
    • List ways that infectious diseases can be spread.
    • 描述预防传染病传播的卫生习惯。
    • 区分清洁,消毒和消毒。
    • 实行卫生措施,减少传染病的传播。






    Most people have experienced some of these uncomfortable and stressful health-related situations. As adults, we can respond to such situations by visiting a different restaurant or hotel, or by washing our hands as soon as we leave the bank or restroom stall. We want to stay healthy and we want to believe that our environments are reasonably clean. Children and their families have these same desires. Child development programs must provide environments that are clean and that prevent the spread of communicable diseases. It is your responsibility to make sure children have a safe and healthy environment for play and learning.



    • Direct contact:接触他人感染的液体(如唾液、鼻粘液),通过环境物体传播,如玩具、橱柜把手、设备或人与人之间的接触。它只需要一小滴油液就可以传输。
    • Respiratory: Spread via the mouth and nose through the air when someone sneezes or coughs.
    • 血液感染:当血液,有时可能含有血液的其他体液进入另一个人的血流时传播。
    • 粪口传播: Spread to a person's mouth (oral) via hands soiled with feces that touch food, surfaces or objects. Germs from feces are invisible. Hands and surfaces may appear clean, though feces germs can still be present. Disease from fecal-oral transmission can make adults and children very ill.

    Obviously there is no way to completely eliminate the transmission of germs, especially with all the play and material sharing that happens in preschool classrooms, but there are ways to decrease the transmission of germs among children, staff and families. In addition to following your program's health related policies, it is essential that you adhere to your program's cleaning and sanitation requirements and follow proper hand washing procedures (see Lesson Two for more on hand washing).

    打扫, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting: What's the Difference?

    Although we often use the words cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting interchangeably, they each have their own meaning. To provide a safe and healthy environment for children, you need to understand the difference between each term (American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education, 2011). This will help you know which products are designed for each purpose.

    1. 打扫清除表面污垢或碎屑的方法,有时包括擦洗或摩擦以清除碎屑。例如,你在一张桌子上喷洒水和洗涤剂的混合物,以在饭后清除食品和碎屑。
    2. 消毒减少表面细菌的方法。当你对表面进行消毒时,它符合大多数卫生规定。除非先清洗表面,否则消毒产品通常无效。在用洗涤剂和水清洁桌子之后,你可以喷洒一种经批准的水和漂白剂的混合物来消毒桌子并杀死细菌。
    3. Disinfecting意味着在表面上摧毁大多数细菌。当它与体液接触时,通常需要消毒表面。消毒通常需要更强的漂白剂混合物。应消毒更换桌子,水槽,厕所和台面。

    Keep in mind that preschoolers should not be near surfaces, materials, and toys (including meal and snack tables and restroom areas) while the surfaces or items are being sanitized or disinfected. Inhalation of chemicals as they are being applied can be dangerous. All chemicals should be locked and out of reach of children.

    Any products you use to clean, sanitize, or disinfect should be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure they are safe for you to use. When you clean, sanitize, or disinfect, you should follow approved procedures. Typically, this means washing the materials or surface by hand with soap or detergent and water, sanitizing or disinfecting, and allowing the object to air dry. You can also use a dishwasher to sanitize toys or materials if it has a sanitize setting or a high-temperature option.


    • 在1夸脱(4杯)水中加入1汤匙漂白剂。如果需要更多的消毒剂,添加¼ 一杯漂白剂兑一加仑(16杯)水。
    • 用布将溶液涂抹在表面上。
    • Let it stand for 3 to 5 minutes.
    • 用清水冲洗表面。


    To help you think about your role in maintaining a clean classroom environment, watch the following video that summarizes information covered in this lesson about keeping your classroom healthy.


    Watch this video to learn about maintaining a clean environment.

    Standard and Universal Precautions

    Another way to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms (germs) that can cause infection is to practice standard or universal precautions. Standard precautions cover all situations where you may come into contact with body fluids, but universal precautions applies specifically to contact with blood, and does not apply to contact with feces, nasal secretions, sputum, sweat, tears, urine, saliva, or vomit unless these body fluids also contain blood. In child care settings, standard precautions involves using barriers to prevent contact with body fluids from another person, as well as cleaning and sanitizing contaminated surfaces. You can read more about standard precautions in the标准和通用预防措施适用于儿童保育设施attached below.


