- 反思这意味着实现是什么意思ningful curriculum and assessment as you manage your classroom.
- 确定发育适当实践的关键要素,并反思这些元素如何为计划管理有所贡献。
- 了解在与学龄前儿童及其家庭合作的重要学习者的重要性,并确定您可以追求自己的专业发展的方式。亚慱彩票
Two of the most basic and at the same time significant questions preschool professionals need to consider are: "什么should preschoolers in my care know?" and "Howdo we know if preschool children are developing well and learning what we want them to know?" Spend a few seconds thinking about how you would respond to each of these two questions.
You may have indicated that the"what"question refers to thecurriculum,or in other words the experiences and activities you plan and use in your daily interactions with preschool children, and the“如何”question refers to theassessment, or in other words the ways in which you find out about preschoolers' development and progress over time.
Meaningful Experiences for Preschool Children and Families
When defining developmentally appropriate practices, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC, 2009) highlights the following:
- Meeting children where they are in their development and supporting them in reaching achievable and at the same time challenging goals to promote their progress and interests
- 使用适合儿童年龄的实践并响应儿童居住的社会和文化环境
- 确保目标和经验是基于知识和基于研究的证据 - 不是假设 - 关于孩子如何学习和发展
什么are Indicators of Effective Curriculum?
Your goal should be to implement experiences and activities that are carefully planned, engaging, developmentally appropriate, challenging, and culturally and linguistically responsive. You should aim for growth and positive outcomes for all preschool children in your care. In doing that, you should learn the following indicators of effective curriculum as stated by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education (NAECS/SDE) (2009):
- Preschool children in your classroom and program are active and engaged.
- 所有的学龄前儿童的目标都是清晰亚慱彩票的,并由所有人(自己,家庭,任何相关专业人士或支持人员,您的T&C或主管)分享。
- 您的课程是基于证据的。换句话说,它基于研究型关于幼儿教育领域最佳实践的知识。
- Your experiences and activities are meaningful and intentional, and involve preschool children's engagement with and exploration of their environment.
- 您的经验和活动在学龄前儿童的现有学习和经验中建立。亚慱彩票yabo电子游艺
- 您的课程是全面的,并解决幼儿的多个发展域。
什么are Indicators of Effective Assessment?
Gathering information about the development of preschool children in your care helps you make informed decisions about their growth and helps you identify needs or concerns that may require further attention. Your goal should be to carry out assessment practices that are ethical, developmentally appropriate, and culturally sensitive. Meaning your assessment practices are based on a thorough knowledge of child development, they help children see themselves as capable and competent learners, and they respect and acknowledge children's and families' varied cultural experiences. The assessment practices you implement play an essential role as you manage your classroom. You should use assessment information to support growth and positive outcomes for all preschool children in your care. In doing that, you should familiarize yourself with the following indicators of effective assessment practices as stated by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC and the National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education (NAECS/SDE) (2009):
- 您的评估是在您的照顾中对学龄前儿童的发展恰当和文化和文化和语言敏感。亚慱彩票
- Families know about and are invited to be part of the assessment process.
- 评估information and evidence is gathered from realistic settings and situations that reflect preschoolers' actual performance within daily experiences.
- 您评估的是什么和每个孩子的发展和教育意义。
- 您的评估包括多个关于学龄前儿童表现随着时间的流程的多种证据来源。亚慱彩票
- The evidence you gather from assessments is used to better understand preschool children and improve their development and learning.
- 您的评估实践是道德和责任。例如,评估仪器或筛选工具基于其设计和目的适当使用。评估证据以现实的,多种方式收集,有关儿童的决定不是基于单一观察或评估工具。此外,孩子们并不彼此公开,而是鼓励他们和他们的家人反思孩子随着时间的推移而自身的增长。
You should work with your T&Cs and managers to ensure that assessment practices are developmentally appropriate for the preschool children in your care. Your program administration will ensure that you have the necessary resources (e.g., classroom or playground supplies, materials, equipment) and supports (e.g., observational feedback on your practices, additional resources) to promote these experiences and offer children and their families high-quality care and education.
In order to be knowledgeable about best practices in the field of early childhood education, you must stay current with the field. Joining a professional organization (e.g., NAEYC and the Division for Early Childhood) is an excellent way to receive timely information about what is new in the field. Web sites that contain evidence-based information can be bookmarked. Attending local or state conferences is another way to learn about evidence-based practices and keep current on new information.
- Get to know the children and families in your care. Plan for bias-free experiences, materials, and assessment. Treat each child and family member with respect, and acknowledge and honor individual differences in gender, cultural background, family income, abilities, or family composition.
- 为您提供各种发育适当的选择和经验。亚慱彩票
- Have developmentally appropriate expectations about children's behaviors.
- Ensure the curriculum goals are the basis for planning experiences and activities for preschool children.
- Review curriculum goals with colleagues or your supervisors and make sure that you offer opportunities for each child to achieve those goals. During this process, make sure to invite families' input.
- Act in a responsible, reliable, and dependable manner. Be at work on time, be prepared, and communicate clearly with children, families, colleagues and supervisors.
- Support practices that are ethical, responsible, and developmentally appropriate and speak out when they are not. Familiarize yourself with your program's or service's regulations, standards, and expectations for high-quality practices. Remember to always look to your T&C for guidance on difficult situations.
- 发展和培养协同精神并与同事合作。向一位经验丰富的学龄前老师提出关于他或她的实践亚慱彩票或向同事提供比你更新的同事的想法,可能需要帮助。
After reviewing the article,亚慱彩票学龄前课程决策:尺寸考虑athttp://nieer.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/12.pdf(浓缩版本和摘要:http://nieer.org/policy-issue/policy-brief-preschool-curriculum-decision-making-dimensions-to-consider), use the handout课程:决策. Take some time to reflect on the checklist provided. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.
Use the resources in this section to learn more about planning meaningful experiences and activities for preschoolers in your care. The first handout,Meaningful Assessment,提供来自国家幼儿教育协会的资源,了解如何对准课程,评估和计划评估。第二个讲义,Mentoring for Program Improvement,提供您可以使用的资源,因为您可以根据自己的专业开发。
学期 | Description |
Curriculum | The “knowledge, skills, abilities and understandings children are to acquire and the plans for the learning experiences through which those gains will occur” (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009, p. 20) |
Developmentally appropriate practice | 一种方法来教学的研究on how young children develop and learn and in what is known about effective early education. Its framework is designed to promote young children's optimal learning and development (NAEYC, 2009) |
Bruno,H. E.,&Copeland,T.(2012)。在幼儿计划中管理法律风险. New York: Teachers College Press.
Copple, C.,& Bredekamp, S. (Eds.) (2009).Developmentally appropriate practice for programs serving children ages birth through 8(3rd ed.). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Heffron,M. C.,&Murch,T.(2010)。Reflective Supervision and Leadership in Infant and EarlyC隐藏性计划。华盛顿特区:零至三。
国家幼儿教育协会(2011)。Code of Ethical Conduct and承诺陈述. Retrieved fromhttp://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/image/public_policy/Ethics%20Position%20Statement2011_09202013update.pdf
国家幼儿教育协会。(2009)。Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8.Retrieved fromhttp://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/PSDAP.pdf
国家教育幼儿教育与国家教育初期幼儿教育协会协会。(2003).Early Childhood Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation: Building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8.Position Statement with Expanded Resources.Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/capeexpand.pdf.
国家教育幼儿教育与国家教育初期幼儿教育协会协会。(2009)。我们在哪里支配课程,评估和计划评估。Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/StandCurrAss.pdf