
    • 将家庭为中心的练习作为管理学龄前教室的关键组成部分。亚慱彩票
    • 了解如何在课堂和计划中尊重和欢迎学龄前儿童及其家人。亚慱彩票
    • 认识到家庭的多样性。




    花几秒钟思考这两个问题ns above. Then consider all the things you do in your daily work to make preschool children and their families feel welcome in your classroom and program. How do you greet children and families in the morning and when it is time to go home? How do you ensure that preschoolers feel welcome, learn, and develop while having fun? How do you comfort them when they seem upset or miss their loved ones? How do you ensure that families feel welcome and supported?

    Successful preschool teachers create positive, welcoming environments for the children and families they work with and strive for excellence in their interactions with others. The most important aspects of your work are the relationships you create and nurture with children, families, and colleagues. As highlighted in several courses throughout the Virtual Lab School, relationships form over time and require ongoing effort and commitment. Collaborating with others is a big part of your work, and whether you are a brand new or a seasoned preschool teacher, your success and effectiveness hugely depend on how well you work with others. Whether you are engaging with children, families, colleagues, or supervisors, nurturing these relationships early on is critical to your success.

    Preschool children's development happens so quickly. When families and teachers work together, communicate, and share what is observed and experienced, opportunities are created for better understanding and supporting this rapid developmental growth. Asking questions, communicating, and listening with families helps support continuity of care between home and the care setting.

    Understanding children and child development is absolutely essential in your role as a preschool teacher. The individual courses within the Virtual Lab School provide extensive information on each of the developmental domains (e.g., Cognitive Development, Physical Development, Social & Emotional Development) as well as strategies and practical ideas on how to promote optimum growth. You should refer to these courses for comprehensive information about preschool children's development. Along with child development, knowledge about topics such as Safe Environments, Learning Environments, Healthy Environments, Positive Guidance, Child Abuse, and Family Engagement will strengthen your competence and enable you to positively impact the lives of children and families you engage with. Optimum development is achieved when children in your care are healthy, emotionally secure, and socially connected. This development, however, cannot be achieved unless you put preschoolers' families and home cultures at the forefront of your work.

    当与学龄前儿童的家庭亚慱彩票with special learning needs, you should work with your T&Cs and program directors to ensure that you have the resources and supports you need. You should work collaboratively with T&Cs, program directors, and family members to be sure that a preschooler’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) outcomes are addressed (if appropriate) in your classroom and program. Successful inclusion of children with disabilities requires careful planning, intentional teaching, and ongoing communication among all team members. As highlighted in Lesson Two in this course (Working as a Team), building collaborative relationships takes time and attention but has meaningful outcomes on your practice.

    You should work with your T&Cs and managers to ensure that families are welcomed and supported at all times in your classroom and program. Just as you care about how preschool children in your care are welcomed, you have to pay attention to how families are included in your daily work, not only at drop-off and pick-up time, but throughout their child’s day. In doing so, consider the following:

    • 向家庭成员询问他们如何参与,提醒他们,他们对你很重要。
    • 尊重每个学龄前儿童,以及他亚慱彩票们的家人,并承认增长,背景,价值观和信仰的多样性和个人差异。
    • Share information with families about the work you do with preschool children in your care and, if needed, explain why you do things a certain way.
    • Families can choose to be involved in various ways. For military families, it is critical to have flexibility in how they can participate.
    • 当家庭志愿者在您的课堂上时,他们需要明确的方向和目的,并了解他们的期望是什么。
    • 家庭成员希望对他们的孩子有意义的对话。确保您定期保持其孩子的增长更新。承认幼儿园的所有伟大事物每天都在每天做,并经常与家人分享那些!亚慱彩票正在进行的沟通和协作使每个人都受益。
    • All families have strengths and all families have challenges. Focus on each family's strengths and build on those.


    Because families are central to their children's development, particularly when it comes to the early-childhood years, they are partners, active participants, and decision-makers in their children's education process. As a result,以科素为本被认为是早期儿童教育,计划和服务的质量指标之一。在家庭为中心的实践中,信念是家庭是孩子生命中最重要的决策者(Sandall,Hemmeter,Smith,&Mclean,2005)。

    以科素为本also means that you understand the important effect all family members have on each other and on the preschool child. Each family member affects the other and the ways that the family functions. All family members are interconnected. From our families, we learn skills that enable us to engage in school and the workplace.

    When considering family-centered practice, you are viewing preschool children as part of a larger system; you are viewing family members as a whole. You become aware of and sensitive to the interactions and relationships taking place within the family, as well as outside interactions and supports that affect them. In an effort to maintain relationships and to work effectively together, you learn, respect and understand characteristics of each family and its support system. You can also consider the characteristics and stressors that may affect a family's involvement. What affects one family member can affect all family members. A family is a complex system in which no one member can be viewed in isolation.







    • 我们了解家庭的想法和偏好。
    • 我们在编程中提供选择。
    • 我们涉及计划领导的家庭。
    • 我们涉及在决策中的家庭。


    • 我们尊重和尊重多样性。
    • 我们涉及孩子生命中的所有重要人物。
    • 我们聘请并涉及家庭。
    • We develop responsive and reciprocal relationships.
    • 我们代表我们的计划中的家庭。


    • We learn about families' strengths, needs, and circumstances.
    • 我们将家庭与资源连接。
    • 我们建立家庭的优势。


    • 我们与家庭分享信息。
    • 我们听家人。
    • 我们将家人视为孩子的第一任教师。
    • 我们尊重家庭对孩子的专业知识。

    Families are our partners.

    • We use respectful, responsive, and two-way communication.
    • We reach out to families.
    • We involve families in all aspects of our program.



