The folllowing two websites contain fact sheets, videos, and other tools to help get Americans moving and become a healthier country. In this activity, you will visit these websites and plan activities for school-age children and their families using the ideas presented.
Review the websites:
- Healthy Kids, Healthy Future
- MoveYour Waywebsite the interactive activity planner at
Activity Planning Ideas
Now that you’ve explored the websites, use the ideas and concepts to do some brainstorming for your school-age activity plans.
How could you use the information found in the websites to motivate school-age children to be physically active?
What are two activity ideas that you could incorporate into your school-age activity plans?
Activity Plan: School-Age
Using the information, ideas, and resources found on the websites, try completing a basic activity plan. The goal for this activity plan is to think about a way to incorporate activities that would motivate school-age children and their families to be physically active, or more active. Think about how you would implement this idea into your current program.
Activity Idea & Goal
How does this idea encourage and motivate school-age children and their families to be physically active?