
    • 在添加或取代工作人员时,了解招聘过程在整体方案质量方面的重要性。
    • 要了解对方向活动和工作人员的工作嵌入式专业发展至关重要,对该计划的使命和卓越愿景中的所有员工留下并从事所有员工至关重要。
    • To connect staff members’ evaluation process to the development of professional goals.
    • To reflect on the reasons and process of working collaboratively to create positive experiences for staff members and to strengthen the management of your program.


    "It is not enough to be industrious; so are the ants. What are you industrious about?"- Henry David Thoreau

    Program managers and T&Cs are in positions that require them to interact with numerous staff and families. Their work plans can include a variety of tasks. It can be easy to get caught up in the small, mundane tasks. Staying focused on the aspects of the work that have the greatest impact on creating and maintaining a high-quality program for children, youth, and their families can be difficult when there is so much to pay attention to. This lesson points out those aspects of program management (hiring and supporting staff) that most contribute to the quality of the program.



    A particular service or program model will likely have specific procedures that must be followed for hiring new staff members. There are many employment laws and procedures that must be adhered to in the hiring process. This may involve a team of people in addition to the program manager (e.g., a supervisor, a lead teacher, or a member of the family advisory board). For assistance in understanding these laws and procedures, refer to your Service specific guidelines concerning hiring.

    Hiring new staff can be very time consuming and expensive and should be undertaken with great responsibility by program managers. Careful selection of the best qualified staff is essential to creating and maintaining a high-quality program. Program managers know what knowledge and skills they want staff to possess, and they look to hire individuals who are open to learning and developing as professionals. Managers are typically aware of aspects of their program that are less successful and may wish to add staff members who bring new ideas and energy to their program. When a new staff person is hired, program managers and T&Cs are often the first to welcome them to the work setting.


    T&Cs and program managers are responsible for acclimating new staff to the program. As the recognized leadership team, T&Cs and program managers are tasked with helping all staff succeed in their jobs. Intentionally welcoming new staff when they join the program may influence their desire to remain employed in the program. A new-staff orientation, as well as a training and mentoring process, may eliminate future problems where a staff member is unsure of a program rule or procedure. In addition, some of the benefits of having a new-staff orientation, and a training and mentoring process, is that you can highlight from the start, and continually reinforce your program's goals, missions and objectives for serving children, youth and families. These experiences also offer time and structure to create trust and professional partnerships that support high quality care. Staff members know from the beginning that you are there to support their professional development, and that asking questions, seeking support, and learning together is encouraged. Your Service may have an excellent formal orientation process for new staff, but you may want to create opportunities to orient new staff within your particular setting. Each workplace has a culture or way of doing things. It helps new staff to feel part of the team when they are welcomed and invited to be a part of a workplace's culture. (e.g., program staff enjoy a complimentary chair massage during their break or take part in a healthy treats potluck).


    • 有目前的工作人员创造一个“我希望我在这里工作时我希望的事情”的名单。将其包含在方向活动中并将其添加到员工手册中。包括幽默的例子(笑声是一个伟大的破冰机)。
    • 条例和程序经理应该故意原理图edule brief check-ins with new staff members to make sure all is going well. T&Cs especially can provide constructive feedback and help new staff members celebrate successes as well as provide additional information and clarification of policies or procedures. Many new employees see the job as working with children and youth, but it is important they understand that working with adults is also a critical aspect of their position. This often becomes clear during their first weeks of work.
    • Assign a seasoned staff member to be a mentor to the new staff member. Think carefully about this assignment and personally ask staff members if they would be willing to take on this leadership role.
    • Leave a brief positive descriptive note in the new employee's mailbox describing something you saw him or her doing (e.g., "I saw how excited Juan was to see you when you came in this morning, and how happily you greeted one another. I can tell the children and families are beginning to develop strong relationships with you."). Encourage them as they learn their new job responsibilities. Everyone needs recognition from a coach or supervisor, but especially when starting a job in a new setting.
    • 通过新的工作人员批准,通过计划通讯文章或图片网站或Facebook页面简要介绍她或他到家庭。





    Connect Individual Staff Performance Evaluations and Goal Setting




    包括关于绩效评估和专业发展计划决策的员工承认他们是专业人士,能够反思并为自己的增长做出贡献。为工作人员创造学习和问题的机会 - 解决造成归属感,每个人都能够分享想法。


