Preschool children develop and learn within all types of families, and family members are the most significant people in young children’s lives. When you view families as complex systems and you acknowledge their impact in early childhood, you are better able to develop partnerships with families and help create environments that meet the needs of each preschool child in your care. Strong partnerships with families help make the management of your preschool classroom smooth and energized. This lesson shares perspectives for understanding families and provides an introduction to family-centered practice.
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- 将家庭为中心的练习作为管理学龄前教室的关键组成部分。亚慱彩票
- 学how to be respectful and welcoming for preschool children and their families in your classroom and program.
- Recognize the diversity of families.
Welcoming Each Child and Family
Where do you feel welcomed? What happens in a place that makes you feel welcome?
- 向家庭成员询问他们如何参与,提醒他们,他们对你很重要。
- Respect each preschool child in your care and their families and acknowledge diversity and individual differences in growth, background, values, and beliefs.
- 与您在您的护理中与学龄前儿童进行有关您的工作的家庭分享信息,如果需要,请解释您为什么某种方式做事。亚慱彩票
- 家庭可以选择各种方式参与。对于军事家庭来说,在他们可以参与的灵活性方面至关重要。
- When families volunteer to be in your classroom, they need to have clear directions and a purpose and to know what the expectations are for them.
- 家庭成员希望对他们的孩子有意义的对话。确保您定期保持其孩子的增长更新。承认幼儿园的所有伟大事物每天都在每天做,并经常与家人分享那些!亚慱彩票正在进行的沟通和协作使每个人都受益。
- 所有家庭都有优势,所有家庭都有挑战。专注于每个家庭的优势和建立这些。
因为家庭对他们的孩子的发展是核心的,特别是当涉及早期的岁月时,他们是孩子的教育过程中的合作伙伴,积极参与者和决策者。因此,family-centered practice被认为是早期儿童教育,计划和服务的质量指标之一。在家庭为中心的实践中,信念是家庭是孩子生命中最重要的决策者(Sandall,Hemmeter,Smith,&Mclean,2005)。
以科素为本Family-centered practice is a set of beliefs and actions that influence how we engage families. |
信仰 |
行动 |
家庭是孩子生命中最重要的决策者。 |
Families are unique and their differences enrich our programs. |
Families are resilient. |
Families are central to development and learning. |
家庭是我们的合作伙伴。 |
Making an effort to understand preschool children and their families can create opportunities for you to better support the young children in your care.
一些非常重要的学习学前一年亚慱彩票yabo电子游艺s relates to culture. Preschoolers learn new words, ways of interacting with others, how to communicate, and how to play - all things influenced by culture. Culture refers to the shared experiences and history of different groups of people. Cultural differences may include differences in views of family and community, expectations of children, roles of parents, and value placed on education.
Culture is a significant factor in the ways families raise their children and how you, as a preschool teacher, provide care for young children. Examine your own cultural experiences and consider how these experiences affect your practice with preschoolers and families. Each teacher brings specific values, beliefs, and assumptions about child rearing and development to her or his work. In almost every type of child-care routine you perform, your values about it were shaped by your childhood and training. As you work with preschool children and their families, it is important to recognize your values and beliefs and the ways in which they are communicated. For example, a parent might expect a preschooler to never have a toileting accident, while you believe that toileting accidents do happen occasionally.
To help children develop this sense of who they are and who they will become, you must honor and celebrate the diversity of families. Diversity exists in a variety of dimensions, including:
- 作文(谁是家庭的成员)
- 种族和种族
- 语
- 社会经济状况
- 性取向
- Ability or disability
- 学历
- Values and traditions
- Child-rearing practices
Being a responsive teacher means that you demonstrate sensitivity and consideration for the multiple backgrounds, experiences, values, and contexts in which children and families live.
