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    • Identify methods for making family members feel welcome within their child’s program.
    • Recognize effective practices for communicating with family members.
    • Discuss reasons to communicate with families.




    Communicating with others can be both simple and complex at the same time. Have you ever been surprised that someone misunderstood a message you thought you had communicated quite clearly?


    Importance of Communicating with Families


    Communication is unique in school-age programs because of the limited interactions between staff members and family. Some children may arrive or depart your program by school bus, bike, or on foot. This means you might not always have the opportunity to speak directly to a family member each day. To ensure that communication needs between yourself and the families are met, you will need to be creative in your communication methods.

    Ways of Communicating With Families

    每个项目都有各种各样的沟通methods, both informal and formal. Depending on the situation or information being shared, you will need to determine which method is most appropriate. If you are unsure, always check with your trainer, coach, or supervisor.


    Some examples of informal communication methods include:

    • Family information boards:Family information boards provide information for family members that is posted in a central location. Boards may contain schedules, menus, upcoming events and general program news. This can also be a good spot to post parenting resources.
    • 日常对话:日常谈话包括与孩子的家庭成员进行非正式交流,讨论日常事件、孩子的表现以及家庭成员是否有任何问题、顾虑或要求。
    • Newsletters:A physical or digital newsletter that informs families of the program’s news and events. This would be a way to share a project that children have worked on or tell families about an upcoming talent show.
    • Phone calls: A phone call to a family member informing them of a minor incident or injury, or to seek specific information.
    • E-mails:An e-mail to a family member informing them of a minor incident (i.e., a torn backpack or a missing permission slip) or to seek specific information. Check with your program’s e-mail policy.

    These informal methods of communication are appropriate to use when there is general information of which all family members should be aware, such as the schedule, policies, or upcoming events. Phone calls or e-mails may be used to inform families of situations involving their child (such as an overdue permission slip). Whenever possible, interactions between staff and family members should occur daily. This is the first way to keep lines of communication open at your program. Informal communication methods should not be used to discuss major incidents, behavior issues, or developmental concerns.


    Some examples of formal communication methods include:

    • Individual Conferences:Conferences should be used to discuss child achievement, behavior issues, developmental concerns, or other major situations. Phone or virtual conferences may also be used if a family member is on deployment or otherwise unavailable. Be sure to check your program’s procedures for conferences and consult a trainer, coach, or supervisor with any questions.
    • Program-Wide Family Meetings: A group meeting may be used to discuss a particular situation, concern or issue within a program. This would mostly likely occur with multiple families and would be lead by the program’s director. A formal group meeting would have a leader and a planned agenda. Check with a trainer, coach, or supervisor to learn your program’s policy on group meetings.


    The following are tips on how to effectively communicate with families during formal meetings:

    Be prepared and organized
    • 提供具体的例子、文件和照片。
    • Parents are busy, being organized helps keep the meeting on track and makes it worthwhile and meaningful.
    • Try to anticipate questions parents may have and bring the appropriate resources.
    Use the “Sandwich Approach”
    • When sharing difficult information with parents, it is best to “sandwich” it between two pieces of positive information about their child.
    Be supportive
    • Be an active listener.
    • Express that you are on a team with the goal being the child’s success.
    Stay calm
    • Don’t engage in arguments.
    • 如果存在分歧,请继续,然后与主管讨论情况。
    Leave the meeting open-ended
    • Let family members know that you are always available.
    • Make sure family members have a variety of ways to contact you such as in person, by phone, or by e-mail.
    • If the situation is ongoing, such as a behavior problem, set up a conference in the future to check the child’s progress.


    If appropriate, invite the child to be a part of the conference. Sometimes, having the child present will give you a better understanding of the family dynamic. It will also make the child feel responsible for their own actions and give them more ownership over the situation.

    Finding the “Right” Time to Communicate with Families

    尽管与家人的沟通应该全年都在进行,但你应该了解与家人进行某些对话的适当时间。例如,假设你和一个孩子有纪律问题。你可能觉得在接送的时候和家人讨论这个问题是合适的。然而,这种方法几乎可以保证家长会关闭对话。他或她对讨论感到疲倦,毫无准备。你应该为困难的对话提前计划:这个对话将如何计划?何时何地发生最好?谁会参与?当您需要与家人讨论重大问题时,应安排与您的培训师、领导或主管进行正式讨论。这将最大限度地提高各方对结果满意的可能性。家长会感到受到尊重,能够在注重成果和协作的环境中做好准备。这种结果不可能发生在一天结束的时候。看讲义,Sharing Concerns with Families, for additional ideas and resources.

    Creative Communication Methods


    • Communication journals:
    • Online discussion groups:
      Use an online forum to allow communication between yourself and families. This should be used for group information only, not information specific to one child. You should also check with your trainer, coach, or supervisor for any regulations regarding internet use.
    • Blogs:


    Watch the following videos about communicating with family members in a school-age program. In this first video, you will hear a parent and a staff member talk about communication. The second video illustrates the importance of communicating about the care of children and youth and suggests methods to do so. In the final video, you will hear from a training and curriculum specialist on creative communication.

    Sharing Program Information



    A staff member discusses sharing information with families and a specific situation that helped a child become successful.

    Creative Communication

    Communication in school-age programs can be difficult because of the program’s structure. A staff member discusses creative ways to communicate.


    Familiarizing yourself with a variety of communication methods will set you up for success. Remember to always be available for families to offer support, guidance, information or just to lend an ear.

    • Create a welcoming environment for family members by being kind, respectful and professional at all times.
    • 与famil沟通ies each day through informal and, when necessary, formal methods.
    • 全年计划家庭合作的机会。
    • 在沟通时获得创造性。不要让家人穿过裂缝只是因为你每天都没有看到它们。



    与家庭成员沟通是创造家庭伙伴关系的第一步。查看并完成Communication Activityand complete the table. Share your responses with your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    创造性的沟通在学龄计划中至关重要。查看并完成Creative Communication Methods: Brainstorming活动。完成问题并与您的培训师、教练或管理员分享您的回答。


    Term Description
    积极的听者 A method of listening where the listener demonstrates understanding of what is being heard by restating the information
    Active Listening Sample Conversation Child: “I wish I didn’t have to go to piano practice anymore.” Parent: “I understand that you don’t want to go to piano practice, but can you tell me why?”
    Creative communication Methods of providing families with information in non-traditional ways. Examples are communication journals, suggestions boxes, online discussion groups, and blogs
    Formal communication Methods of providing families with specific information in a planned and purposeful way. Examples are individual conferences and group meetings
    非正式沟通 Method of providing families with general information such as schedules, daily events or program news. Examples are daily conversations, information boards, newsletters, etc.
    开放政策 The program allows family members to enter the program at any time to visit with their child or meet with the program staff
    Sandwich Approach When sharing negative information, place it between two pieces of positive information. For example, "Johnny had a good day today. I did notice that he still has trouble staying on task during homework time. I know that if we work together on this, Johnny will do an even better job tomorrow"




    What is the first step to creating a family partnership?


    Family information boards, daily conversations and newsletters are examples of:



    References & Resources:

    Staples, K. E. & Diliberto, J. A. (2010) Guidelines for Successful Parent Involvement. Teaching Exceptional Children. 42(6): 58-63.

    Mayer, E. & Kreider, H. (2006) Improve Family Engagement in After-School Programs.OurChildren10月/ 11月。