学龄儿童通常遵循可预测的帕特terns in how they grow and learn. This lesson will help you understand typical cognitive development, or how school-age children develop thinking skills during early and later ages. You will learn about developmental milestones and what to do if you are concerned about a school-age child’s development.
- 识别学龄儿童中典型的认知发展里程碑。
- 讨论你担心学龄儿童的认知发展,该怎么办。
- 他们开始看到其他学龄儿童的观点的东西,并开始了解他们的行为如何影响他人。
- 他们正在开发他们的口语技能,获取新的词汇和句子结构。
- 他们喜欢策划和建设。
- 他们了解空间,时间和维度的概念。他们了解昨天,今天和明天这样的概念。他们左右。
- 他们开始培养一种自信心和掌握学习的感觉。yabo电子游艺
- 他们正在学习阅读和yabo电子游艺写作,听起来很简单。
- 他们开始推理并争辩。
- They can perform simple addition and subtraction.
- Most early adolescents are fully capable of perspective taking and understand and consider other's perspectives.
- They begin to think hypothetically, considering a number of possibilities, and are able to think logically.
- 他们变得更加目标。
- They may develop special interests that are a source of motivation.
- 认知发展可能受到学龄儿童情绪状态的影响。
- They begin to understand facets of the adult world like money and telling time.
- 他们可以喜欢读一本书。他们可以解释段落的背景并写出故事。
- 他们欣赏幽默和歌词游戏。
Cognitive development is a unique process and is specific to each school-age child. Sometimes school-age children may exhibit cognitive difficulties that can affect their learning and impact their behavior. These difficulties may be viewed as school-age children "going through a stage." School-age children experiencing difficulties may not receive proper interventions, supports, or care from caregivers and other adults. We might ignore some behaviors because we think that they are related to mood changes most middle and early adolescent school-age children experience. However, certain behaviors should not be overlooked. These include (Center for Disease and Control and Prevention, 2014):
- 过度抑郁症
- Antisocial behaviors, or the inability to relate to peers or fit into a peer group
- Acting out
- Difficulty staying engaged in an academic task
If you are concerned about a child's development, talk with your trainer, coach, or supervisor so that you can brainstorm and work together to talk with parents about your observations. This may be difficult, but it can make the difference in meeting a child's needs. With the guidance of your supervisor, trainer, or coach along with program management, you can share information with families about typical child development and let them know you are available to talk.
- Provide thought-provoking materials and challenging games for school-age children to complete if or when they have some downtime.
- 为学龄儿童提供各种发育合适和文化多样化的书籍。
- 模型关怀,尊重,诚实和责任的价值观。
- 确保空间是文化敏感的,并且没有不同的性别,种族或种族的负面描绘。
- Ensure the space reflects the needs and interests of school-age children.
- 提供学龄儿童可以冷却或降低压力的空间。
- 允许学龄儿童设计或个性化部分空间。
- Implement activities where children and youth can use their strengths and abilities.
Observing school-age children and youth can help you see where they are developmentally which is important as you plan learning experiences for them. View and complete the发展观察活动的阶段。与您的管理员分享,培训师或教练。
How might your program help support school-age children’s strengths, or developmental assets? Browse through the materials in the加强学龄儿童发展:资源表activity. Gather ideas and share them with your colleagues.
Term | 描述 |
绽放的分类法 | A classification system that organizes skills and abilities from low to high order thinking processes, to think about learning outcomes. |
认知能力 | 帮助儿童获取信息,解决问题,原因和得出结论的心理技能或行为。 |
发展里程碑 | A set of skills or behaviors that most children can do at a certain age range. |
Developmental delay | Developmental delays may be suspected when children do not meet developmental milestones at the expected times. Delays can occur in any area of development. |
Developmental screening | Developmental screening is a tool used to help identify children who are not developing as expected and who may need supports. Screening can be completed by pediatricians, teachers, or others who know both the child and child development well. |
发展资产 | 发展资产are personal strengths that school-age children possess that are linked to positive healthy development. |
Benson,P. L.(2006)。All kids are our kids: What communities must do to raise caring and responsible children and adolescents(第2号)。旧金山:jossey-bass。
疾病控制和预防中心(2014年6月23日)。Middle childhood (9-11 years of age). Retrieved fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/middle2.html.
Institute for Human Services for the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program (2007).发展里程碑图表。从...获得http://www.rsd.k12.pa.us/Downloads/Development_Chart_for_Booklet.pdf