- 保留有关儿童及其家庭的信息。这是指审查儿童和家庭记录,与您的计划或社区中的其他教师进行对话,或与您在社区中认识的其他人进行对话。
- 当您了解有关儿童或家庭的机密信息时,请使用该信息来帮助他们而不是判断它们。
- 如果个人在课堂或计划中向您提供有关儿童或家庭的机密信息,请将其提交给您的T&C或计划总监。
- 将家庭认识到孩子生命中的常量,以及教师和服务系统可能会出现。
- 承认家庭最好地了解他们的孩子,并学会在您工作中将其视为合作伙伴和合作者。联系他们并邀请他们的输入。
- 促进家庭和专业人士之间的合作。
- 鼓励家庭到家庭的支持和网络。
- 荣誉和尊重家庭多样性(文化,种族,种族,语言,精神,社会经济,或家庭成员的性取向方面)。您可以通过以下方式执行此操作:
- 问家人有关他们的home language, sharing key phrasesthey use at home.
- 每个孩子一个展示真正的兴趣d family you work with and making an effort to get to know them.
- 拥有family information and children's books in the languages of each family.
- 邀请家庭访问您的课堂和计划和sing songs, tell stories, and show books or pictures that demonstrate their culture, and, for preschoolers, introduce culturally specific foods.
- 观察家庭如何互动与他们的孩子。
- Asking families tocreate a family or neighborhood storybook。
- Meeting regularly与家人了解他们的孩子的希望,梦想和目标。
做wnload and print the handout与家庭合作。阅读方案和头脑风暴如何回复。然后,与T&C或主管分享并讨论您的答复。完成后,将您的答案与建议的回复进行比较。
第一次讲义,家庭参与各种家庭, provides a resource you can use to brainstorm ideas on how to engage with diverse families in a sensitive, thoughtful manner.
第二个讲义,与家庭合作, provides links to articles and resources on supporting families with children with special needs.
学期 | 描述 |
Culture | A set of shared values, attitudes, or practices that characterize certain groups of individuals |
Family-centered practice | A philosophy or way of thinking that supports practices in which families are considered central and the most important decision-makers in a child’s life; more specifically, this philosophy recognizes that the family is the constant in a child’s life and that service systems and providers must support, respect, encourage, and enhance the strengths of the family |
Baker,A. C.,&Manfredi / Petitt L. A.(2004)。关系,质量保健的核心:在早期护理环境中创造社区。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
幼儿师的司。(2014)。DEC Recommended Practices in Early Intervention/Early童年特殊教育2014。从...获得
Ernst, J. D. (2015). Supporting Family Engagement.教学幼儿,9(2),8-9。
Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2005). A Framework for Understanding Differences. InDiversity in Early Care and Education,第四次。(第61-77页)。纽约:麦格劳山。
Hanson,M. J.,&Lynch,E. W.(2004)。Understanding Families: Approaches to diversity, disability, and risk.巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Brookes。
国家幼儿教育协会(2011)。Naeyc Posity声明:道德行为准则和承诺陈述。从...获得
Salloum,S. J.,Goddard,R.D,&Berebitsky,D。(2018)。资源,学习和政策:社会yabo电子游艺和金融资本对学校学生学习的相对影响。招收危险学生(JESPAR)23(4),281-303的学生杂志。从...获得。看also
Sandall,S.,Hemmeter,M.L.,Smith,B. S.,&Mclean,M。(2005)。DEC推荐的做法:一个综合指南。Longmont, CO: Sopris West.
Tomlinson,H. B.(2015)。向家庭解释发展适当的做法。教学幼儿,9(2), 16-17.
Turnbull, A. P., Turbiville, V., & Turnbull, H. R. (2000). Evolution of Family-Professional Partnerships: Collective empowerment as the model for the early twenty-first century. In J. P. Shonkoff & S. J. Meisels (Eds.).早期儿童干预手册(pp. 630-650). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Turnbull, A., Turnbull, R., Erwin, E. J., & Soodak, L. C. (2006). Families, Professionals, and Exceptionality: Positive outcomes through partnerships and trust. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.