- 描述在洗手间和变化区域保持卫生条件的重要性。
- 始终如一地实施一般卫生措施,以减少传染病的传播。
- Promote children’s self-care skills and independence while assisting with toileting and clean-up.
While some children may still be in diapers in a preschool room, many children have just mastered the skill of using the toilet. Children are fascinated by their bodies and all the things their bodies can do. They may also be fascinated by--and sometimes fearful of--the restrooms they use every day. They approach the restroom the same way they learn about other things: through exploration. They might love to flush the toilets, turn faucets on and off, watch toilet paper unroll, and explore the sounds their voices make in the restroom. Unfortunately, all of this learning comes at a price. Restrooms are full of bacteria; and as a teacher, you must be prepared to promote learning and healthy hygiene.
It is critical to keep restrooms and changing areas clean in child care programs. Toileting is a major source of contamination. Unsanitary practices can put you and children at risk for illness and infection. This lesson will focus on general practices for maintaining hygienic toileting practices and procedures for helping a child who has had an accident.
健康的卫生习惯是什么样子preschool restrooms? The answer to this question might vary across programs, but there are some major features that should be found in all programs. First, cleanliness should be a habit. In healthy restrooms, you won't see paper towels or toilet paper on the floor. You won't find clogged toilets or messy seats. Watch this video to see examples of ways programs keep restrooms clean.
Preschool-age children occasionally need assistance with toileting and dressing-especially if the child has had a toileting accident. Accidents can be embarrassing for preschool children. It is important to help the child clean up, get dressed, and return to the learning environment quickly and safely. You must also work to prevent the spread of germs and contaminants during the clean up. Proper hygiene is important for you and the children in your classroom. Many illnesses can be spread through fecal matter.
Once you know an accident has happened, prepare yourself to help the child clean up and change clothes. A space for changing the child is important. You must be sure to keep the changing space, the child, and yourself clean. Follow these steps:
- Wash your hands.
- 带上物资。您将需要:清洁服装,抹布,塑料袋,儿童纸衬里,站立或铺设湿布或纸巾,以及一次性手套。
- 按照我们儿童关怀描述的程序(2015年)。这些程序是提供的Changing Soiled Clothes在下面的应用部分中的资源。
Consider the following scenario while thinking about the information shared above. What would you do to address this situation?
You should do the following:
确保所有的孩子都监督和块f the soiled area. Wash your hands and gather supplies. Ask the child who had the accident to go into the restroom area while you gather supplies. Put on gloves and follow changing procedures (see Apply section of this lesson) to help the child remove soiled clothing and clean herself. Put soiled clothing in a sealed plastic bag to be sent home. Clean your hands and the child's hands with fresh disposable wipes. Help the child get dressed in clean clothing. Wash your hands and make sure the child washes her hands thoroughly. Then let her return to play in a supervised area. Clean and disinfect the changing area. Wash your hands. Clean and disinfect the soiled area of the classroom. Wash your hands again.
Watch this video to learn more about responding sensitively and hygienically to toileting accidents.
General Hygiene Procedures for Toileting
There are many ways to maintain a healthy environment throughout your classroom. The restroom is an important place to start. Follow these steps to create healthy habits for yourself and the children in your care:
- Check the restroom regularly to make sure toilets are flushed.
- 检查以确保楼层,门和墙壁清洁。
- Make sure paper towels and other trash are thrown away properly.
- 确保运行水,肥皂,纸巾,污染衣物的塑料袋和卫生纸。
- 在处理脏衣服或尿布之前,请确保将一次性手套放入。在处理干净的衣服和尿布之前取下手套。
- If possible, use a separate sink for general use and handwashing after toileting. If you must use the same sink, disinfect it before use for general or food-related use.
- Always wash your hands after helping children use the toilet, assisting with soiled clothing, or touching contaminated surfaces. Even if you wear disposable gloves, you must wash your hands.
- 确保所有的孩子和成年人都适当地洗手。
It is important to think ahead about how you will respond when preschool children have accidents or problems in the restroom. Use theWhat Would You Do要阅读方案的活动并描述让孩子保持健康的步骤。考虑健康的卫生习惯,洗手和建模健康习惯。与培训师,教练或管理员分享您的回复。然后将您的答案与建议的回复进行比较。
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2019).照顾我们的孩子:国家健康和安全绩效标准;早期护理和教育方案指南,第4辑。Itasca,IL:美国儿科学院;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。http://nrckids.org
Cryer, D., Harms, T., & Riley, C. (2003).关于Ecers-R一切。Kaplan Early Learning Company.
俄亥俄州立大学延期。(2009)。Preschool Children May Have Daytime Toileting Accidents.http://articles.extension.org/sites/default/files/w/5/55/jitp45-46mo.pdf#page=4
美国儿科院校宾夕法尼亚州章。(2010)。Changing Soiled Underwear for Toddlers.http://ecels-healthychildcarepa.org/publications/fact-sheets/item/116-changing-soiled-underwear.html