- 确定儿童虐待和忽视学龄前儿童的迹象和行为指标。亚慱彩票
- 确定可能表明家庭和制度滥用的行为的例子。
- 观察儿童滥用和忽视的迹象。
The child:
- 显示行为的突然变化或似乎在没有解释的情况下返回
- Has not received help for physical or medical problems brought to the parents’ attention
- 总是很有意思,好像准备好不好的事情发生
- 缺乏成人监督
- 过于兼容,被动或撤回
- Is dropped off at the program or other activities early, stays late, or does not want to go home
- 表现出对孩子的担忧
- 否认存在 - 或责备孩子在节目中或家中的孩子的问题
- Asks teachers or other caregivers to use harsh physical discipline if the child misbehaves
- Sees the child as entirely bad, worthless, or burdensome
- 要求孩子无法实现的身体或学历水平
- 主要看着孩子的照顾,关注和情感需求的满意度
- 很少触摸或看彼此
- Consider their relationship entirely negative
- State that they do not like each other
It’s not always easy to recognize child abuse and neglect. Remember that any one of these signs by itself does not necessarily mean a child has been abused or neglected. Often a pattern or combination of behaviors may lead to the suspicion that a child is experiencing abuse or neglect.
All children get hurt occasionally: bumps, bruises, and scrapes can be signs of healthy exploration. Sometimes, more serious accidents happen as well: a child pulls a cup of hot tea down on herself or a child is involved in a car accident. Sometimes a medical condition causes symptoms that mimic abuse. For example, some skin conditions can cause marks that look like bruises or scars. To be most effective at protecting children from child abuse and neglect, we must be able to differentiate between accidents and abuse. Conversations are a powerful tool for doing so. Whenever you notice an injury or symptom in a child, complete an incident or accident report and ask about the injury. This is a standard part of caregiving and shows you take an interest in the child’s well-being. Remember, you are没有调查the injury. You are simply doing what comes naturally when someone is hurt: asking what happened and how the person is doing. Here are some tips for asking questions:
- 提出开放式问题。你可能会说,“哎哟。看起来很痛苦。发生了什么?”
- Show concern and empathy: “I bet that was pretty scary. How did it happen?”
- 确保它是一个常常的时间,如果家庭需要它,准备得到帮助。“问你关于Geri的瘀伤是否可以?能打扰你几分钟吗?”
- Find out if there is anything else you should know about the injuries. “I’m glad you took her to the doctor. Is there anything we should do to make her comfortable during the day? Or is there anything she shouldn’t do?”
In most cases the family member will give you a clear and accurate account of what happened. You can also ask the child what happened. You might suspect child abuse or neglect if:
- 孩子的回答和成人的回答不match or if two different adults give conflicting stories about how the injury happened. For example, a child has scratches all over her face. At drop-off, her dad says she got them from a child at a birthday party. At pick-up, her mom says she got them from the family cat.
- The story does not seem consistent with the child’s developmental level. For example, if you know a child cannot yet physically pull her body weight up to climb a tree, you might be suspicious if the parent says she climbed high enough to fall and get seriously injured.
- The story is not consistent with the injuries. For example, a child has burn marks on his hands that look almost like gloves—his hands were clearly submerged in something hot. His mother says the child accidentally grabbed a pot off the stove. Accidental burn injuries usually show some kind of splatter patterns as the child pulls away.
Resources You Should Know About
The following are signs often associated with particular types of child abuse and neglect. It is important to note, however, that these types of abuse are more typically found in combination than alone. A physically abused child, for example, is often emotionally abused as well, and a sexually abused child also may be neglected. Remember, there are two kinds of abuse to remain aware of: familial and institutional. The signs and behavioral indicators you see in children may be similar for each.
Use the menu at the left or the pager below to cycle through scenarios
You might see a child that…
- Has unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bones, or black eyes
- 在缺席计划后,有褪色瘀伤或其他标记
- 父母和抗议活动似乎害怕,或者在回家的时候哭泣
- 以成年人的方式缩小
- 报告父母或其他成年护理人员的伤害
You might see a parent or adult that…
- Offers conflicting, unconvincing, or no explanation for the child's injury
- Describes the child as "evil," or in some other very negative way
- 用孩子使用苛刻的物理纪律
- Jordyn has circular burn marks up and down her thighs. They are size and shape of a cigarette.
