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    • Describe the emotional effects of stressful events, such as deployment, on children and families.
    • Describe strategies you can use before, during, and after deployment to support children and families.
    • 为体验压力生活事件的儿童和家庭提供支持。







    Young children's reactions to stress may be different from older children's reactions. Unlike older children, younger children may not always be able to verbally express exactly what they are feeling; for example, whether they are afraid, anxious, confused, angry, sad, or feeling helpless (Zero to Six Collaborative Group, National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2010). Often their feelings are manifested in their behaviors and these behaviors can be clues about what they feel inside. When dealing with stressful events, children may: become clingy or fearful of new situations; demonstrate aggression; experience difficulty sleeping; or even appear to lose recently acquired skills. Let's consider deployment and how it can affect children and families.




    1. Stage 1 — Anticipation of Departure
    2. 第2阶段 - 脱离和退出
    3. 第3阶段 - 情绪混乱
    4. 第4阶段 - 恢复和稳定
    5. 第5阶段 - 退货期限
    6. 第6阶段 - 回报调整和重新谈判
    7. Stage 7 — Reintegration and Stabilization



    Before Deployment


    Children experience a variety of emotions prior to a deployment. They may not understand why their mother, father, or other family member has to leave. It is common for young children to feel that it is their "fault" that their parent is leaving. This happens often when children have unanswered questions about the deployment. Because preschool children's sense of time is not fully developed, they may feel anxious or confused about when a family member is leaving. They may not understand how long the separation will last or even that the separation is temporary. They may be confused by the changes they see in their household. The deploying parent may need to spend extra hours at work in preparation for deployment, and the spouse may be making arrangements for life as a single parent by attending to necessary legal, medical, or financial matters.

    All of these emotions can show themselves in different ways. During this stage, the child may act withdrawn, sad, or quiet. Changes in routines may make the child more likely to act out. You might see more aggressive behaviors, tantrums, crying, or regressing (e.g., problems with toilet training or thumb sucking).


    When a family member begins their deployment, the at-home family members go through a period of disorganization. They may be sad and anxious about how the family will function. The at-home caregiver may feel overwhelmed by responsibility. It takes time to settle into new routines. Eventually the family recovers and develops routines that work for them; they have a new "normal."

    Once the parent has deployed, children will go through a range of emotions. They may be sad, lonely, confused, angry, or scared. Fear of separation is one of the major concerns of preschool children. They may be afraid that the remaining parent will leave or abandon them. They may need constant reassurance that their parent or guardian is close by or will pick them up from child care. They may be afraid that the deployed parent is in danger.










    There are characteristics of children and families have attributes that can protect them as they go through stressful events. Research on resilience in children demonstrates that a significant protective factor for children is the consistent presence of a caring, positive, and protective caregiver (Zero to Six Collaborative Group, National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2010). This person can be an ongoing resource for the particular child, and can encourage them to talk about their experiences, and provide reassurance that adults in the child's life are working to keep them safe.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, you can support children facing stressful challenges when you:

    • 尽可能维持一致的课堂惯例。这为儿童提供了稳定性稳定和安全感的儿童。
    • 为孩子们谈论正在发生的事情提供机会,但如果他们不想,不要强迫他们谈谈。鼓励孩子谈论他们的感受并验证他们加强儿童的应对,因为他们听到他们所有的感受都可以。
    • Be watchful of changes in children's behaviors over time. Changes in behaviors, for example acting out or withdrawing from friends, may indicate that a child needs extra support.
    • 鼓励家庭与可能正在处理类似的压力园的其他家庭联系。与其他人联系允许家庭分享经验和健康的应对策略。



    Most importantly, you can help families find the resources they need, such as Military One Source ( or other resources available in their particular Service. Pre-deployment counseling can help families learn ways to prepare children for the deployment.


    • Why the parent is leaving: The deploying parent has an important job to do and they know how to do the job well; they are not going alone.
    • When the deploying parent is leaving
    • What the family will do together before the parent leaves
    • How the child will communicate with the parent while they are deployed
    • 当父母离开时会保持这种情况:例如,一个父母仍将在这里吃早餐和晚餐,孩子仍将去同一个儿童保育计划,这个家庭仍然很开心等等。



    During periods of deployment, it is especially important that you help the child and family maintain normal routines. Early in the deployment is not the time to transition a child to a new classroom or caregiver. Reassure the child that their parent will pick the child up as usual. Provide lots of hugs and comfort. Answer the child's questions as simply and matter-of-factly as possible.


    帮助父母解决问题的准备arise. Parents may be confused by changes in their child's behavior. A parent may feel alone and unsure of how to provide discipline or guidance. The parent may feel frustrated by challenges with toilet training, tantrums, or baby talk. The parent may go through periods of self-doubt, depression, or helplessness. Remember that it is important for parents to take care of their own mental and physical health. Help them connect with a Family Readiness Group, behavioral health counseling, or clergy. You can provide resources, training, and support around positive guidance and discipline. You can also help families think of ways to make life easier during the deployment. Use conversations, newsletters, and family nights to help families share ideas like:

    • 通过在部署的每一天将硬币放入罐子中,保持时间;孩子可以在回归后购买父母的家庭礼物
    • 去家庭徒步旅行
    • 有一个家庭电影之夜
    • 绘制图片或写信给部署的家庭成员
    • 在院子里设有一个家庭营地
    • 单独使用每个孩子的时间安排“日期之夜”(或几天)
    • 创建一个家庭日历
    • 弄清楚每天晚上向部署的家庭成员说晚安的特殊方式





