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    • Identify personal views and meaning of families.
    • 将家庭为中心的练习作为幼儿教育的关键组成部分。
    • 检查学龄前儿童发展和发展的个体家庭系统。亚慱彩票
    • 认识到家庭的多样性。


    What are Your Views about Families?






    美国人口普查局定义家庭作为一群由出生,婚姻或采用相关的两个或更多人,谁住在一起。全国幼儿教育协会(2011年,第3页)暗示“该术语”家庭may include those adults, besides parents, with the responsibility of being involved in educating, nurturing, and advocating for the child.” Researchers studying and working with families define家庭作为“将自己视为一个家庭的两个或两个以上的人,以及履行家庭通常表现的职能。这些人可能或可能与血液或婚姻有关,也可能与否或可能不会居住在一起“(Turnbull,Turnbull,Erwin,&Soodak,2006,第7页)。

    有什么事情你脱颖而出read these definitions? You may notice that the first definition is quite specific in terms of how relationships are described, whereas the other two definitions are broader. As a professional working with young children, it is important to acknowledge that your own experiences influence your views about families and working with families. You will encounter individuals who define family differently than you do and who may share values, customs, or codes of behavior that are different from yours. Family structures have become more diverse through shared custody, same-sex couple families, families where members have different immigration statuses, and when a parent has children with multiple partners. While these circumstances do not always bring challenges, research suggests that children whose family structures are complex may be more likely to experience negative consequences, such as less caregiving from a parent. Today, 40 percent of children are born to unmarried parents. Like the concept of ‘family,’ the concept of family well-being is also challenging to define. You may recognize family well-being when you see it in your program. Or you may recognize when families’ lack some aspect of family well-being. As you think about how best to engage with and support the families in your program, consider your role in strengthening families’ protective factors. The good news is that many of the behaviors that correspond to positive family functioning can be “taught and strengthened with education.” (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019, p. 42).


    因为家庭是他们孩子的发展核心,他们是他们孩子教育过程中的合作伙伴,积极参与者和决策者。结果,一个居家焦点被认为是幼儿教育,计划和服务的质量指标之一。在核心家庭-centered practice信念是家庭是孩子生命中最重要的决策者。因此,专业人士必须尊重,支持和提升每个家庭的优势和独特特征(Sandall,Hemmeter,Smith,&Mclean,2005)。

    Family-centered practice also means that you understand the important effect all family members have on each other and on the preschool child. Each family member affects the other and the ways that the family functions. All family members are interconnected. From our family, we learn skills that enable us to engage in school and the workplace.



    Throughout the Virtual Laboratory School, we consider family-centered practice as an umbrella term that encompasses the beliefs and actions of people in your program. Consider this graphic:




    • 我们了解家庭的想法和偏好。
    • 我们在编程中提供选择。
    • 我们涉及计划领导的家庭。
    • 我们涉及在决策中的家庭。

    Families are unique and their differences enrich our programs.

    • 我们尊重和尊重多样性。
    • 我们涉及孩子生命中的所有重要人物。
    • 我们聘请并涉及家庭。
    • 我们制定敏感和互惠关系。
    • We represent families in our programs.

    Families are resilient.

    • 我们了解家庭的优势,需求和环境。
    • 我们将家庭与资源连接。
    • 我们建立家庭的优势。

    Families are central to development and learning.

    • We share information with families.
    • 我们听家人。
    • 我们将家人视为孩子的第一任教师。
    • 我们尊重家庭对孩子的专业知识。


    • 我们使用尊重,响应和双向沟通。
    • 我们接触家庭。
    • 我们涉及我们计划的各个方面的家庭。




    Culture is a significant factor in the ways families raise their children and how you interact with preschool children. Examine your own cultural experiences and consider how these experiences affect your practice with preschoolers and families. Each individual brings specific values, beliefs and assumptions about child rearing and development to their work. In almost every type of preschool routine you perform, your values about it were shaped by your childhood and training. As you work with preschoolers and families, it is important to recognize your values and beliefs and the ways in which they are communicated. For example, a parent might expect his child to use a pacifier at nap time, and you expect a child to stop using a pacifier during the toddler stage.




    • 作文(谁是家庭的成员)
    • 种族和种族
    • 社会经济状况
    • 性取向
    • Ability or disability
    • 学历
    • Values and traditions
    • Child-rearing practices

    Being a responsive preschool teacher means that you demonstrate sensitivity and consideration for the multiple backgrounds, experiences, values, and contexts in which children and families live. Awareness of diversity brings the understanding of the way we act and what we believe can be different from the way other people act or what other people believe.

