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    • 认识到学习环境对学龄前儿童的影响。亚慱彩票yabo电子游艺
    • Identify features of environments that help preschool-age children feel secure, comfortable, welcome and ready to explore and learn.
    • Describe how to design and maintain a developmentally appropriate environment for preschoolers.
    • 为幼儿园环境定义10个共同兴趣领域。亚慱彩票


    How Do Environments Affect You?





    Creating a supportive learning environment requires time, reflection (thinking) and planning. Whether children spend three or twelve hours a day in your program, the environment plays a major role in helping children develop and learn. Research suggests that a high-quality classroom environment can help close the achievement gap (Mashburn, 2008). That is, children who enter school less ready to learn are those that benefit the most from supportive classroom environments. Your supportive classroom can also be an important source of consistency for military children (a group that may experience a great deal of change in their daily lives). A supportive environment is:

    Flexible, supportive environment

    • 良好的组织:有序,计划和安全。
    • 可靠:需要一个需要它的儿童的稳定的“家庭基地”。
    • 灵活:能够适应不同孩子的需要。


    • 这是一个很好的地方。
    • You belong here.
    • 你可以相信这个地方。
    • 当你想要的地方,你可以在自己身边。
    • You can do many things on your own here.
    • 这是一个探索的安全场所,并尝试您的想法。




    环境不仅影响我们的感受和如何行动的信息,还影响我们的学习。Reggio Emilia的幼儿教育方法认识到环境的巨大影响,将其称为“第三位教师”(父母和教师分别是儿童的第一位和第二位教师)。雷吉奥埃米利亚方法是由洛里斯马拉古齐开发的,并以意大利的一个地区命名。这种方法指出,儿童是强大的学习者,他们的兴趣应该指导成人围绕学习做出的决定,包括如何安排环境和提供材料。Reggio-Emilia方法认为学习环境起着关键的作用,在空间设计和材料的选择和安排中代表教师的意向性(深思熟虑的计划和行动)显著影响儿童的参与和学习水平(Edwards,2002)。在本课程的未来课程中,我们将回到这些想法。yabo电子游艺

    Places for Play and Learning: Interest Areas


    Now think about a child in your classroom. How does he or she know where to find toys and materials or use the environment to make decisions?



    • 在那里可以找到的材料。
    • 可能发生在那里的游戏类型(大声、安静、社交、孤独)。
    • The expectations for how to behave there.
    • How to explore, learn and have fun there.