- 一个孩子哈哈s bite marks on his arm. When you ask what happens, he says, "I bit my brother, so mom bit me back."
- 罗伯特最近一直在使用严重的具挑战性行为。一位工作人员说:“我会照顾这一点。我知道他的妈妈,她不会想让他逃脱这一点,”并在建筑物的一侧带走了罗伯特。当他们回来时,罗伯特正在哭泣并抱着他的背面。
You might see a child that…
- 有困难走路或者坐吗
- 突然拒绝改变衣服或参加体育活动
- 报告梦魇或尿床
- Experiences a sudden change in appetite
- 展示了异教徒,复杂或不寻常的性知识或行为
- Runs away
- 报告父母或其他成人照顾者的性虐待
You might see a parent or adult that…
- Is unduly protective of the child or severely limits the child's contact with other children, especially of the opposite sex
- 是秘密和孤立的
- Is jealous or controlling with family members
Examples of Familial Sexual Abuse…
- 你看到骗子躺在戏剧游戏中心的一个男孩的顶部。她显然正在制作性运动,似乎具有非常准确的性行为知识。
- Amelia's 19-year-old brother is coming to pick her up today. She tells you she loves her brother and they have "secrets" in her room at night.
- A staff member has sexual pictures of a child on his or her phone.
- 一个孩子告诉你杰伊先生的“小便比他大。”
You might see a child that…
- 在行为中显示极端,例如过度兼容或要求苛刻的行为,极端的被动或侵略
- Is either inappropriately adult (parenting other children, for example) or inappropriately infantile (frequently rocking or head-banging, for example)
- 延迟了物理或情感发展
- Reports a lack of attachment to the parent
You might see a parent or adult that…
- 不断责备,贬低或剥夺孩子
- Is unconcerned about the child and refuses to consider offers of help for the child's problems
- Overtly rejects the child
Examples of Familial Emotional Abuse…
- 父亲从计划中选择DORA。他告诉她不要像她的妈妈一样“慢慢而愚蠢”。
- 一个5岁的孩子说他没有什么比他父母对待,并在到达该计划时忽略它们。
- 当孩子们开始嘲笑另一个孩子的体型时,工作人员加入。她称之为孩子“胖子和懒惰”。
- 一名工作人员迫使一个孩子在厕所事故后留在他弄脏的衣服,所以他“学习了一课”。
You might see a child that…
- Is frequently absent
- 乞讨或窃取食物或金钱
- 缺乏所需的医疗或牙科护理,免疫或眼镜
- Is consistently dirty and has severe body odor
- 为天气缺乏足够的衣服
- 说,没有人在家提供护理
You might see a parent or adult that…
- Appears to be indifferent to the child
- 似乎减轻或沮丧
- 表现得不合理或以奇异的方式
- Is abusing alcohol or other drugs
- 4-year-old Marjorie tells you her 6-year-old sister had to make dinner for her last night. No other adults were in the home.
- Zach's mom has not brought in a replacement for his empty rescue inhaler. Zach has severe asthma and needs the medication.
Examples of Institutional Neglect…
- A staff member leaves children unattended on the playground, and a child gets injured.
- A staff member takes an unscheduled break and leaves children unsupervised.
Caring for children can be a stressful job. There can be a fine line between inappropriate caregiving practices and child abuse. When in doubt, talk to your上市T&CS或经理。MILT&CS,经理或FAP。In the course on Preventing Child Abuse in Center Settings, you will learn more about positive guidance and discipline strategies. Sometimes, discipline practices cross the line into maltreatment and even abuse. You will learn more about that in the next course. This lesson focuses on clear examples of child abuse or neglect in child development centers. If you see a pattern of any of these signs or behaviors, you might suspect child abuse or neglect in your setting:
Common Conditions Mistaken for Abuse
- 蒙古景点:这些灰色斑点在出生时存在,经常看起来像瘀伤。它们通常在臀部或腰部上发现,但它们可以在任何地方找到。它们随着时间的推移慢慢地褪色。
- Blood or bleeding disorders:一些遗传条件会导致严重的瘀伤。
- 骨缺乏或疾病:Some bone diseases cause bones to break easily.