    作为一个响应的学龄前老师也意味着您避免亚慱彩票了对不同人群的假设以及他们行为或思考的方式。尽可能重要地确认差异之间各组的人,认识也很重要之内- 群体差异。虽然来自特定地理区域或文化遗产的人可能存在通常共享的特征,价值观和属性,但在价值观或做事的方式中,同一组内仍然存在相当大的变化。

    Working with families whose values and beliefs are different from your own may, at times, make you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. Embracing diversity in your work with children and families does not happen overnight. On the contrary, it can be a long and often messy process in which people from various backgrounds are challenged to face and understand different points of view, accept unfamiliar ways of doing things, and ultimately work together toward a common goal. It is important to understand that this is a two-way process, and that in the same way you may occasionally feel challenged or confused, families may feel the same. Researchers in the field of family and diversity remind us, “the challenge is not so much for service providers to give up their own beliefs, as to cultivate a habit of learning to understand and respect those of others.”







    有很多方法可以展示您将儿童的家人重视您的计划中。考虑以下准则,反映了以家庭为中心的实践(约翰逊,1990; Turnbull,Turbiville,Turnbull,2000)。然后考虑如何在您的儿童和家庭中使用这些指南。

    • 将家庭视为儿童生命中的常量,并且照顾者和服务系统可能会出现。
    • 促进家庭和专业人士之间的合作。
    • 鼓励家庭到家庭的支持和网络。
    • Honor and respect family diversity in all dimensions (cultural, racial, ethnic, linguistic, spiritual, socio-economic, or in terms of family members’ sexual orientation). You may do this by:
      • 问家人有关他们的家庭语言和共享关键短语they use at home.
      • 拥有家庭信息和儿童书籍用每个家庭的语言。
      • 邀请家人访问设置和sing songs, tell stories, and show books or pictures that demonstrate their culture,并介绍了文化特异性食物。
      • 观察家庭如何互动他们的学龄前儿童。亚慱彩票
      • Asking families tocreate a family or neighborhood storybook
      • Meeting regularly与家庭一起了解他们的学龄前儿童的希望,梦想和目标。亚慱彩票




    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Family Engagement Competency Reflection, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Preschool Family Engagement课程指南








    In this lesson, you were introduced to family-centered practice. Take a look at these guidelines again and try to come up with examples of ways you can show consideration of these guidelines in your classroom. Write your thoughts as they relate to each guideline. Then, share your responses with a trainer, coach, or administrator. Finally, compare your answers to the suggested responses.


    学期 描述
    Culture A set of shared values, attitudes, or practices that characterize certain groups of individuals
    Family-centered practice A set of beliefs and actions that influence how we engage families. At the heart of family-centered practice is the belief that families are the most important decision-makers in a child’s life. More specifically, family-centered practice acknowledges that the family is the constant in a child’s life and that service systems and professionals must respect, support, and enhance the strengths and unique characteristics of each family











    Dunst, C.J. (2002). Family-centered practices: birth through high school. Journal of Special Education, 36(3), 139-147.

    Dunst, C.J., Trivette, C.M., & Hamby, D. W. (2008). Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis of Family-Centered Practices. Asheville, NC: Winterberry Press.

    Hanson, M. J., & Lynch, E.W. (2004). Understanding Families: Approaches to diversity, disability, and risk. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

    Hanson,M. J.(1998)。流动设置中的民族,文化和语言多样性。在E. W. Lynch&M. J. Hanson(EDS)。发展跨文化能力:与儿童及其家庭合作的指南(第3-22页)。巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Brookes。



    约翰逊,B. H.(1990)。家庭在医疗保健中的作用不断变化。儿童保健,19(4),234-241。

    Lynch,E.W.,&Hanson,M. J.(2004)。发展跨文化能力:与幼儿及其家庭合作的指南,第3次。巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Brookes。

    Mitchell,S.,Foulger,T.,&Wetzel,K。(2009)。通过基于互联网的沟通涉及家庭的十个提示。Young Children 64(5),46-49。

    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2019). Strengthening the Military Family Readiness System for a Changing American Society. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.


    国家教育协会年轻Children (2011). NAEYC Position Statement: Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved from


    Trivette,C. M.&Disunst,C. J.(2005)。DEC推荐的实践:基于家庭的实践。在S. Sandall,M.L.Hemmeter,B.J.Smith,&M.麦克莱恩(EDS)。DEC推荐的实践:实际应用的全面指南(第107-126页)。Longmont,CO:Sopris West。

    Turnbull,A。P.,Turbiville,V.,&Turnbull,H. R.(2000)。家庭专业伙伴关系的演变:二十一世纪初为模型的集体赋权。在J.P. Shonkoff&S. J. Meisels(EDS。)。早期儿童干预手册(第630-650页)。剑桥联英国:剑桥大学出版社。

    Turnbull, A., Turnbull, R., Erwin, E. J., & Soodak, L. C. (2006). Families, Professionals, and Exceptionality: Positive outcomes through partnerships and trust. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

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