来源:以下摘要基于:Hunter,A.和Hemmeter,M. L.(2009年1月)。早期学习的社会和情感基础的中心:解决婴儿和幼儿的挑战行为。yabo电子游艺零到三。
This is Kendro’s first experience in care outside of his home, and he is an only child. His mother, Janice, reports that they have not had issues with other children when Kendro is with his cousins or with long periods of crying before. Janice says that since enrolling in the Center, she struggles for several hours each evening trying to get Kendro to go to sleep. She let Kendro’s doctor know this at their last appointment, and the doctor said that most children would have adjusted to a new caregiving arrangement by now. Now Janice is conflicted. She needs child care so she can continue to work, but is worried Kendro is not coping well.
The concerns that Kendro’s mother and Ms. Geda face in the above scenario, based on an article written by Hunter and Hemmeter in 2009, may sound familiar to you. Their article,解决婴儿和幼儿的具有挑战性行为讨论了研究表明,幼儿中心是常常做法,要求儿童因其行为而离开计划。Hunter和Hemmeter描述了当前的幼儿环境如何持续存在,因为肯德罗的行为可能会变得更糟。这可能会影响KENDRO与同龄人和成年人形成健康关系的能力,并且可能会增加他的母亲的压力,这一切可能使KENDRO难以发展归属感。作者注意到,尽管有证据表明,在婴儿和幼儿(Zeanah,2000)中可以发展社会情感问题,但对这些问题的原因毫无疑问(Briggs-Gowan,Carter,Bosson-Heenan,Guyer,&Horwitz,2006)而且只有一小部分儿童该年龄接受早期干预或心理健康支持。这揭示了幼儿园中4岁儿童的4岁的事实是通过高中(吉列,2005)的儿童学龄前儿童最有可能被驱逐的学亚慱彩票生年龄组。
金字塔模型是一种自下而上的方法,这意味着层彼此建立。例如,高质量的幼儿节目必须有一个Effective Workforce,金字塔模型的底层,为了提供坐在它上方的层中描述的支持,包括培养和响应关系和高品质的支持环境。您可以使用VLS WebSiest搜索功能和键入“金字塔模型”或直接访问此框架的更多信息国家金字塔模型干预措施网站。Hunter和Hemmeter突出了看护人可以支持幼儿并防止具有挑战性行为的额外方式:
- 使用筛选工具尽早识别发展和行为问题。This programmatic-wide practice is a helpful way to collect more objective information to support ongoing observational assessments.
- Embed relationship-building practices into daily routines.Diapering and mealtime are excellent opportunities for caregivers to engage in shared experiences with young children through nurturing touch and conversation. Routines should be structured enough so that there is some predictability for the children, but flexible enough to accommodate specific needs and encourage exploration.
- 专注于帮助孩子学会自律self-soothe, the meaning of emotions, and effective ways to communicate wants and needs.应对儿童的沟通,标签感受,为儿童提供决策和与他人合作的导游机会是支持学习控制一个人的情绪和行动的策略。yabo电子游艺
When referring to positive behavior support (PBS) plans used for children needing intensive intervention, Hunter and Hemmeter say, “The most effective plans are those that are consistently implemented by all the caregivers in a child’s life,” and “Caregivers implementing individual behavior plans need and greatly benefit from opportunities to: reflect on their experience, share concerns and beliefs, gain support, and receive positive recognition for their efforts and accomplishments” (2009). While not formally tiers in the Pyramid Model,解决婴儿和幼儿的具有挑战性行为emphasizes the importance of family engagement and reflection—two practices rooted throughout the Virtual Lab School courses. Here the authors suggest additional practices to support and enhance relationships with children and families:
- 向父母询问他们孩子的需求,兴趣,惯例和偏好。
- 经常与孩子的父母谈论他们在家的护理行为(例如,他们如何喂养婴儿?他们如何让她睡觉?)。
- 与孩子和家庭沟通在他们的家庭语言中。
- 每日与儿童活动和经验的家庭沟通。
- Welcome families and encourage them to stay or visit anytime.
