
    • 列出您可以支持儿童通信和语言开发的方式的示例。
    • 探索资源,提供有关支持课堂中所有儿童的语言和通信开发的信息。
    • Discuss how you can support the language and communication skills of children with special learning needs in your classroom.


    “良好通信的基本建筑块是每个人都是独特的价值的感觉。”- Unknown





    • What is the nature of the child’s language? What type and length of sentences does he or she use? Does the child take multiple turns in a conversation?
    • 孩子在学习或在家中说什么语言?yabo电子游艺孩子最敏感的语言是什么?
    • 每个孩子如何沟通,他或她饿了,累了,无聊或准备玩?
    • 每个孩子如何与成年人沟通?同龄人?
    • How does the preschooler respond to books? Does he or she recognize basic concepts about print like holding books upright, turning pages, pointing to words and pictures?
    • What types of books is each family reading to their preschooler?
    • 如何通过书籍和阅读支持其他发展领域?
    • 孩子有什么撰写经验?孩子是否尝试写作或涂鸦?孩子似乎明白打印有意义吗?

    通过问这些问题,与families, you have an opportunity to document and learn how each child develops language and communication skills while considering other areas of development, culture, and temperament. This process can help you and families gather information to support the planning for and development of responsive environments as preschoolers develop language skills and learn ever more complex ways to communicate their needs and wants.

    支持ing Communication for Preschoolers: Creating Natural Opportunities for Language

    You have amazing opportunities to spark language and conversations in your preschool classroom. There are countless times throughout the day for you to encourage children to talk, read, and write. The first step in creating natural opportunities for communication is getting to know the children in your classroom and how they communicate or use language. The questions in the previous section will help you understand the diverse communicators in your classroom.



    Providing a Language- and Communication-Rich Classroom Environment



    Frequent use of developmentally appropriate models:孩子们需要听到,听,和使用的语言throughout the day. By using language that is at or slightly above the child’s current level, you can promote development. Being aware of the level of complexity of the language you use is one of the most important things to remember when communicating with young children. For example, with young 3-year-olds, you might use three- to four-word sentences with simple vocabulary words to ensure that children can understand and participate in the conversation. As children get older, you can use more words in each sentence and introduce new vocabulary words. This means that you use language throughout your day and encourage children to use language too.

    意向性:故意教师目的地选择和使用适当的语言模型和与孩子的识字性。This means that during your planning, and considering children’s needs, you make decisions about words or sounds to use, new vocabulary to introduce, how to describe events, materials, or feelings, or how to adapt activities and experiences to address the special learning needs of children in your classroom.

    Environmental print and books:Remember to provide multiple opportunities for children to read and see books and print around the classroom. This includes reading frequently to children, labeling classroom spaces or objects, labeling in different languages that represent the backgrounds of children in your classroom, having lots of books readily accessible around the classroom, rotating books and materials based on children’s interests and experiences, creating an inviting area in your classroom where children can read quietly or with other children, providing activities that involve drawing and writing, and embedding experiences that involve playing with sounds, words, and letters in activities and routines.

    家庭参与:Acknowledging that families are children’s first and most significant teachers is critical for your work in preschool. As highlighted in Lesson Three, involving families in children’s communication development is essential for learning. This means developing relationships with the families of children in your classroom. In Lesson Three, you can find a list of practices that help foster relationships with families.



    Some preschoolers in your class may have conditions that affect their language and communication development, including developmental delays, autism, neurological and perceptual disorders, or vision, hearing, speech, or language impairments. Children with Individualized Education Programs (IEP) have a specific plan to help them meet their personal goals, and very often these children will need changes or adaptations to daily routines, the classroom environment, and curriculum. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program can be a valuable resource for ideas.


    在学龄前房间的日程日程安排的exmaple。亚慱彩票8:00  -  8:15  - 欢迎,块中心桶。8:15  -  8:30  - 圈子时间和中心列车。规则:安静的声音,步行脚,温柔的触摸,听耳朵Use different ways to communicate information with children. For example, visuals like picture schedules or photos showing steps of handwashing provide children with a sense of predictability, and they provide opportunities for interactions with print.

    其他孩子可能需要不同的支持。对于有听力障碍的儿童,您可能必须调整声音的速度或声音,更清晰或速度慢。您也可能需要更频繁地查看孩子是否理解您所说的。具有视觉损伤的儿童可以使用盲文,大型印刷品或大书籍。其他儿童可能需要使用辅助技术。这可能包括诸如通信设备之类的设备,使它们能够探索周围环境并与他人交互。正如您在本课程的阅读,您将在课堂上了解孩子们能够支持他们的成功参与您的计划经验。确保所有儿童和家庭都感到欢迎和涉及。包括在一起(套件)程序的孩子可以是一个有价值的想法资源。您还可以考虑构建块和卡拉的套件。 These resources from the Council for Exceptional Children Division for Early Childhood provide practical, real world ways to help children succeed in their environments. See the Resources and Reference list for information about these materials.


