
    • 承认轻微伤害,严重伤害和危及生命的伤害。
    • Identify signs and symptoms that indicate when EMS (emergency medical services) should be contacted.
    • Assess how to respond to an injury.




    1. 随着西蒙爬上梯子,她扭转了她的脚踝,向后落到地上。她的左脚变成了一个尴尬的角度。
    2. Dante and Claire are chasing one another on the paved path through their play area. Dante trips and skins his knee.
    3. 麦迪逊和特里斯坦正在乘坐三桅钓小山的路径。麦迪逊在山底停止了他的三轮车。特里斯坦无法及时停止并努力进入麦迪逊。两只三峡都落在儿童之上。麦迪逊击中了他的嘴巴的嘴巴,并失去了一颗牙齿。
    4. 卢克在去父亲的途中把他最喜欢的艺术品放下。它陷入了停车场,他破坏了抓住它。迎面而来的车辆无法及时停止忘记他。
    5. Luis brings you a handful of “candy” that he found on the floor. You see they are actually pills that must have fallen out of an adult’s purse. Luis has swallowed some of the pills, but you cannot determine how many.
    6. Millie is giggling with her friends during lunch. Suddenly she begins to choke. She cannot cough or make any sounds.


    Some injuries are small and only require minor first aid. For example, when Dante skins his knee, his caregiver will likely respond by cleaning the wound, applying a bandage, and completing an incident report. Dante is able to continue playing.

    其他伤害are serious but not life threatening. For example, Madison and Simone may need medical treatment for their injuries, but they are not likely to face permanent disability or death.

    Some injuries are life threatening and require immediate medical attention. For example, Luke’s accident with a moving vehicle, Luis’ ingestion of unidentified pills, and Millie’s choking could all result in serious injury or death. As a child-development professional, you must be able to recognize these situations and respond appropriately.


    • Perform, or find someone who is trained to perform, first aid or CPR. Training on first aid and CPR is offered by your employer and community agencies, such as the Red Cross.
    • 在国际地点致电紧急医疗服务(EMS)或其等同物。EMS指您所在地区的任何紧急响应者。这些可能是消防员,救护车或警方。当您在美国拨打911时达到EMS服务。在美国以外,与您的主管讨论如何获得紧急医疗服务。


    You must know what to look for when you are deciding how to respond to an injury.


    • You believe the child’s life is at risk or there is a risk of permanent injury.
    • 孩子呼吸困难,具有哮喘恶化,或无法说话。
    • 孩子的皮肤或嘴唇看起来很蓝,紫色或灰色。
    • 孩子的武器和腿部有节奏的刺激性以及意识丧失(癫痫发作)。
    • The child is unconscious.
    • 孩子越来越响应。
    • 头部受伤后,孩子有以下任何一种:减少警觉性,混乱,头痛,呕吐,烦躁或行走困难。
    • 孩子患上任何地方的疼痛都会增加或严重。
    • The child has a cut or burn that is large, deep, or won’t stop bleeding.
    • 孩子是吐血。
    • 孩子的颈部严重僵硬,头痛和发烧。
    • 孩子有明显脱水:沉思的眼睛,昏昏欲睡,没有泪水,不排尿。
    • Multiple children affected by injury or serious illness at the same time.
    • When in doubt, call EMS.


    If a child has any of the following symptoms, get medical attention within one hour:

    • Fever in any age child who looks more than mildly ill.
    • Fever in a child less than two months (eight weeks) of age.
    • 迅速蔓延紫色或红色皮疹。
    • 大便中大量的血液。
    • 可能需要针脚的切割。
    • Any medical condition specifically outlined in a child’s care plan requiring parental notification.




    • 保持冷静。
    • 调查现场。Look around and find out what is wrong. Decide whether it is safe for you to approach. Tell the child you are there to help. Ask questions and examine the child head-to-toe for injuries.
    • 采取行动。Decide whether injuries are life threatening: Is the child conscious? Is the child breathing? If the child is not breathing, perform CPR as needed. Use what you learned in your first-aid and CPR training to do the procedure correctly. If the injury is not life threatening, check the child head-to-toe. Look for all injuries. Ask the child questions and continue to check breathing and heart rate. Perform any basic first aid that is needed. Do not move the child unless his or her life is at risk.
    • 打电话。决定你是否需要打电话给EMS。打电话给孩子的家人。
    • Ride along.准备骑在救护车上的孩子。了解您需要随身携带的文件和联系信息。
    • 文档。使用工作场所提供的表格报告伤害。












    以下哪一个does notrequire a call to 911 (or local emergency services in international locations)?


    Which of these statements is true?

    References & Resources:

    American Academy Of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education (2011).照顾我们的孩子:国家健康和安全绩效标准;早期护理和教育方案指南。第3版。伊利安尔州麋鹿格罗夫村:美国儿科学院;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。也可提供http://nrckids.org.


    国家幼儿教育协会(2007年)。Naeyc早期童年计划标准和认证标准。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.