- 在下车和接送方面开发家庭和儿童的仪式。
- Encourage breast-feeding and offer private, comfortable spaces for breast-feeding.
- 进行家访。
金字塔模型in Practice
Chart Star Child Center的计划管理员Jo女士,与员工和家庭有一个开放的门政策,并在课堂需要帮助时毫不犹豫地介入。她始终愿意倾听担忧或头脑风暴可能的解决方案(有效劳动力)。在GEDA女士对KENDRO关注后,JO女士开始故意在Janice和Kendro到达时围绕着课堂进入教室。这允许GEDA女士能够采取一点额外的时间来欢迎和与Janice和Kendro发言。Geda女士发现,肯德罗喜欢用毯子玩Peek-a-Boo,并这样做已成为他们早上到达常规的一部分(培养关系)。常常,肯德罗喜欢然后拿毯子,并在书中有一些人。Geda女士在该地区增加了一些毛绒动物和其他软件(支持性环境),所以肯德罗可以以令人愉快的活动开始他的一天。
Related Resources cited in original article by Amy Hunter and Mary Louise Hemmeter:
- 社会情感干预技术援助中心(Tacsei)ChallengingBehavior.cbcs.Usf.eduTACSEI is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs and focuses on addressing the social–emotional needs of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities. The Web site has multiple resources including recommended practices, case studies, PowerPoint presentations, and tools for teachers.
- The Emotional Development of Young Children: Building an Emotion-Centered Curriculum (2nd ed.) M. Hyson (2004). New York: Teachers College Press. This book includes an overview of social–emotional development and guidance in designing classrooms to promote children’s emotional development.
- 一种基于活动的发展幼儿社会情感能力J. Squires,&D.Bricker(2007)。巴尔的摩:布鲁克斯。这本实用指南是即将使用,链接的系统,用于识别疑虑和改善幼儿的社会情绪健康。本书通过一个名为基于活动的干预过程的五步干预过程来漫步:社交情绪。
- 婴儿和幼儿课程的无限机会:基于关系的方法。S. Peterson&D. Wittmer(2009)。上部马鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育。这是一本实用的“如何”书,旨在帮助婴幼儿护理教师计划一个响应和基于关系的课程。这本书,帮助婴儿幼儿教师对他们提供的护理做出故意决定,是婴儿幼儿CSEFEL模块开发的主要来源。
- 理解和管理幼儿具有挑战性行为的策略:什么是发展恰当 - 以及一个问题是什么?ehsnrc.org/pdffiles/ta10.pdf.EHS/NRC Technical Assistance Paper 10, 2006. This useful Technical Assistance paper uses a realistic scenario to: offer insight into infant and toddler behavior, illustrate how temperament relates to challenging behavior, and describe how Early Head Start programs can support infants and toddlers who exhibit challenging behavior. Prepared for the Head Start Bureau, under contract # HHSP23320042900YC, by the Early Head Start National Resource Center @ ZERO TO THREE.
- 挖掘更深:超越行为来发现意义,一个三个课程的单位。eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/professional%20development/on-line%20lessons/digging%20 deeper%20-%20looking%20beyond%20behavior%20to%20discover%20meaning/ digging_deeper_intro.html.这三个在线课程提供了用户友好的自我节奏课程,了解行为的含义以及确定如何响应具有挑战性行为的过程。
- 密歇根州婴儿心理健康协会(MI-AIMH)。mi-aimh.orgThe mission of MI-AIMH is to promote and support nurturing relationships for all infants. The Web site provides up-to-date information on infant mental health and lists training, resources, and products related to supporting infant mental health.
- Program for Infant/Toddler Caregiverspitc.org婴儿/幼儿护理人员网站提供有关培训,资源和实践的信息,以满足其确保美国婴儿的使命,确保美国婴儿获得安全,健康,情感安全和智力丰富的生活。
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上面的概要基于:Hunter,A.和Hemmeter,M. L.(2009年1月)。早期学习的社会和情感基础的中心:解决婴儿和幼儿的挑战行为。yabo电子游艺零到三。