您经理或培训师的工作的重要部分是为您提供有效的指导。阅读以下摘要,这是基于以下文章的全部:Instructional Coaching: Helping Preschool Teachers Reach Their Full Potential,由Shiffington,Sue Washburn和Kimberly Elliott(Young Children,2011年5月)。然后,回答以下问题。
- 他们可能对被录像的过程感到非常不安
- They may mistakenly assume that coaches are there to point out things they did wrong
- 他们可能有理由,“我知道了很多关于教学!我们为什么不关注孩子,而不是我!??'
- 被录像的过程是有用的,因为它可以捕获课堂互动的许多方面(所说的话,儿童如何回应,如何在教学时被忽视
- 成功的教练永远不会谈论“正确”和“错误”,而是作为与教师的合作伙伴,帮助他们加速学习目标yabo电子游艺
- 许多参与教学教练的教师获得了新的见解和教学策略,他们对发展他们的惯例感到兴奋,因为他们看到了儿童学习的直接,积极的变化'yabo电子游艺
Phase 1. The Pre-Observation and Planning Conference.
In this phase, the teacher sets goals for children’s learning, discusses why goals were selected, talks about the teaching strategy they plan to use, and plans an activity to meet these goals.
The coach and teacher view the video together. The teacher reflects whether activity goals were met. The coach encourages the teacher with open-ended questions to talk about and identify strategies that work, and helps identify ways to make the activity even more effective for children.
Tips to remember about instructional coaching:
反思实践对于许多人来说是新的。通常,当教师感觉被反思的教练过程感到不知所措时,教练遇到沉默,并不知道如何回应。教练必须灵活地满足他们所在的教师。教练需要耐心,尊重,幽默和积极。一个不情愿的老师能够通过首先以书面形式回应指导问题来热身反思过程。这可能需要时间来信任这种关系。Teachers can take steps to ensure they get the most out of instructional coaching and the reflective conferencing process.
教师希望用开放的思想来解决这个过程;动机以发展他们的实践并增加学习;yabo电子游艺关于孩子如何学习的好奇心;以及儿童从课堂上充分利用的愿望。Coaches can help teachers overcome “video recording anxiety.”
There are many ways for coaches to help teachers relax about this aspect. Coaches can experiment (i.e., start by video recording only the children first, or the classroom environment) before teachers build up confidence and no longer worry about the camera.教练支持教师通过帮助他们学习如何制造数据的意义来改变他们的练习。
教学辅导可以利用来自视频的标准化仪器和观测数据的数据来展示儿童的学习如何发展以及所需的支持。yabo电子游艺有用的工具检查课堂环境,教师 - 儿童和儿童对等交互以及评估词汇和预先技能的工具。成功的教练有核心能力。
Coaching programs work best when an administrator is assigned to support each coach and time is scheduled for them to meet at least once a week. The administrator is a sounding board and observes the coach coaching the teacher. They offer resources and help the coach meet their goals. All coaches benefit from being observed, getting feedback from administrators and coaching peers, and reflecting on their work with teachers. When coaching sessions are videotaped, coaches can learn how to improve their practice. One coach learned, after asking questions, that she didn’t wait long enough for teachers to answer.专业发展经验为教学辅导提供了一个有用的框架。
Instructional coaching turns classrooms into laboratories by giving teachers a system within which to reflect on their practice as they gain new knowledge. Through this practice, the effects of professional development is extended as teachers are supported as decision makers and problem solvers.
Comments from Teachers
-C。S. Gonzalez
“我的教练帮助我关注我想要做的事情。很多时候,我脑子里我想做什么。I might not lose focus but try to just get the job done, and my coach brings it back to ‘Why do you want to do this, what’s your intention for these children, what is the basic premise you want them to go away with?’”
- j。马丁
“My fellow teachers and I are looking a little bit deeper into a topic of study, and I think what I’m seeing a lot more now is writing. The children’s writing has really taken off. We’ve put up charts and graphs, and the activities are really promoting language and literacy. We’re digging deeper. . . ”
—S. Johnson
“Be prepared. If you haven’t ‘done your homework’—if you haven’t watched the videos, if you miss what the teacher wanted to look for, if you let the batteries in your camera run out, if you’re late—it sets up a bad dynamic. When you’re prepared and you are doing what you told the teacher you were going to do, it means you’re valuing the teacher and modeling how you want her to behave with children.”
—L. Coletti
“Tell the teachers what coaching is and what it is not. Many don’t know! Some teachers think the coach is going to make stuff for their classroom. Or they may try to use a coaching session as a time to complain or vent. The tone is important, and you need to set the right tone from the get-go.”
—S. Penney
“Keep in mind how busy a preschool teacher’s life is. You can’t expect to be welcomed with open arms if you have the attitude that you’re there to ‘fix’ teachers. Know that you’re coming to support teachers in being their very best; recognize that all teachers bring a lot of skills that you’ll help build on; and always exude that attitude.”
Source:Skiffington,S.,Washburn,S.,&Elliott,K。(2011)。教学教练:帮助学龄前教师达到他们的全部潜力。亚慱彩票YC Young Children 66(3),12-19。
What steps can you take to ensure you get the most out of instructional coaching?