Secondary tabs

    • List examples of ways you can support children’s physical development indoors.
    • 探索resources that provide information on supporting the physical development of all children in your classroom.
    • List examples of accommodations you can use to support the physical development of children with special learning needs in your classroom.




    The preschool years are considered some of the most active times in an individual’s life. Considering what you learned in Lesson One (Physical Development: An Introduction) about the significance of physical activity in young children’s lives, it becomes clear that preschool children need time for movement and active play. Keeping in mind that language and social development also take place during active play, you want to make sure that in your daily work, you provide children with ample opportunities to meaningfully interact and connect with each other. While children are engaged in active play, you have numerous opportunities to observe them and gather valuable information about their development.

    您的计划应为儿童提供充足的机会来参与身体活动。亚慱彩票学龄前儿童应该参与身体活动,无论是室内还是户外,每天至少60分钟。您的计划应努力为儿童不久坐的活动提供两个小时,在那里他们可以选择剧烈的身体活动或其他游戏,例如服装服装。虽然建议使用一小时的活动,但这60分钟的街区可能会在一天中分解为五个,10-,15 - 或20分钟的增量。三十分钟可以充满结构化活动,如游戏,而另一个半小时可能包括非结构化活动。



    • During center work:
      Provide children with opportunities to engage in pretend play in your dress-up area; use blocks or other items from nature to build or balance objects in the block area; draw or write using different materials in the art or writing center; explore and manipulate various items and textures in the discovery center; listen, watch the screen, or direct the mouse in a listening center or computer center; explore different textures, scents, colors, or sizes in a sensory center.
    • During circle time:
      Play games like Simon Says or Follow The Leader to keep children active. Download and print the attachmentNon-Competitive Active Games在本节中,我们将介绍一些使传统游戏不具竞争力的技巧。这些游戏可以在室内或室外进行。在这些游戏中,如果你需要更多的空间,你可能需要调整房间里的家具。
    • 故事期间或之后:
      Encourage children to role play parts of a story or to pretend to be story characters and imitate their movements and sounds.
    • 在小吃或午餐时间:
    • During transition time:
    • During any time:





    Children with physical disabilities may have difficulties with motor coordination and muscle strength. While some children may be able to engage in play and self-help activities with minimal or no help at all, other children may need significant support and may require the use of assistive technology. This could include equipment, such as wheelchairs or braces, or communication devices that enable them to explore their surroundings and interact with others. Children with physical disabilities may also have visual, hearing, or intellectual impairments that require the use of significant supports and accommodations when it comes to daily classroom activities. You may be working with children who have low muscle tone (leading to poor balance) and you will have to support their access and participation in motor activities. You may encounter children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder who may sometimes be extremely active, impulsive, or more easily distracted, and you will have to support their successful participation in your program activities.

    为了创造一个更加包容的环境,支持所有的学习者,你必须采取包容的态度。您的设施符合美国残疾人法案(ADA),因此至少有各种身体需要的儿童和家庭可以进入您的建筑。但是,你必须超越访问权限。确保所有的孩子和家庭都感到受欢迎和参与。这个Kids Included Together (KIT)program can be a valuable resource for ideas. You can also considerBuilding BlocksandCara’s Kit。这些资源委员会的例外Children Division for Early Childhood provide practical, real-world ways to help children succeed in their environments. When a child with identified special needs enters your program, work with the disability specialists Inclusion Action Team to make sure you and the staff members know how to support the child’s physical development. You can be a resource for brainstorming and for providing materials. Consider these quick and easy adaptations:

    1. Identified Need:
      Child has a hard time gripping or catching a ball.

      Possible Solutions:

      • Affix Velcro strips to the ball to make it easier to grasp
      • Create your own ball out of crumpled paper wrapped in masking tape.
      • Use a beach ball.
      • Use a scarf for throwing and catching.
    2. Identified Need:

      Possible Solutions:

      • Slightly deflate the ball to make it easier to catch or kick.
      • Use a larger ball.
      • 在草地或地毯等为球提供摩擦的表面上打球。
    3. Identified Need:
      Child has a hard time seeing a ball

      Possible Solutions:

      • Purchase or make balls with bells inside, so children with vision impairments can participate.
      • Use brightly colored materials.


    Most people are familiar with the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. There are at least two more senses, named theproprioceptiveand thevestibular senses. 本体感觉受体存在于肌肉或身体内的其他结缔组织中。它们受到运动和重力的刺激。这种感觉增强了身体意识,有助于运动控制。前庭感觉感受器位于内耳。它们有助于确定任何运动的速度和方向。这七种感觉都是我们的身体对外界刺激做出反应的方式。幼儿园的环境可以帮助所有的孩子发展他们的感官。本节将探讨如何帮助促进学龄前儿童的感官发展。亚慱彩票

    Movement and exploration promote sensory development. Art and writing centers offer many opportunities for children to move and explore. Scribbles explore the sense of sight and many art materials engage multiple senses (Dodge, Colker, & Heroman, 2002). Stickers, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, and other art materials have varying colors, sizes, textures, and scents. Different sizes of paintbrushes and different painting tools, such as sponges and rollers, create different textures.

    Other learning environments engage multiple senses. Blocks and toys have different textures and colors. Computer programs can stimulate many senses. Children listen through headphones, watch the screen, and direct the mouse. Music and movement also use multiple senses. This includes listening to music, participating in dancing, or playing instruments. Food preparation and cooking allow preschoolers to explore taste and other senses.

