As the child and youth program manager, your primary responsibility is to provide oversight and accountability for the safety of children and youth in your program. The risks for children increase when required ratios are not maintained. This lesson details what matters most when it comes to maintaining ratios.
Secondary tabs
- Describe why ratios matter when it comes to keeping children and youth safe.
- 确定确保人员遵守与维持比率相关的议定书和政策的管理措施。
- 应用本课程的内容,以确保在维持比例的努力中提高监督和问责制。
Maintaining Ratios
维持员工 - 儿童比率需要在每个人的承诺。就像监督一样,维持比率不是有时候活动。这是一个全时间的活动。如果您创建了合规文化并遵守您的上市program'ssystems for maintaining ratios, no one would ever think about stepping out of the classroom for even a second and leaving their teaching partner out of ratio; they will understand and follow your上市program's协议,知道如果没有任何后果。在比率方面,您的员工需要经常计算和计数,并且您需要经常监控您的系统以维持比率。
One of the most effective ways to ensure ratios are always maintained is to be proactive in your planning and scheduling. Conducting regular ratio audits and reviewing classroom rosters to analyze over and under staffing can assist you in your efforts to schedule adequate staff to ensure coverage.
Importance of Communication
Effective communication is a recurring theme in all of the management courses because this skill will support you in all aspects of your work. Effective communication systems are essential to maintaining required ratios. Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman Jr. (1982) state in寻求卓越:来自美国最好的公司的课程“任何成功组织的标志是其成员之间的共同意义,了解他们正在努力实现的目标。”共同目标的实现与有效沟通直接相关。团队中的每个人都必须按照书面政策和程序进行部门。
早期儿童教育家Paula Jorde Bloom(2003)表示,“有效的领导人能够合成复杂的信息,并沟通这种信息,并简明扼要地沟通。他们是他们的原因和知道如何用清晰和口语来解释问题的有说服力的倡导者。”有效的沟通,除了良好的规划外,还将支持您,因为您创建合规文化。
An effective communication system will ensure ratios are maintained at all times. Whether your system involves ratio checks by intercom or in person, your staff must have a thorough understanding of your上市program's通信系统,所以你可以了解和can adjust accordingly. In addition written procedures are equally important. Staff must be trained on those procedures, as well as receive a copy of the staff handbook. This will be addressed in greater detail in the Communication course.