    韦恩和纳塔利娅,你班上的孩子的父母,都在军队中服务。他们在亚洲的任务时遇到了,自从以来一直在全世界都在一起。他们喜欢旅行和生活在新的地方。在八年的婚姻中,他们有两个国际作业。他们有四年前的第一个孩子,Ximena,她现在是学龄前计划的孩子。亚慱彩票虽然他们经常移动,但他们从未在同一时间部署 - 直到现在。Wayne和Natalia都分配了六个月的职责。在某些方面,韦恩和纳塔利娅对这次旅行感到很好地准备:他们知道纳塔利娅的母亲会照顾Ximena,他们已经完成了Ximena的保险和护理的所有预先部署文书工作。他们觉得对这种长期分离的情感造成的造成较少。您可以和您的计划可以帮助这个家庭,特别是Ximena,之前,期间和之后的双重部署?


    • 鼓励家庭和希梅娜开始about the upcoming deployment.
    • 谈谈父母要去哪里以及为什么。
    • 准备ximena将留下同样的事情:她会在奶奶那样睡觉,就像她有时现在一样,她仍然会去你的孩子发展计划,玩她最喜欢的游戏,吃她最喜欢的食物,并拥有她的特殊娃娃和玩具。
    • Create personalized stories about her parents and what is going on while they are away for Ximena to read while she is at preschool.
    • Create special items that could comfort Ximena during difficult times in the classroom (e.g., make a pillow out of one of mom or dad's shirts for Ximena to sleep with).
    • Provide Ximena with a consistent routine and predictable rituals at child care.
    • 包括儿童关怀的提醒关于Ximena似乎困难的例程。你也可以对家里挑战的例程做同样的事情。
    • 与Ximena谈论情绪,并鼓励她通过向父母绘制图片或书写笔记来分享她的情感。请记住,您可以帮助幼儿写出他们大声共享的单词。当她需要额外的支持时安慰她。
    • 分享消息或指出,父母送到儿童开发中心与Ximena分享。
    • 为Ximena的问题或评论提供诚实的回应,对她的父母有关。例如,如果她分享她害怕,你可以说,“我有时也害怕,”或者你可以通过说,“你的妈妈和爸爸正在做他们能够安全的一切来解决一个关于她的父母的问题。”避免精心制作的反应,这可能压倒她。
    • 当Ximena的父母回到家时,帮助Ximena谈论她的情绪:焦虑,羞怯,兴奋。确保她知道所有的情绪都可以。
    • 组织一项特殊活动,曾经从部署中回来了Ximena和她的父母。例如,父母午餐或野餐。
    • 鼓励西纳表达她的感受并分享她的感受。

    Take Care of Yourself

    You provide crucial support for children and families. You cannot do that, however, if you don't take care of yourself. Helping children through difficult and sometimes tragic times can be incredibly challenging. You might find that your own mental health mirrors that of the people around you. Make sure you take time to reflect on your own needs. Talk to people around you about your feelings. Talk to your supervisor about resources in your community for families experiencing deployment or loss. Taking care of yourself will make you better able to care for children. You can also learn more about your own self-care in theSocial & Emotional Learning for Teachers (SELF-T)自我和文化理解courses.



    您可能会与受部署影响的儿童合作。因此,重要的是要考虑如何支持这些儿童及其家人。阅读中的情景支持ing Children of Deployed Families活动,并回答问题。与培训师,教练或管理员分享您的回复。然后将您的答案与建议的回复进行比较。

    You can also consider how this activity could be used to support children in families experiencing other kinds of separation such as long-term illness, incarceration, or frequent travel.



    The death of a parent is perhaps the most emotionally challenging event that can happen to a child. Use these resources below to help you support the mental health of preschool children as they process their grief. Also refer to支持正在经历压力的儿童从育儿感到意识到更好地了解如何支持经历焦虑的学龄前儿童。亚慱彩票



    术语 描述
    部署 将力量或材料迁移到期望的运营区域。军事家庭成员可以根据需要重新安置到战区或其他地区
    精神健康 心理健康是每个人实现他或她自己的潜力的幸福状态,可以应对正常的生命压力,可以生产富有成效而果酒的,并且能够为她或他的社区做出贡献(世界卫生组织,2012)








    Carlita is afraid her mom won’t recognize her when she comes home from deployment. The nature of Carlita’s mom’s assignment has made video conference calls and Skype calls impossible. What can you recommend to Carlita’s dad to help ease Carlita’s fears?



    Huebner C.R.(2019)。美国军人家庭儿童的健康状况。AAP部分关于制服服务,AAP委员会儿童和家庭健康的心理社会方面。儿科。143.(1).

    Morse,M. D.(N.D.)。A Closer Look for Current Conditions: A Fresh Glance at the Emotional Cycles of Deployment.

    Pincus, S. H., House, R., Christenson, J., & Adler, L. E. (2004).部署的情感周期:军事家庭观点。



    Zero to Six Collaborative Group, National Child Traumatic Stress Network. (2010).幼儿早期创伤。洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州州努州纳克姆:国家儿童创伤压力中心。