    One piece of furniture or equipment that engages preschoolers’ sensory development is the sensory table. Sensory tables can be filled with many items. Children can explore by squishing, sorting, digging, pouring, and playing freely. The items can be rotated and changed on a regular basis. If you do not have a sensory table, you can use plastic boxes or other containers in a sensory center.

    Two boys learn while playing in a sensory table


    1. Water.
      You can increase interest at the water table or center by adding food coloring or soap to the water. You can also decorate the bottom of the table or container with colored contact paper. Small toys can be added as well as fish, rocks, or items that sink and float to stimulate sensory and cognitive development.
    2. A girl learns while playing in a sensory tableSand.
      This can be used with or without water. Adding small sifters, cups, funnels, and colorful rocks can add to the learning.
    3. 孩子们在使用感官桌子时与护理人员学习天然材料。
      Safe seasonal plant materials are easily handled. This includes twigs, dirt, leaves, and more.
    4. Office supplies.
      Preschoolers can play with shredded paper, packing peanuts, or colored paper clips. Be sure to supervise children when playing with small objects, such as packing peanuts and paperclips, which may be choking hazards.
    5. Classroom or household items
      Large beads and buttons, cotton balls, or kitchen utensils are items that children can explore.

    When selecting materials for sensory activities, always consider the developmental needs of the children in your classroom. Establish rules for making safe choices at the sensory table or center. For example, “Sensory items stay in hands or in the table, not in mouths.” Other rules include limiting the number of people allowed at the center at one time. Adult supervision may also be required.



    What does indoor physical activity look like in preschool? What can you do to support preschool children’s physical development indoors? What experiences and materials support physical development? There are many answers to these questions. Take a look at these videos to learn more and to see examples.


    看这个视频的室内活动that promote children's physical development.

    Exploring Ice

    Watch how children in one preschool classroom explore ice.


    Try some of these ideas to help actively include all children in your classroom activities. Remember that your role is to give each child what he or she needs to be successful when necessary. Remember also that at some point, all children in your classroom will need extra help and support. Above all, get to know the children in your care well and collaborate with other individuals who know them, such as family members, therapists, or related services personnel.

    Experiences and Materials

    • Think safety first!
    • Plan activities after considering children’s particular needs and making sure全部children in your classroom have access to spaces and materials.
    • 在计划活动时,考虑对特定儿童可能困难的任务(例如,串珠珠),并准备帮助这些孩子完成这些任务或让孩子们一起工作并互相帮助。
    • Make sure your materials are age-appropriate for children.
    • 在盒子外面思考并思考!提供允许儿童使用多种感官的感觉刺激的活动和材料,以便通过观察,触摸,嗅到,品尝或听力来学习。有些孩子可能对不同种类的刺激或材料特别敏感或响应,作为学龄前老师,重要的是你愿意探索其他选择。亚慱彩票

    Classroom Environment

    • Make it easy to move around your classroom.
    • Make changes in your classroom environment. A quiet area for play with a smaller number of materials may help an overactive child be more successful because it presents fewer choices in terms of materials or toys.
    • 为那些对噪音、光线或触觉敏感的孩子在材料、活动或环境中做出调整。在你的中心额外的照明可能有助于儿童视力的挑战。

    Classroom Interactions

    • 观察孩子们玩,并确保所有孩子都包含在活动中。
    • Model appropriate behaviors and show children how they can invite and include others in their play.
    • 当孩子们在游戏或活动中包括其他孩子时,表扬他们。
    • Provide opportunities for children to partner with peers so they can learn from each other while at the same time also practicing social skills.

    Consideration of Multiple Perspectives

    • Get input from children’s families, related professionals who work with them, or the children themselves about things that work or don’t work.
    • 通过要求他们做出选择并鼓励他们自己做事来帮助所有孩子都独立。与此同时,对家庭的愿望和信念敏感,可能反映自己与自己不同的价值观(例如,重视与年轻时的相互关系和独立性)。






    Use the resources in this section to learn more about fostering the physical development of all children in your care. Download and print the handout,资源. 访问列出的网站,了解更多有关如何支持与你一起工作的孩子成长的方法。


    Term 说明
    适应 Changes to instruction provided to a child based on his or her needs




    How much physical activity do preschool children need each day and how should this time be structured?


    Your co-worker is looking for ways to add more physical activity to his classroom routine. Your suggestions include:


    A parent asks how you encourage sensory development in your preschool classroom. Which of the following is not a good example of a way to support sensory development?


    American Academy Of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2011).照顾我们的孩子:国家健康和安全绩效标准;早期护理和教育方案指南。(3rd ed.)伊利诺伊州麋鹿林村:美国儿科学会;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。检索自

    Dodge, D. T., Colker, L. J., & Heroman, C. (2002).The Creative Curriculum for Preschool.(4th ed.). Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies.

    Head Start Center for Inclusion. Retrieved from


    Lynch, S. & Simpson, C. (2004). Sensory processing: Meeting individual needs using the seven senses.Young Exceptional Children, 7(4): 2-9.

    Playworks. (2020). Game Library. Oakland, CA: Sports4Kids. Retrieved from

    The National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2009).主动开始:从出生到5岁的儿童的身体活动指南陈述。( Second ed.). Retrieved from

    National Dance Education Organization (n.d.) Standards for Dance in Early Childhood. Retrieved from

    Trawick-Smith, J. (2014).Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective。Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

    Turnbull, R., Turnbull, A., Shank, M., & Smith, S. J. (2004).特殊生活:特别今天教育s schools.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.