- Describe the purpose and procedures of a daily health check.
- 描述在日常健康检查中要寻找的症状或体征。
- Describe ways you and your program can respond when a child is ill.
- Follow your program’s procedures for daily health checks, exclusion, and readmission of children.
Each child's day should begin with a simple health check. This is a quick way to make sure the child is healthy enough to be in your preschool program. Most children occasionally get a runny nose, cough, or mild fever. This usually causes little worry for teachers and families. However, sometimes, a child's illness can become more severe. Programs have policies to guide decision-making when dealing with ill children. Because you know the children in your classroom well, you can most likely tell when a child in your care is well enough to participate in activities, and recognize when a child is too sick to stay in the preschool program. Your program likely has guidelines to help you make this decision. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2011) offers three key factors in deciding whether a child is too sick for child care:
- 孩子不能参加活动
- 孩子的疾病对其他孩子或员工带来了风险
- 你不能一边照顾孩子,一边照顾其他孩子
If you think a child meets any of these criteria, it is likely that they should be sent home. See the resources in the Learn Activities section of this lesson for a complete list of illnesses that do or do not merit exclusion from child care.
What Is a Health Check?
When Should I Do a Health Check?
You should do a health check each morning when a child arrives. Ideally, health checks should be completed before the parent or guardian leaves the building. This will give you a chance to talk with the parent or guardian if you suspect the child is ill or if you have questions about any changes in the child's appearance or behavior. You should also do a health check any time you notice a change in the child's appearance or behavior. You might do a series of health checks across the day if you suspect a child is not feeling well.
What Should I Look For?
Your program may provide you with a daily health check form. If not, the Apply section of this lesson has two samples that you can adapt for your use. When doing a health check, be sure to use all your senses.
- 看看孩子的身体。你有没有看到瘀伤、割伤、擦伤或烧伤?你看到孩子的眼睛或鼻子有开放性溃疡或液体流出吗?你看到头上或身上有划痕吗?你有没有看到任何不寻常的行为(悲伤、困倦、易怒、缺乏食欲)?
- 倾听是否有咳嗽、喘息或鼻塞。
- Feel the child's skin for a fever or signs of dehydration if they appear ill.
- Use your sense of smell to check for any unusual odors.
Document any problems or changes on your daily health check form. If you think the child is ill and should not be in child care, talk with the parent or guardian immediately. This will allow them to make alternate plans.
Whether or not you see a problem, it is important to document daily health checks. Use a form provided by your program or use the one provided in the Apply Activities section below. Record that you did a health check each day, and mark anything unusual for the child or family. Be sure to save this documentation for at least 30 days. In the event of a disease outbreak, these records can be very useful to your program and public health officials.
Exclusion and Readmission Policies
Your administrator is responsible for determining whether or not a child needs to be excluded from child care for health reasons and for how long. It's your responsibility to know:
- The conditions and symptoms that do not require exclusion
- The criteria for the exclusion of ill children
- The procedures for a child who requires exclusion
Your program is designed to help promote healthy practices. Take some time to learn about your program's policies and facilities for sick children. Watch this video to learn more.
Your programs should notify the staff and families of children who have come into contact with a child who is ill with one of the following conditions:
- 脑膜炎
- Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Invasive infections such as strep
- 水痘
- 皮肤感染个案ns or infestations (head lice, scabies, and ringworm)
- Infections of the gastrointestinal tract (often with diarrhea) and hepatitis A virus (HAV)
- Haemophilus influenzaetype B (Hib)
- Fifth disease (parvovirus B19)
- Measles
- Tuberculosis
Families and staff should also be notified if two or more unrelated persons affiliated with the facility are infected with a vaccine-preventable or infectious disease.
- 儿童暴露的诊断疾病的常见疾病的名称和医学名称,是否有一种案例或爆发,以及曝光的性质(例如共享房间中的儿童或工作人员或设施)
- 父母/监护人应观察的疾病体征和症状
- Mode of transmission of the disease
- Period of communicability and how long to watch for signs and symptoms of the disease
- Disease-prevention measures recommended by the health department (if appropriate)
- Control measures implemented at the facility
- Pictures of skin lesions or skin condition may be helpful to parents or guardians (e.g., chicken pox, spots on tonsils, etc.)
通知应该是notidentify the child who has the infectious disease.
- Families have an alternate child-care arrangement for days when their child is sick
- 项目为患病儿童提供了一个安全的地方,让他们等到家人来接他们;这个空间应该由孩子认识的成年人监督
- A written policy is in place about exclusion and readmission following an illness; this policy is shared with families
- Lines of communication are open; staff share information with families about their child's wellness, and families share information with staff about a child's wellness. This includes communicating with the program when a child is diagnosed with an infectious disease.
Finally, remember that you as a staff member are capable of spreading illnesses, too. If you are sick, stay home. If you have any of the illnesses listed on the exclusion list, you should stay home from work until you meet the criteria for returning.
Immunizations help prevent serious diseases. For immunizations to be effective, they must be given as scheduled. Researchers regularly discover new information concerning immunizations, such as who should receive them and when, so it might be helpful for you to stay up-to-date on the latest recommendations. You can learn more about immunization on the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions website athttp://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/index.html.
Though it is helpful for you to be knowledgeable about immunizations, it is your manager's responsibility to get immunization information from families to ensure your program is in compliance with all health-related regulations. It is important for teachers and caregivers to be immunized also, so ensure that you follow your program's guidelines in terms of recommended immunizations for staff members.
It is important to know the children in your class well; be familiar with their preferences, activity levels, and attitudes. This will help you recognize when there is a problem. Download and print theLooking for Patternsactivity. Follow the directions and spend some time observing the children in your classroom. Share your insights with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.
It is also important to take some time to think about how your program responds when children become ill. Download and print theResponding to Illnessactivity. Read the scenario and answer the questions. Share your responses with your trainer, coach, or supervisor. Learn the procedures for responding to illnesses in your program.
必须有一个系统来记录日常健康检查信息。与管理员讨论您的程序使用的系统。如果您的程序不使用标准系统,请考虑使用Enrollment / Attendance / Symptom Recordform (from the American Academy of Pediatrics, 2011) as a sample.
你也会发现Daily Health Checkposter from the North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center. Post this resource in your room. This poster is also provided below in Spanish. Then use the relatedDaily Health Check Guideto document health checks and concerns.
Term | 说明 |
Exclusion | 排斥是把孩子从托儿所送回家的另一个词。儿童被排除在外,直到他们被认为健康到可以返回 |
Health check | 快速检查疾病或其他健康问题的方法 |
Reportable illness | Reportable illnesses are considered serious public health concerns. Doctors and hospitals have to report these illnesses to public health officials when they are diagnosed. This helps with tracking and controlling outbreaks |
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2019).关爱我们的孩子:国家健康和安全绩效标准;早期护理和教育计划指南,第4版。伊塔斯卡,伊利诺伊州:美国儿科学会;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。http://nrckids.org
疾病控制和预防中心(2020).National Notifiable Conditions.https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nndss/conditions/notified/2020/
Centers for Disease Control. (2015).免疫接种时间表。http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/index.html