This lesson may have content specific to certain audiences. Differences between audience views may be subtle or non-existent. Please select your audience:
- 设计物理环境以促进安全。
- Use active supervision to minimize the risk of child abuse and neglect.
- Identify actions that protect you from false allegations of abuse or neglect.
- 描述您的房间设计,中心设计,人员配备和标准操作程序最大限度地减少儿童滥用和忽视的风险。
- Koralek,D.G.(1993年11月)。防止在中心环境中虐待和忽视儿童。华盛顿特区:教学策略公司,国防部合同#MDA 903-91-M-6715,国防部长办公室家庭政策支持和服务办公室。
- Koralek, D. G. (1994) Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: A Training Module for Youth Program Staff. Double H Productions. Department of Defense Contract #DAE08-94-5011.
已根据统一设施标准(UFC 4-740-14)交叉引用和更新
- 所有员工必须完成刑事背景调查。While background checks are being processed, new staff members must remain in line-of-sight-supervision by a staff member who has passed the background check.
- A Training and Curriculum Specialist is available to provide professional development and support around preventing child abuse and neglect. The T&C is supported by the installation’s Family Advocacy Program.
- 家庭宣传计划提供年度虐待预防,识别和报告培训。
- 设施旨在防止儿童虐待和忽视的机会。
- 工作人员应随时为学龄儿童提供充分的监督。
- Policies and standard operating procedures are in place to prevent child abuse and neglect.
You will read more about the facilities, supervision, and standard operating procedures in this lesson.
- All program areas (rooms, hallways, parking lots, and outdoors spaces) are well-lit and visibility is good enough that staff members can supervise all spaces easily.
- Storage areas are designed so the hardware on the doors is operable from both sides. Doors on closets can be opened from the inside without a key. This prevents a child from being locked in a closet or storage area.在某些服务中,所有存储区域的门上都需要视觉面板。
- 闭路电视(CCTV)系统安装,并正常工作,并允许工作人员,经理,T&C公司,和监控计划活动的家庭。
- 没有任何窗帘或百叶窗阻挡儿童接受护理的区域或有人可能带孩子的区域。
- Concave mirrors are installed where needed to improve visibility around corners or into difficult-to-see spaces.
- 从主楼可见到户外储存区的门,所以可以通过游乐场上的成年人视觉监控。
- The reception desk is located so that the entrance can be viewed by reception desk staff.
- 在所有出口门上有警报,除了主入口和厨房外部入口外,不向围栏区域开放。
- 一个中央入口区域服务于所有翼或模块。这减少了进入或退出建筑物的方式数量。
- 主入口的一个系统,如蜂鸣器系统,限制夜间只有少数护理人员值班时进入大楼。
米尔借助国防部,您的指导上市你的center has established operational policies and procedures that can reduce the potential for child abuse and neglect. These policies and procedures address staff and supervision, supervision of children, access to the facility, and use of volunteers, interns, and students in training. Some examples of policies and procedures that may be similar to those at your program include the following:
- 至少有两个成年人必须在中心始终存在。
- At least one staff member at a supervisory level must be present in the center at all times.
- 工作人员必须佩戴姓名标签或服装,向家长和来访者直观地表明他们是负责项目和注册儿童的员工。
- Use of corporal punishment or other discipline procedures in violation of center policies is grounds for immediate dismissal in accordance with service personnel policies.
- Center staff may not take a child or children enrolled in the program to their home or in their own vehicle without permission of the child’s parent and the center director.
- Children and youth must not be left unattended or under the sole supervision of teen volunteers.
- 儿童只能交给父母或法定监护人或父母或法定监护人书面授权的成年人。遵循您的计划的政策,在哪些年龄的青少年可以签署自己的计划或进入青少年中心。
- 使你的监督与儿童和青年的需要和能力相匹配。年幼的学龄儿童将需要更多的直接监督。如果孩子们呼救,一定要让一个成年人离得足够近,以便做出反应。根据孩子的需要和活动的特点调整你的监督。潜在的危险活动,如木工和游泳将需要直接监督所有儿童,无论年龄。
- 使用登录和退出系统来监控哪些儿童出席,它们在程序中的位置。
- 与其他员工合作,确保项目的所有领域都得到充分的监督。工作人员需要监控室内、室外空间、走廊、洗手间等。有时你可能会被指派监管一个特定的房间。其他时候,您可能会在所有程序区域之间浮动,并在子程序在空间之间转换时对其进行监视。
- 父母必须在该设施中存在的时间内有时访问中心的所有区域。
- 该中心的访客必须在设施或室外游乐区陪同工作人员陪同。
- 进入中心的入口应限于一个入口和一个出口。
- 除了员工和父母以外的所有人,将儿童带到中心,必须在前台或合适的人员登录和签出。例如,通过厨房进入的食品服务送货员将与厨师一起登录。
- 志愿者、实习生和受训学生不能单独与一个孩子或一群孩子一起工作。
- 志愿者,实习生和学生在违反计划纪律政策或虐待或疏忽的指控后可能无法在中心工作。
- 志愿者,实习生和学生培训必须遵守与认可,报告和预防虐待和忽视相关的背景检查和培训的规定。
What do safe facilities look like? Watch this video to find out.
- Recognizing when high levels of personal stress are affecting your caregiving performance and learning ways to remain in control of your behavior
- yabo电子游艺学习儿童发展阶段,因此您对儿童行为的期望是现实和合适的
- yabo电子游艺学习并使用积极的指导技巧,帮助孩子们发展自律
- 试图了解孩子行为的原因
- 认识到你的中心有可能存在虐待和忽视儿童的迹象
- 以下米尔Service将虐待和忽视儿童的可能性降至最低的法规
Tour your facility with your manager米尔或培训师。做wnload and print the设施功能清单and take it with you on the tour. Look for each of the features listed and ask your manager米尔或培训师描述它在您的设施中如何运作。在表格中做出关于如何保护儿童免受滥用和忽视的票据。
Koralek,D.G.(1993年11月)。防止在中心环境中虐待和忽视儿童。华盛顿特区:教学策略公司,国防部合同#MDA 903-91-M-6715,国防部长办公室家庭政策支持和服务办公室。
Koralek, D. G. (1994) Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: A Training Module for Youth Program Staff. Double H Productions. Department of Defense Contract #DAE08-94-5011.