    T&Cs and program managers will want to engage staff members in job-embedded professional development activities as much as possible. For instance, a training and curriculum specialist observes in a preschool classroom as they transition to lunch and notices this is a chaotic time. After discussing his/her observations with the staff member(s), the T&C suggests that he or she visit tomorrow during the same transition and lead the children in fingerplays or songs as they prepare for lunch, modeling some new strategies for the program staff. Staff working in child and youth programs are required to learn about a variety of topics (e.g., child development, teaching techniques, child guidance, child assessment, building relationships with families, health and safety, team-building and collaboration with colleagues). Learning often occurs in the context of day-to-day work in the program.


    除了工作嵌入式学习机会外,还有许多其他方式T&CS,程序yabo电子游艺经理和工作人员可能想要参与学习。教育家和作者Gigi Schweikert(2012)为进一步学习提供这些来源:yabo电子游艺

    • Colleges and universities (face to face and online)
    • 正式课程和网络研讨会
    • 其他人(导师,惯例社区,专业书籍群体)
    • 员工培训
    • 讲习班
    • Books
    • 绩效评估
    • 访问其他程序
    • 伙伴
    • 会晤
    • Conferences
    • 专业组织的会员资格(例如,零三;国家幼儿教育协会;学校协会后)

    Program managers should always carefully choose appropriate webinars, workshops, and other professional development resources for program staff and for themselves. Service specific guidelines should always be applied. There are many high-quality free webinars and modules available online. You may want to become familiar with the following excellent online resources:




    Two of the country's leading experts on building collaborative teams, Jacqueline Thousand and Richard Villa, identify five elements as critically important in creating a collaborative process. (Johnson & Johnson, 1997; Thousand & Villa, 1990, 2000, p. 258). As you read these, think about how they reflect your experiences with collaboration in your program:

    1. Face-to-face interaction among team members on a frequent basis
    2. 相互“我们都在一起”积极相互依存的感觉
    3. 专注于信任建设,通信,领导,创造性问题解决,决策和冲突管理中小群人交际技能的发展
    4. Regular assessments and discussion of the team's functioning in setting goals for improving relationships and effectively accomplishing tasks
    5. 对彼此持令商定的责任和承诺负责的方法



    除非这些环境对于在其上工作的成年人也有益,否则不能创建儿童的高质量环境。教育教授莉莲凯茨,Talks with Teachers of Young Children(1995)敦促专业人士问自己以下问题。当您阅读这些问题时,请考虑您自己的工作环境中的事情。


    • 支持ive rather than contentious?
    • 合作而非竞争力?
    • 接受而不是对抗性?
    • 信任而不是可疑的?
    • 尊重而不是控制?

    有效的领导者价值合作并承认彼此共同努力,计划工作人员和家庭成功的重要性。他们知道重视他们的节目实践并在需要时进行更改是很重要的。他们还知道庆祝成功并承认他人,如同事和方案工作人员在日常工作中的努力非常重要。Your program may plan joyful events that build community at different levels: among the staff, as well as among staff, children and families (e.g., acknowledging individual staff members during staff meetings, celebrating staff birthdays and life events with potluck lunches, attending a professional training together, organizing family nights, inviting families to participate in classroom and program experiences, inviting families to spend time with children and youth in the classroom).





    使用欢迎新员工activity as you reflect on how to set up your staff for success. Discuss your responses with a colleague.

    • 欢迎新员工




    关于领导力主题的许多书籍和文章讨论了创造积极的工作场所气候的重要性 - 一个证明了有价值的员工是如何对本组织的使命有何数据。领导者需要使用沟通和共享决策来促进所有权感。领导者是展示如何诚信,处理错误,提交计划的目标的模型,并专注于支持其他人的工作。使用应用部分讲义来思考和记下您的想法和想法。


    学期 Description
    惯例社区 一群人分享关注或对他们所做的事情的激情,并学习如何在定期互动时做得更好
    Protocol A system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed




    真的or false? Managers and T&Cs are responsible for welcoming and acclimating new staff to the program.





    References & Resources

    Jablon,J.,Dombro,A. L.,&Johnsen,S。(2014)。与强大的互动教练:指南partnering with early childhood teachers。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。

    Schweikert, G. (2012).Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals: Being a professional。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。