    Meaningful Book-Reading and Story-Telling Practices in Preschool

    Reading books and telling stories are important ways to support young children’s communication and language skills. Book-reading and story-telling experiences promote a variety of skills in young children including:

    • yabo电子游艺学习新词汇单词。
    • 倾听和练习沟通技巧(接受和表达沟通)。
    • 了解故事或情节的元素。
    • Phonological awareness (recognizing the sounds of language and how language is structured).
    • Relationship building, particularly as children are encouraged to read in small groups.
    • Enjoyment about learning and opportunities for personal expression.


    • 选择突出各种文化,语言,能力,家庭结构和生活经验的书籍。孩子们需要能够在这些书中看到自己及其家人!
    • 创建一个邀请的书籍区域,孩子可以独立或与其他孩子读出来。
    • 将书籍在您的教室中的不同兴趣区。
    • Read frequently to children.
    • 邀请家庭成员来到您的教室,并阅读与孩子们的书籍。
    • 根据儿童利益和活动旋转书籍。
    • Involve children in selecting books. Give them choices and include their preferences.
    • Use book reading as an opportunity to talk about social skills.
    • 全天,向儿童提出关于故事的问题。
    • 鼓励孩子们写自己的故事!


    • Use visual props, large pictures, or other materials for children who are learning to listen and engage.
    • 让孩子们将最喜欢的玩具或毛绒动物带到故事时间,帮助他们坐下来参加。
    • For children who are learning to understand language and listen to stories, give them a copy of the book to hold.
    • Have children take turns turning the book pages.
    • 有孩子学习从事书籍阅读坐在成人或更有能力的同yabo电子游艺行旁边。
    • 让孩子们经常赞美和鼓励坐和听力。
    • 连续几天阅读同一本书,并要求孩子们帮助您完成讲述故事或填写他们所知道的单词。
    • Speak clearly and slowly for children who have hearing impairments or who are dual language learners. Check for understanding often.
    • 为具有视觉损伤的儿童使用盲文,大型印刷品或大书籍。
    • Have children with autism or language delays repeat words or phrases.
    • Translate familiar stories into children’s primary language for dual language learners.
    • 向孩子们发送翻译的书籍和故事。
    • 从您当地的社区或学校图书馆借用儿童的主要语言。
    • 邀请流利的扬声器的孩子的主要语言来到您的教室并与孩子们读书。


    Watch this video to see teachers embedding language and communication in daily experiences and routines.

    Book-reading and Story-telling Experiences

    Watch this video to see teachers using books and story-telling in preschool.



    • 响应儿童的沟通企图并建立并延伸到孩子所说的。
    • Provide frequent, developmentally appropriate language models throughout daily activities and routines.
    • 遵循儿童的暗示和偏好。
    • Include new words in conversations.
    • 将语言游戏,歌曲和押韵嵌入日常惯例。
    • Ask children questions about their feelings, actions, interests, or life happenings.
    • Read to children frequently. When selecting books and other printed materials, make sure they represent a variety of cultures, languages, abilities, family structures, and life experiences. Children are more likely to engage in conversations when they see themselves and their families in these materials!
    • 为儿童提供课堂上不同兴趣区的语言和扫盲技能的机会!其他兴趣区应提供书籍,杂志,地图或其他印刷材料。例如,考虑在建造或构建或建造或在戏剧性游戏区域的同时提供块区域的地图,书籍或杂志,以便为儿童参与想象力的戏剧。
    • 重要的是要记住给孩子转向沟通。通常,成年人谈论和谈论并忘记给孩子们沟通机会。即使可能难以停止和等待儿童回应,也必须这样做,促进沟通和谈话技巧!




    Click on the following link for an article promoting literacy from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC):https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/yc/nov2017/emergent-writing.. Next, download, print, and complete the attached document below. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.






    True or false? Reading the same book several days in a row will be boring for the children and does little to promote learning.



    References & Resources

    Berk,L. E.(2013)。Child development(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

    Byington,T.&Kim,Y.(2017)。促进学龄前儿童的紧急亚慱彩票写作。Young Children, 72(5), 74-82.

    Chandler, L. K., Young, R. M., Nylander, D., Shields, L., Ash, J., Bauman, B., Summers, D. (2008). Promoting early literacy skills within daily activities and routines in preschool classrooms.Young Exceptional Children,11(2),2-16。

    Cooper, P. J., & Simonds, C. (1999).Communication for the Classroom Teacher.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

    Council for Exceptional Children: Division for Early Childhood. http://www.dec-sped.org/

    Edwards, C. C., & Da Fonte, A. (2012). The 5-Point Plan: Fostering successful partnerships with families of students with disabilities.Teaching Exceptional Children, 44, 6-13.

    Milbourne, S. A., & Campbell, P. H. (2007).CARA's kit: Creating adaptations for routines and activities. Child and Family Studies Research Programs, Thomas Jefferson University.




    Ramsey, R. D. (2009).How to Say the Right Thing Every Time: Communicating well with students, staff, parents, and the public.Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

    Sandall,S.R.和Schwartz,I.(2002)构建具有特殊需求的学龄前儿童的积木亚慱彩票. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 2002.

    Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).幼儿发展:多元文化的角度,(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.