Cultural Practices that are Mistaken for Abuse
In coining, the chest, back, and shoulders are rubbed with a medicated ointment. Then a warmed copper coin is rubbed from the top of the shoulders down the back. Dark lines appear from the pressure and the heat. The marks, which look like long bruises, usually last for several days.
拔罐是一种家庭疗法,用于缓解腿部,背部,胸部,腹部或头部的疼痛。一个小玻璃杯倒置,蜡烛在它内部亮起。杯子迅速放在皮肤上,真空效果吸引皮肤。圆形标记留在皮肤上几天。通常存在沿着患处的一系列杯标记。Michael Phelps在2016年奥运会期间将练习带入了前列。
- 了解您的护理和家人的所有孩子。如果您不知道孩子典型为典型,则无法识别出问题。学习儿童的模式,金属素,偏好和能力。每天与家人交谈。
- 了解孩子的发展。孩子行为的一些变化可能是惊人的 - 但完全典型的。例如,学龄前儿童在他们的腿上瘀伤并不罕见。亚慱彩票堕落是学习探索的一部分!yabo电子游艺幼儿可能害怕某些成年人,作为典型的“陌生人焦虑”的一部分。了解这些发展阶段可以帮助您识别孩子的行为超出通常预期的时间。
- MILAttend trainings offered by your installation’s Family Advocacy Program on child abuse identification and reporting.
- 发展尊重的沟通技巧。如果您有疑虑,请询问。提出关注孩子福祉的开放式问题。“如果我问你关于乔丹的瘀伤,那是好吗?”或者“我注意到塔莎似乎并不像自己。一切都顺利吗?”如果某些东西似乎是正确的,会收集尽可能多的信息。
- 保持仔细记录。您的日常健康筛查可能是识别儿童虐待和忽视的重要工具。寻找迹象或行为指标,并记下您所看到或听到的内容。写下成年人对伤害和儿童解释的解释(如适用)。如果出现模式,您将有充分证据进行报告。
- 学about the cultures of the children you serve. Some cultures have rituals or healing practices that might be mistaken for signs of abuse. Ask your trainer or manager for information if you need help. When in doubt, make a report. Child Protective ServicesMIL或家庭倡导计划将决定是否发生了滥用。
- 了解您所在州的报告程序MIL或安装。您将在下一课中了解更多信息。
学more about the scenario that you read in Lesson 1. This time, look for the signs of abuse and neglect. Then answer the reflection questions. When you are finished, share your answers with your trainer, coach, or administrator. Then, review the suggested responses for additional reflection on Kate’s story.
做wnload the fact sheet entitled承认虐待儿童和忽视:迹象和症状。Make sure you are familiar with its contents and can describe the signs of abuse and neglect that you might see.
学期 | 描述 |
情绪虐待 | A pattern of behavior by adults that seriously interferes with a child’s cognitive, emotional, psychological or social development |
家庭虐待和忽视 | Abuse or neglect committed by a parent, guardian, or member of the family |
Guidance and touch policy | The policy your program has developed that describes the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable discipline procedures and ways of touching children |
制度虐待和忽视 | 虐待或忽视在孩子家外面发生,并由某人在儿童(教师,童子军领导人等)的监督作用中犯下 |
忽视 | 护理人员失败,提供所需的年龄适当的护理,虽然经济上能够这样做或提供财务或其他方式(美国卫生和人类服务部,2007年) |
身体虐待 | 非意外创伤或伤害 |
Sexual abuse | 孩子参与任何性感,描绘或活动 |
Center for the Study of Social Policy. (2018). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework. Retrieved fromhttps://cssp.org/our-work/projects/protective-factors-framework/
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Violence Prevention. Retrieved from:http://www.cdc.gov/violienceprevention/
Military One Source. (n.d.). Military Family Advocacy Programs. Retrieved fromhttp://www.milelateonesource.mil/abuse/service-providers.
Seibel,N.L,Britt,D.,Gillespie,L. G.,&Parlakian,R。(2006)。防止儿童虐待和忽视。华盛顿特区:零至三:婴幼儿中心,幼儿和家庭。
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Stopbullying.gov: Cyberbullying. Retrieved fromhttps://www.stopbullying.gov/cyberbullying/what-is-it/index.html