以自己放松或追赶他们的朋友。有时候,孩子们需要时间在学校忙碌的一天反思或减少,并让他们有机会这样做,可以帮助防止具有挑战性的行为。
    • 为播放,学习和个人需求提供明确定义的空间。yabo电子游艺孩子们应该为他们的个人物品有一个安全的地方。提供垃圾箱或幼崽以保持个人物品将限制分歧和担忧。此外,拥有垃圾箱或群储存儿童的个人物品,鼓励对一个人的财物负责。
    • 提供足够和可访问的材料。确保清点您的程序并拥有所需的材料。应该有足够的材料,为儿童提供各种各样的选择。应选择这些材料,并考虑到儿童的兴趣和文化。所有材料必须是安全的,接触和发育的合适。儿童应该能够找到和获取他们感兴趣的材料,玩具和活动。应该有一个系统,让孩子们知道如何以及在哪里找到物品并将它们放在哪里。
    • Defining the boundaries on the number of children in an area. Some spaces can accommodate larger numbers of children than others. Make sure you consider the needs of children in a space. For example, does an art area become overwhelming when more than four children are there at the same time? Does challenging behavior (arguments) or disengagement (children sitting with no materials or nothing to do) occur when a certain number of children try to play in the art area? Can the school-age science area only accommodate a certain number of children safely? For current high interest areas, are you able to make some areas larger or provide more materials?

    You can also refer to the Learning Environment course for more information.


    Guidelines should be in place to ensure children’s safety by providing sufficient and appropriate supervision at all times. According to the Council on Accreditation, the supervision system should enable staff to:

    • 知道孩子和青年的位置以及他们在任何时候都在做什么。
    • Protect younger children when they move from place to place or use the restroom.


    • 有一个儿童和青少年的系统可以随时访问帮助。
    • Devices such as intercoms, two-way radios, and cordless phones are used to make communication possible between different areas within the program site.
    • A system is in place to allow staff members to know which children and youth are in the restroom and how long they have been there.
    • Staff members move around an area so they can see or hear all the children and youth they are supervising and position themselves in a way that allows them to watch as many children and youth as possible.
    • Convex mirrors are used to supplement line-of-sight supervision.
    • Staff members know where children and youth are during transitions (e.g., moving from outdoors to indoors, room to room, and using restrooms for younger children).
    • There is a system for monitoring children and youth who have permission to be out of sight, including staff members knowing where they are and checking on them at regular intervals.
    • 计划是为了处理失踪或失去的儿童和青少年。查看您的程序以获取具体程序。
    • 监督水平因符合个人和群体的需求而有所不同,包括气质和发展阶段。
    • 监督水平尊重老年青少年的独立需求,包括制定允许儿童和青年,家庭和工作人员商定的更多独立性的政策。


    • 工作人员在活动涉及危险设备(例如,使用木工工具,烹饪,皮革)时,工作人员使用小型,可管理的群体。
    • 工作人员密切关注攀岩设备的儿童和青年。
    • Staff members watch for traffic hazards when children and youth are outdoors.
    • A written plan is in place for providing increased supervision for certain activities (e.g., carpentry, cooking, swimming, biking, sledding, ice skating, rollerblading).
    • 监督潜在风险或有害活动的工作人员通过行业安全标准确定了专门培训。
    • Extra adults are present on field trips that are difficult to supervise (e.g., trips to amusement parks, beaches, ski areas, campgrounds).
    • 工作人员密切监督使用热液体或发热工具的任何活动。
    • There are specific procedures for higher-risk activities (e.g., swimming, gymnastics).
    • Ratios of staff members to children and youth are higher and group sizes are smaller when children and youth are learning a new or difficult skill and when projects involve potentially dangerous equipment (e.g., cooking or carpentry).
    • 集团大小与体育,艺术活动,阅读或安静的棋盘游戏往往更大。
    • Group sizes may exceed 30 for activities such as outdoor play, performances, or assemblies, as long as adequate supervision is provided.
    • 对儿童和青少年的工作人员比率足够高,以确保工作人员有时间与个别儿童和青年交谈,并帮助他们在活动中取得成功。
    • Ratios and group sizes permit staff members to promote positive interactions.