    • Moisture-resistant disposable diaper table paper
    • 一次性毛巾
    • Gloves
    • Plastic bags, securely sealed


    Gloves are optional for diapering and contact with other bodily fluids described above, but check with your coach, trainer, or supervisor for times your program or Service guidelines recommend using gloves.

    Whenever gloves are worn, you should practice good hand hygiene. SeeLesson Twofor more on handwashing and第三课for more on glove procedures.

    Your role is critical in ensuring your classroom is a clean and healthy environment where children learn and thrive. This section describes what you can do to keep your classroom healthy and the Apply section provides a more detailed schedule to help support healthy practices.


    Toys and Classroom Materials

    One toy can be used by many children every day. Toys can become a home for germs, especially if children put them in their mouths, cough or sneeze on them, or touch them after toileting. It is very important to regularly clean and sanitize the toys in your room:

    • Keep a box or bin labeled "soiled toys." When a child mouths a toy, coughs, or sneezes on it, place the toy in the bin. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you can keep soapy water in the bin or the bin can be a dry spot for storing toys until you can clean them. Make sure you have cleaned and sanitized the toy before returning it to the learning environment.
    • 干净的activity spaces, dress-up clothes, and machine-washable cloth toys at least weekly.
    • 干净的hats daily.
    • 干净的mouthed toys after each use and sanitize them daily.
    • 你可以把塑料玩具放在洗碗机里清洗和消毒。


    Many surfaces in your classroom probably serve multiple purposes. Maybe you serve snacks on a table that is later used for puzzles, or children use the same sink to wash their hands after using the restroom or after art. Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting surfaces on a schedule can help you keep a healthy environment. Here are guidelines for surfaces in your room:

    • 每次你后干净和清洁电脑键盘se.
    • 干净的and disinfect door knobs and handles daily.
    • 干净的and sanitize food-preparation surfaces before and after each use.
    • 干净的and sanitize dishes after each use.
    • 干净的and sanitize food tables and trays before and after each use.
    • 干净的countertops after each use and sanitize daily.
    • 干净的the refrigerator monthly if you have one in your classroom.
    • 每天打扫地板。
    • 每天清洁和消毒饮水机。
    • 每天清洁手机接收器。
    • 每天用吸尘器清扫地毯。


    The restroom is the location where germs and bacteria are most likely to spread. It is very important to keep toileting areas clean. These guidelines will help you limit contamination:

    • 每次使用后,清洁并消毒任何变化的表面。
    • 干净的and disinfect sinks and faucets daily. If the sink is also used for non-toileting routines, disinfect it after toileting use.
    • 每天清洁和消毒台面。
    • 干净的and disinfect floors daily.

    Cots and Bedding

    In full-day programs, it is important to provide a healthy environment for sleep. Lice and skin infections can be spread through blankets or bedding that are stored and cleaned improperly. Follow these suggestions for healthy sleep environments:

    • Store each child's bedding (sheets, blankets, pillows, sleeping bags) separate from the other children's bedding.
    • 每周或在被其他孩子使用前清洗床单和枕套。
    • 每周或在另一个孩子使用前清洁婴儿床。
    • Launder blankets monthly. If the blankets touch the child's skin, clean weekly.

    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Healthy EnvironmentsCompetency Reflection, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Preschool Healthy Environments课程指南.







    了解何时以及如何清洁和消毒教室里的材料是很重要的。使用指南for Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting从照顾我们的孩子(第四版)来帮助您制定清洁时间表。


    期限 Description
    干净的 To remove dirt or debris from a surface or object
    Disinfect 消灭或除去表面上的大部分细菌
    Sanitize To reduce the germs on a surface or object so it meets health guidelines






    True or False? The most effective way to clean toys is to spray with a water-bleach mixture and then air dry.



    References & Resources:

    American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2019).照顾我们的孩子:国家健康和安全绩效标准;早期护理和教育方案指南,第4届。Itasca,IL:美国儿科学院;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。https://nrckids.org/CFOC

    Aronson,S.,S.,Bradley,S.,Louchheim,S.,&Mancuso,D。(2002)。儿童保健政策范本,4thEd.Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    aronson,s. s。,&spahr,p. m.(eds。,2002)。健康的幼儿:程序手册。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.


    NAEYC (n.d.).保持健康:家庭、教师和儿童手册。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.


    Ritchie, S. & Willer B. (2008).健康:Naeyc早期儿童计划标准的指南及相关认证标准. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.