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    • List examples of ways you can support children's physical development outdoors.
    • 探索提供有关您可以在户外体育活动中携带儿童的信息的信息。
    • List examples of accommodations you can use to support the physical development of children with special learning needs.


    Outdoor environments are natural settings for physical activity. In fact, a lot of us may be more likely to associate physical activity with being outdoors. Think about times when you took a walk or a run in your neighborhood, when you walked, hiked, or played games in a park, when you explored a nature trail, or when you spent time gardening or cleaning up your backyard. Those activities probably made you feel good, energized, and even rejuvenated.

    Outdoor Physical Activity in Preschool




    • 按照您的计划对检查游戏区域的政策,以确保它们是安全的。应从游戏区域移除碎片,岩石,水和其他危险。
    • 检查您用于室外游戏的任何玩具或设备,以确保它们状况良好。此外,请确保您知道如何正确清洁和消毒设备。
    • 意识到天气状况,并准备好在室内移动儿童或在恶劣天气下的安全区域。
    • Encourage children to drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after activities. You should offer fluid breaks to children every 30 to 45 minutes, or more frequently during warmer weather.
    • 遵循您对防晒和驱蚊剂的计划要求。
    • 确保儿童适当地穿着天气和活动。与您可能拥有的任何特定衣服偏好的家庭(例如,宽松的衣服,运动鞋)沟通。提醒家庭在玩耍时常常弄脏的家庭可能是一个好主意!
    • 在始终使用储备良好的急救套件,并按照您的计划关于使用它们的政策。
    • 了解您的课堂或计划的紧急行动计划,并确保工作人员与您合作,了解其在紧急情况下的角色。

    支持ing The Physical Development of All Preschoolers Outdoors




    • 脑瘫的儿童遇到运动和姿势。
    • 有些患有脑瘫的孩子可能有相关的条件,如智力障碍;愿景,听力或演讲困难;或癫痫发作。
    • 脑瘫的儿童可能增加肌肉剧性(僵硬的肌肉),肌肉色调减少,或两者的组合,结果可能是困难的。

    During outdoor play, children in your classroom like throwing and catching rubber balls. Shayla has a hard time grasping the balls.

    What are some adaptations you can use to ensure Shayla's participation in this fun activity with her peers? You may consider the following:

    • 使用不同尺寸和纹理的球。
    • 如果Shayla难以捕获,请尝试使用放气的球。
    • Have a peer nearby to pick up the ball if it falls onto the ground where Shayla cannot reach it.

    In the Explore section of this lesson you will have an opportunity to think about and respond to additional scenarios like the one above. The孩子们在一起(套件)program can be a valuable resource for ideas. You can also considerBuilding Blocksand卡拉的套件。本委员会初期儿童司委员会的这些资源提供了帮助儿童在环境中取得成功的现实世界的现实方法。

    What does outdoor physical activity look like in preschool? What can you do to support preschool children’s physical development outdoors? There are many answers to these questions. Take a look at these videos to learn more and to see examples.


    Watch this video to learn about the significance of outdoor physical activity.



    • 提供各种有趣的活动,如骑行三轮车,扮演标签,清除狩猎游戏,平衡游戏,改变方向游戏,障碍课程,遵循领导,舞蹈,冻结标签或降落伞游戏。
    • 鼓励孩子们共同努力,以创造自己的游戏和活动。
    • 包括儿童的感官体验,并考虑在课堂外,在第三课(支持物理开发:室内环境和体验中)共享一些例子。鼓励孩子们探索他们周围的自然,他们在外面看到的不同颜色,纹理或形状。
    • Model enjoyment for physical activity outdoors by joining children in play, running, dancing, games, or other activities.

    Having Fun Outdoors!




    In the Learn section of this lesson you were introduced to a scenario about Shayla, a child with cerebral palsy, who joins your classroom. Read these additional scenarios in this section. Use your knowledge from this lesson to propose solutions or adaptations in response to each situation. Then, compare your answers to the suggested responses.



    使用本节中的资源来了解有关有趣方式,您可以在户外吸引儿童体育活动。第一次讲义Head Start Body Startprovides ideas for outdoor experiences. The second handout shares information about starting a community garden. As you read this information think about what you can do to support the physical growth and development of children in your classroom and program.


    Term 描述
    适应 Changes to instruction provided to a child based on his or her needs
    脑瘫 一组影响一个人移动和维持平衡和姿势的能力的疾病;脑瘫是儿童中最常见的运动残疾,CDC估计美国在美国303名儿童中有1个脑瘫






    A child in your preschool classroom has developmental delays. What can you do to support her physical development outdoors?


    You have noticed that a few of your preschool children do not seem to be engaged with the outdoor play equipment. What can you do to make the outdoor environment more appealing?


    美国儿科学院,美国公共卫生协会,育儿和早期教育中的健康安全国家资源中心。(2011)。照顾我们的孩子:国家健康和safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs.(3 ed。)伊利安尔州麋鹿格罗夫村:美国儿科学院;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。从...获得

    疾病预防与控制中心。(2013). Cerebral Palsy. Retrieved from

    疾病预防与控制中心。(2013). Facts about Cerebral Palsy. Retrieved from


    Dodge,D.T.T.,Colker,L. J.,&Heroman,C。(2002)。学龄前的创意课程亚慱彩票(第4届)。华盛顿特区:教学策略。


    Head Start National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. (2013). Adaptations for Individual Children: Adaptations for Children with Disabilities.

    Lynch,S.&Simpson,C.(2004)。感官处理:使用七种感官满足个人需求。Young Exceptional Children, 7(4): 2-9.

    The National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2009).主动开始:从出生到5岁的儿童的身体活动指南的声明。(2nded.). Retrieved from