    支持ing ALL Learners



    It is critical that you get to know the children in your program to be able to support their successful participation in your program experiences. Make sure all children and families feel welcome and involved. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program can be a valuable resource for ideas.

    Interactions Between Staff and Families

    积极指导,超越的墙壁your program and into the homes of the families you serve helps to strengthen relationships between staff and families. Ongoing communication with families can keep parents and guardians informed of behaviors that occur during the day. Having families’ support can help reinforce skills being taught in your program. The method of communication can be tailored to meet the needs of each family. Some families may prefer daily communication while others may prefer weekly or biweekly communication. Communication methods can include notes, emails, phone calls, newsletters, and individual conferences. Refer to the Communication and Families Courses for more detailed information on communicating with the families of the school-age children in your care.


    Guidance: The Environment

    Watch this video to learn how the environment can promote positive guidance.


    The school-age learning environment is more than a physical space; it’s an atmosphere that fosters learning and community for children. Creating a community atmosphere in the learning environment takes time because you must develop relationships with the children in your program. According to the Council on Accreditation, some methods of creating positive relationships with children are:

    • 帮助孩子们感到欢迎,舒适,支持。
    • 认识到积极的成就。
    • 尊重儿童。
    • 听孩子要说的话。
    • 回应有兴趣,接受和欣赏的儿童。
    • Be consistent and follow through on what you say you will do.

    If you work to follow these guidelines and to establish relationships with the children in your care, you will see children making positive, safe choices. Children will observe the ways you interact with others and try to model that behavior in their own interactions. As a result, children will experience healthy friendships with one another and enjoy a positive program community. Please refer to the Social course for more information on creating a community atmosphere in the learning environment.

    Provide materials and experiences that help children think about different emotions and challenging social situations. Offer books that discuss common conflicts amongst peers (e.g., being left out of play or not invited to a birthday party) or different everyday situations school-age children may face that could evoke strong emotions. Perhaps offer writing prompts about one of these challenging experiences and encourage children to share their stories, discussing the emotions they would experience and the solutions they considered to handle the challenge. These conversations offer an opportunity to identify emotions, appropriate strategies for conveying strong emotions, and the opportunity to problem-solve certain social challenges before they occur.



    观察is an effective tool for you to learn how the school-age learning environment can support positive behavior. Complete theObserve the Learning Environment活动并与您的教练,教练或管理员分享完成的工作。





    学期 Description
    Relationships 与情感联系的持续互动,在所涉及的个人之间具有特别重要的意义
    Routine An event that happens daily, such as time for snack, arrival, departure, or clean-up
    Transition 一个活动与下一个活动之间的运动;通常涉及停止一项活动并开始新的活动
    Visual support 用于通过图片,图纸或图像将信息传送信息的对象;示例包括图片计划,规则图表,课堂标志






    Finish this statement: A daily schedule in a school-age program…


    A colleague asks for suggestions about how to use the environment to support positive guidance techniques and positive behaviors. What do you say?

    References & Resources:

    Berk, L. E. (2013). Child development (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

    Council on Accreditation. Standards for Child and Youth Development (CYD) Programs.https://coanet.org/cyd-standards/

    Fields, M. V., Merritt, P. P., Fields, D. M., & Perry, N. (2014). Constructive Guidance and Discipline: Birth to Age Eight. Pearson Higher Ed.

    Fox, L., Lentini, R., Binder, D. P. (2013). Promoting the Social-Emotional Competence of All Children: Implementing the Pyramid Model program-wide. Young Exceptional Children Monograph Series No. 15, 1-13.


    Massachussetts School-Age Coalition (n.d.). School-Age Child Guidance Technical Assistance Paper. Dorchester, MA: MSAC.https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2016/08/mo/child-guidance-school-age3.pdf

    国家幼儿教育协会。More than a Letter Home: Activities to send to families before the year begins. Teaching Young Children/Preschool.

    国家幼儿教育协会。(2009). Welcome Children and Families to Your Classroom. Teaching Young Children, 5(2), 6-7.https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/tyc/apr2013/welcome-children-and-families

    Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014). Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective, (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.