    1. 块:Great block areas contain a variety of materials to spark curiosity and exploration. Children use the block area to explore how things work; they build, tear down, fill, dump, stretch, reach, balance and create. Block areas should be large enough for several children to play at once. You might have a variety of large and small blocks (wooden, cardboard, foam or interlocking). You can also make blocks yourself from cardboard boxes or sturdy fabric. Many block areas include natural or recycled materials children can include in their structures. It is important to include accessories like toy figures, cars and construction equipment. The accessories you offer should change periodically and be based on children’s current interests and learning goals.
    2. 戏剧:戏剧性的游戏区允许孩子们接受角色并尝试新的想法。孩子们使用他们的想象力,因为他们彼此合作,他们练习自我保健技能,因为他们试着装扮衣服。一个伟大的戏剧游戏区提供儿童有机会采取自己的家园和家庭主题,如厨房,桌子,衣服,食物和婴儿。为儿童提供各种其他游戏的想法也很重要,因为他们感兴趣。儿童可能会使用道具来创造面包店,医生办公室,花店或几乎任何其他场景。再一次,提供的额外道具或装扮项目可以根据儿童当前的兴趣或您目前探索的想法(例如,消防员或警察等社区助手)。
    3. Toys and Games:玩具和游戏允许孩子培养重要的思维技能,社交技巧和精细的运动技能(使用手和手指的能力很好)。您的玩具和游戏区可以包括一系列拼图,棋盘游戏和小物体。该区域可以为儿童提供良好的机会,以识别和匹配颜色,形状,尺寸和纹理。
    4. 艺术:艺术区为孩子们提供了表达自己和发展精细运动技能的机会。视觉艺术可以包括绘画、绘画和雕塑。这是一个灵感和创造力的空间。伟大的艺术领域包括各种材料供儿童使用和探索,如海绵,滚筒,闪光,磁带,油漆,邮票和回收材料的所有类型。它们还包括可以以新的方式使用的普通或独特的物品(例如,用油漆和不同的塑料块“雕版印刷”)。许多艺术领域还包括著名艺术品、书籍和儿童作品的展示。请记住,你不一定要有每一个材料或艺术工具,可以想象随时访问;你可以根据当天或一周的专注体验来改变一些材料、工具和展示。
    5. 图书馆:图书馆是一个安静的空间,孩子们可以在这里放松和享受阅读。一个伟大的图书馆包括各种各样的书:小说,非小说,字母书,数字书,童谣和资源书。它通常包括软家具或枕头。书籍可以放在书架上或放在篮子里,以便取用。图书馆还可以包括一个收听站、毡板、识字活动或其他介绍儿童语言和印刷品的材料。尽管图书馆是支持儿童识字能力发展的好地方,但请记住,在每个感兴趣的领域都要包括印刷材料(如书籍、地图或杂志)和写作材料(有关更多信息,请参阅交流课程)。一些教室也可能选择有一个专门的“写作中心”,也许在图书馆或艺术空间附近,有各种各样的书写用具和纸张形式(如有衬纸和无衬纸、便笺等)。
    6. 发现:The discovery area is children’s gateway to scientific exploration. It contains materials meant for open-ended exploration. A wide variety of natural materials are often displayed for children to explore (rocks, pinecones, starfish, etc.). Other materials appropriate for the discovery area include PVC pipe, magnets, weights, etc. Tools for exploration are also provided, such as microscopes, magnifying glasses, balances, ramps and measuring tools. Children can also participate in experiments or care for a class pet here.
    7. 沙子和水:沙子和水域提供了测量,倾注,比较和创造的机会。虽然空间被称为“沙子和水”,但你不仅限于提供沙子和水。许多教师认为这是一个感官区域。你的沙子和水域可以提供各种材料来探索,如叶子,雪,包装花生,切碎的纸张等。许多孩子发现沙子和水域舒缓。
    8. Music and movement:孩子们参与大型运动的空间允许他们制作自己的音乐并回应他人的音乐。重要的是在这里提供各种材料,例如拖鞋,丝带,振动器,乐器和记录的音乐。音乐和运动区域可以为舞蹈和节奏提供机会。
    9. Cooking:烹饪区让孩子们练习现实生活技能,是向教室引入各种文化的好方法。通过准备简单的食谱,孩子们学习重要的数学,识字和自我保健技能。烹饪的兴趣区不需要致力于单独烹饪体验,而是烹饪经历可能发生在房间的更灵活的一部分中,也许在桌子上通常用来吃早晨或下午小吃或桌子可用于玩具和游戏区域。
    10. 电脑:Many preschool classrooms provide computers for children to use. The use of computers, or other technology and media (e.g., tablets), can provide developmentally appropriate learning opportunities to children of a variety of ages. Computers and the Internet can expose children to people, animals and places that they cannot experience in person. Children can also use computers and media to document and share their own experiences. Using interactive ebooks and playing games that facilitate learning of letters, letter sounds and numbers are additional ways children can use computers to meet learning goals.

    Let’s look at a few classrooms. As you watch, notice the arrangement of the interest areas and the materials in them. How do these arrangements and materials help children learn?

    Designing Spaces for Play


    There are many schools of thought on how to arrange preschool classrooms. Some important elements are found in every effective room design:

    • 明确的边界:Use shelves, furniture or other barriers to help children focus and avoid distractions. Large, open spaces encourage running and roughhousing. Arrange your furniture and interest areas to break up large, open spaces.
    • 清除进入和退出的方法:帮助孩子们如何进入兴趣区。如果使用“中心管理系统” - 一个标签,图片或符号系统,以限制在兴趣区中扮演的​​儿童的数量 - 确保孩子们知道如何使用它并能够满足他们的需求和兴趣那天。
    • 足够的材料:有重复的喜爱玩具。此外,确保有足够的材料可以在社会领域发挥几个孩子,如戏剧性的游戏和块。如果有足够的材料一起使用,孩子们更有可能在一起玩耍。
    • Engaging Materials that Spark Children’s Interests:Consider what children in your class like. Add materials or rotate materials regularly so children have new experiences. Think about the pictures, displays, print or writing materials that support children’s learning and engagement in each area.
    • 独立,热,安静,平静的空间:Examples of quiet interest areas are the library, listening center and writing center. Loud, active centers might include the block area, dramatic play area and the sand or water (sensory) area.
    • 获得所需的材料:沙子和水,发现和艺术空间应容易进入水槽。音乐和运动,技术和烹饪区域可能需要进入电源插座。柔软的地毯在图书馆和块区域可以使儿童更容易坐在地板上的材料舒适。
    • 学ing Objectives:Align materials and interest areas to learning objectives.
    • Keep Safety in Mind:Make sure you can see and supervise all children at all times.