    Watch family members share how their children's programs are welcoming and supportive.


    学龄前多年的一些非常重要的学习涉及文化。yabo电子游艺亚慱彩票亚慱彩票学龄前儿童学习新词,与他人互动的方式,如何沟通,以及如何玩 - 所有受文化影响的东西。文化是指不同群体的共同经历和历史。文化差异可能包括家庭和社区观点,儿童期望,父母的角色以及教育的价值的差异。


    Sometimes, you might feel unsure about how to care for a preschool child or how to engage families who have very different experiences and cultures, including those who speak an unfamiliar language or who have unfamiliar religious customs. You can acknowledge differences and demonstrate an interest in the family in an effort to build relationships and learn ways to provide support to preschool children in your care. For example, you can learn how families view sleep habits, which may be influenced by culture and affects development. When differences are viewed through the lens of culture, respectful conversations can lead to agreement in how these practices will be supported in a group early care and learning environment.



    • Composition (who is a member of the family)
    • 种族和种族
    • Language
    • 社会经济状况
    • 性取向
    • 能力或残疾
    • 学历
    • 价值观和传统
    • 儿童饲养实践


    Being a responsive teacher also means that you are always professional and ethical when working with families. In doing that, you should practice the following:

    • Keep information about children and their families confidential. This refers to reviewing child and family records, having conversations with other teachers in your program or in the community, or engaging in conversations with other people you know in the community.
    • When you know confidential information about a child or family, use that information to help them and not judge them.
    • 如果个人在课堂或计划中向您提供有关儿童或家庭的机密信息,请将其提交给您的T&C或计划总监。





    There is a lot you can do to show that you value the families of preschool children in your program. Consider the following guidelines that reflect family-centered practice, and then think about how you can use these guidelines in your work with children and families.

    • Recognize the family as the constant in the child's life and that teachers and service systems may come and go.
    • Acknowledge that families know their children best, and learn to view them as partners and collaborators in your work. Reach out to them and invite their input.
    • Facilitate collaboration between families and professionals.
    • 鼓励家庭到家庭的支持和网络。
    • 荣誉和尊重家庭多样性(文化,种族,种族,语言,精神,社会经济,或家庭成员的性取向方面)。您可以通过以下方式执行此操作:
      • 问家人有关他们的家庭语言,共享关键短语他们在家里使用。
      • 展示了对您所携手合作的每个孩子和家庭的真正兴趣,并努力了解它们。
      • 拥有家庭信息和儿童书籍用每个家庭的语言。
      • 邀请家庭访问您的课堂和计划和唱歌,讲述故事,展示展示他们文化的书籍或图片而且,对于学龄前儿童来亚慱彩票说,引入文化特异性食物。
      • 观察家庭如何互动with their child.
      • 要求家人创建一个家庭或邻居故事书
      • 经常会议with families to learn about their hopes, dreams and goals for their child.






    Use the resources in this section to learn more about working with families. After reading both handouts, meet with your T&C to discuss ways to implement some of these ideas in your work with diverse families and families with children with special needs.


    The second handout,Partnering With Families,提供与有特殊需求的儿童提供支持的文章和资源的链接。


    学期 Description
    文化 一组共享价值观,态度或实践,其特征是某些个人群体
    以科素为本 一种哲学或思维方式,支持家庭被认为是中央和最重要的决策者在孩子的生命中;更具体地说,这种理念认识到家庭是孩子生命中的常量,而且服务系统和提供者必须支持,尊重,鼓励和提升家庭的优势









    References & Resources

    Baker,A. C.,&Manfredi / Petitt L. A.(2004)。Relationships, the Heart of Quality Care: Creating community among adults in early care settings。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。

    CONNECT Modules. Retrieved fromhttp://community.fpg.unc.edu/connect-modules/

    幼儿师的司。(2014)。早期干预/早期推荐的建议做法Childhood Special Education 2014。从...获得http://www.dec-sped.org/recommendedpractices

    Ernst,J. D.(2015)。支持家庭参与。Teaching Young Children, 9(2), 8-9.


    Hanson, M. J., & Lynch, E. W. (2004).了解家庭:多样性,残疾和风险的方法。巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Brookes。


    国家幼儿教育协会(2011)。Naeyc Posity声明:道德行为准则和承诺陈述。从...获得http://www.naeyc.org/positionstatements/ethical_conduct

    Rogoff, B. (2003).人类发展的文化性质。纽约:牛津大学出版社。

    Salloum,S. J.,Goddard,R.D,&Berebitsky,D。(2018)。资源,学习和政策:社会yabo电子游艺和金融资本对学校学生学习的相对影响。招收危险学生(JESPAR)23(4),281-303的学生杂志。从...获得https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10824669.2018.1496023。也可以看看https://news.osu.edu/why-relationships-not-money--are-the-key-to-improving-schools/

    Sandall,S.,Hemmeter,M.L.,Smith,B. S.,&Mclean,M。(2005)。DEC推荐的做法:一个综合指南。Longmont,CO:Sopris West。

    Schweikert, G. (2012).获胜方式:与家庭合作。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。

    Tomlinson, H. B. (2015). Explaining Developmentally Appropriate Practice to Families.Teaching Young Children, 9(2),16-17。

    Turnbull,A。P.,Turbiville,V.,&Turnbull,H. R.(2000)。家庭专业伙伴关系的演变:二十一世纪初为模型的集体赋权。在J.P. Shonkoff&S. J. Meisels(EDS。)。Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention(第630-650页)。剑桥联英国:剑桥大学出版社。

    Turnbull,A.,Turnbull,R.,Erwin,E.J.,&Soodak,L. C.(2006)。家庭,专业人士和异常性:通过伙伴关系和信任的积极成果。第五届。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司