Amazing brain development happens during the preschool years. When you support the developing brain you are building a strong foundation for future school and life success. This lesson will introduce you to important concepts about how the brain develops between the ages of three and five. It will end with suggestions about what you can do to help make sure all children meet their potential.
- Define cognitive development.
- 描述学前教育期间的认知发展看起来像什么。亚慱彩票
- 确定支持认知发展的步骤。
As an adult, you have already developed many of the thinking skills that help you navigate the world around you. Think about the skills and strategies that have helped you succeed at daily tasks like:
- 阅读和追随新膳食的食谱
- Finding a different way home when traffic is heavy
- Estimating the amount of material you'll need for a home improvement project
- Finishing a book and discussing it with friends
- 填写工作申请
- 固定泄漏的龙头或管道
- Budgeting for groceries and other essentials
What thinking skills helped with these kinds of tasks? Reading, writing, measuring, calculating, problem-solving, hypothesis testing, comprehending, and recalling facts all are essential for many of the tasks you accomplish every day. You started developing those skills as a child, and they continue to develop as you encounter new situations as an adult.
The preschoolers you care for are just beginning their own journeys, but their brains are developing in amazing ways. The work you do everyday lays the foundation for these children to develop the thinking skills they need to be successful in school and life. This course will help you understand how your work contributes to the development of thinking skills in the preschoolers you serve.
Scientists no longer debate which is most important, genetics or experience; the same is true for which developmental domain is most important. All of the domains of development are important, and they are inextricably linked. Carol Dweck of Stanford University says, "We can't carve people up-there isn't the cognitive person, the emotional person, the motivational person, the social person. All of these co-occur in the brain" (Galinsky, 2010).
Cognitive development is strengthened when children are healthy, emotionally secure, and socially connected. It is your job to make sure:
- 通过保持干净的环境和促进健康习惯,它们是健康的
- 他们通过响应他们的提示并立即以培育方式解决他们的需求而感到安全
- They are socially connected by fostering relationships between them and others during play and caregiving routines
- Provide a variety of acceptable choices. Letting preschoolers decide what to play with, read, eat, and who to play with can help them build the cognitive and self-regulation skills they need.
- Sing rhyming songs and read books throughout the day. Take time to play with language during free play, transitions, and throughout the day. Children think it's fun to make up silly rhymes, but they are also learning!
- 诚实地回应儿童问题。亚慱彩票学龄前儿童闻名,“为什么?”当你不知道答案时,建议你和孩子研究这个问题的答案。
- 全天寻找简单的数学问题。“嗯。我们在这张桌子上有了四个孩子和两个香蕉。我们可以做些什么来确保每个人都有一些香蕉?”引导孩子们想想数学概念,如将物体分成两半。设置表格时练习计数。
- Read alphabet books and talk about letters and the sounds they make.
- Talk about sizes, shapes, and colors. Compare objects using words like "big", "bigger", "biggest" and "light" and "heavy." Point out shapes you see around you: octagon stop signs, rectangle doors, circle light fixtures, and square floor tiles. Play "I Spy" in your building to find objects of different sizes, shapes, and colors.
有关在本课程中的预期,认知发展的更多信息Competency Reflection以及在整个课程中提供的随附的学习,探索和应用资源和活动的列表,参观幼儿园认知发展亚慱彩票课程指南。
What are your thoughts and beliefs about children’s cognitive development? Each of us has different opinions and ideas about what and how children learn best. Sometimes our opinions and beliefs are based on facts but sometimes they are not. To best serve all children, it’s important that you recognize myth from fact. Download, print, and review the关于学习指南的神话yabo电子游艺。想想每个陈述是否是神话或事实。然后将您的答案与建议的回复进行比较。
小鸡,N.(N.D.)。Metacognition: Thinking about One's Thinking。纳什维尔,TN:范德比尔特大学教学中心。从
做dge, D. T., Colker, L. & Heroman, C. (2002).The Creative Curriculum for Preschool.华盛顿特区:教学策略,Inc。
Galinsky,E。(2010)。Mind In The Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs.纽约,纽约:威廉·明天平装背包印记哈珀柯林斯出版社。