    请注意引用和参考资料部分the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    Think about how environments affect you and the children in your care. Download and print the环境影响行为活动。回答有关学习环境中每个空间的问题,并与培训师,教练或主管分享您的回复。yabo电子游艺最后,将您的答案与建议的回复进行比较。





    学期 Description
    Achievement gap 学生群体之间观察到的教育措施和测试之间的差异。这些团体通常由性别,种族或社会经济地位定义
    Boundaries The physical separations between interest areas. You can use shelves, furniture or other dividers as boundaries
    中心管理系统 A system used to limit the number of children who play in an interest area. Usually, each child has a tag, picture or symbol to take with them to a chosen interest area. Each interest area has a sign with a limited number of spaces for children to place their tags
    发展适当的环境 Fits the stage of development the children are in but is still flexible enough to allow for differences between children in skills, interests and characteristics
    精细电机技能 能够利用手指和手好
    兴趣区 定义的课堂空间用于某些目的或类型的播放。例子是玩具和游戏,块,戏剧戏剧,发现,艺术和科学
    天然材料 非人造材料。示例可能包括原木、树桩或树枝
    Quiet interest area 房间内的空间专为安静的学习和播放而设计。yabo电子游艺示例包括库,书写区域,舒适区域和带耳机的计算机空间
    雷吉奥·埃米利亚 以意大利某一地区命名的教育方法。它是由Loris Malaguzzi由于二战的破坏而开发的。Reggio Emilia方法认为,儿童是强大的学习者,成人应该从儿童的兴趣出发。学习环境起着至关重要的作用,被视为第三位教师yabo电子游艺




    是的or false? Environments can impact what children learn.


    You meet with a parent who is new to your program, and he is concerned that his son is spending time in the dramatic play area. How do you respond to his concerns?


    Finish this statement: In a well-designed interest area, children know…

    References & Resources

    BREDEKAMP,S.和C. COPPLE,EDS。(1997)。幼儿计划中的发展适宜实践(修订编辑。)。(pp. 152-153). Washington DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Bovey,T.和rus,P.(N.D.)。Using Environmental Strategies to Promote Positive Social interactions。纳什维尔,TN:中心在社会和Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. Retrieved from

    柯蒂斯,D.,&Carter,M。(2003)。Designs for Living and Learning: Transforming Early Childhood Environments。St. Paul: RedLeaf Press.

    Dodge,D.T.,&Kittredge,B。(2009)。作为教学策略DVD的房间安排。Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies, Inc.


    爱德华兹,C。第(2002). 来自欧洲的三种方法:华尔道夫,蒙台梭利和雷吉奥埃米利亚。幼儿研究与实践, 4(1). Retrieved from

    Farran, D. C., Aydogan, C., Kang, S. J., & Lipsey, M. (2006). Preschool Classroom Environments and the Quantity and Quality of Children’s Literacy and Language behaviors (pp. 257-268). In D. K. Dickinson and Neuman, S. B. (Eds.),早期识字手册(Vol. 1). New York: The Guilford Press.

    Frost, J. L., Shin, D., & Jacobs, J. L. (1998). Physical Environments and Children’s Play. In O. N. Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.),幼儿教育中发挥的多个观点. 纽约州奥尔巴尼:纽约州立大学出版社。

    格林曼,J。(2007)。关爱空间、学习场所:儿童工作环yabo电子游艺境。Redmond,Wa:Exchange Press,Inc。

    Grisham-Brown, J., Hemmeter, M. L., & Pretti-Frontczak, K. (2005).Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings。巴尔的摩:布鲁克斯出版有限公司

    伤害,T.,Cryer,D.,&Clifford,R.M.(1998)。Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale(修订编辑。)。纽约:师范学院出版社。

    Hyson,M.(2008)。Enthusiastic and Engaged Learners: Approaches to Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom. 华盛顿特区:全国幼儿教育协会。

    McWilliam,R. A.,&Casty,A. M.(2007)。每个孩子参与学龄前教室。亚慱彩票巴尔的摩:布鲁克斯出版有限公司

    Morrow, L. M., & Schickedanz, J. A. (2006). The Relationship Between Sociodramatic Play and Literacy Development. (pp. 269-280). In D. K. Dickinson and Neuman, S. B. (Eds.),早期识字手册(Vol. 2). New York: The Guilford Press.

    Naeyc(2012)。Position Statement on Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8。从...获得