- 了解独特的角色和计划管理者,持有总体计划组织和质量。
- 反思员工,家庭和社区成员专注于该计划目标,目标和使命的重要性。
- 了解基于关系和文化敏感领导的重要性。
As you read the following vignette, consider how the training and curriculum specialist and the program manager have roles and responsibilities that are separate, but complementary. Pay particular attention to the fact that Tori and Maria share a clear vision of the program's goals, objectives, and mission. Their collaborative efforts ensure that children and youth, staff, and families are secure in how policies and procedures will be carried out on a day-to-day basis.
Tori is a training and curriculum specialist at a School Age Care program located on the installation. She works closely with Maria, the director or manager of the School Age Care program. As leaders, their focus is to serve children, youth, families, and staff to enhance the quality of the instruction and care provided at the center. Tori and Maria meet regularly to discuss how to best support program staff, and assistants. In this vignette Tori discusses her upcoming observation in the school-age classroom and shares information about an upcoming webinar.
托里:“嗨,玛丽亚。我想让你知道我计划本周观察Ken和Marissa的班级,我想让他们给他们一些关于如何最好地管理他们为学校计划的小组游戏提供一些反馈意见 -年龄儿童。我也希望在下一个员工会议期间大约有10分钟的时间,讨论计划工作人员可能想要查看的新网络研讨会。它是关于通过故事教学儿童解决冲突技能。“
- 履行课程,
- 教室安排,
- 协助专业发展规划和实施。
- ordering food and classroom supplies and materials,
- 与家庭会面,
- 招聘人员,
- 为新员工提供方向,以及许多其他任务。
They model and remind staff members that their words and actions support the program's mission.
- 写下员工的欣赏笔记,并描述他们所做的事情,以促进计划的目标和使命。
- Acknowledge whole group accomplishments during staff meetings.
- 庆祝计划目标时庆祝(在比萨饼中的顺序,为员工工作室等进行特别款待。
- 在每个员工会议期间重新审视计划任务,目标和目标的进展情况。
- 在整个计划中突出的突出位置(每个课堂,办公室等)中的使命陈述,并将其包含在员工和家庭手册中。
Documentation related to staffing and/or providers, such as:
- 员工的健康筛查
- Employee’s required immunizations (including any documented exemptions)
- 就业前参考检查
- 与年度更新以及年度更新的非信念或类似的非信念或类似的声明
- 员工的教育和经验
- 为运输儿童的所有员工的驾驶记录
- 当前背景检查
- 与年度更新以及年度更新的非信念或类似的非信念或类似的声明
- 常规志愿者的参考检查
- Signed agreement forms for regular volunteers
- Immunization forms for regular volunteers
- 当前背景检查
- 每日访客登录日志
- 承包商协议
- 与年度更新以及年度更新的非信念或类似的非信念或类似的声明
- 当前和完成的承包商的背景检查
- Daily attendance records
- 计划活动或每日课程计划的示例计划
- 例如,任何最近检查报告的调查结果和补救措施:
- Safety inspection documentation, including documentation of any remedies resulting from inspections
- 健康和卫生检验文件,包括检验所产生的任何补救措施的文件
- 操场检查,包括年检导致的任何补救措施的文件
Fire-related documentation, such as:
- 消防疏散计划,包括发布的主要和二级路线
- Fire drills include methods to account for all persons and to note deficiencies for correction, such as lack of complete and safe evacuation.
- 消防检查,包括每月检查和消防钻探文件,包括检验所产生的任何补救措施的文件
- 消防训练变化并且不会在每月的一天或晚上的同时发生的文档
- 在您的程序中注册的每个孩子的名称,地址和出生日期列表
- 更新了父母或监护人的姓名,地址,电话号码和处于紧急情况的地方
- Annual sign-off or update from guardian regarding accuracy of information in their child’s information file
- 授权从程序中获取孩子的人员名单和地址列表,并仅从适当的系统中才能从授权的人那里出现释放
- Children’s health records, including current immunization records and their updates
- 知情,书面同意(适当)来自注册的儿童和青年及其
parents or legal guardians, prior to recording, photographing, or filming. Rather than obtaining consent each time, instead consent could be provided at registration and maintained in program records or files. Consents should be reviewed and updated annually.
You will also want to think about what happens when or if your program receives a request for the release of confidential information about a child or youth, or when the release of confidential information is necessary for program participation. Prior to releasing such information, you will want to:
- 确定释放信息的原因是否有效
- 从儿童或青少年的父母或法定监护人获取知情书面授权
- Offer a copy of the signed authorization to the parent or legal guardian, and maintain a copy in the child's file
- Involve the child or youth in the process, to the extent possible and appropriate based on age and developmental level.
Caring for children and families is all about relationships. Positive, warm interactions build a sense of trust among program staff, children and youth, and families. Building a strong foundation of care that is relationship-based makes challenging situations easier for everyone to navigate. Just as relationship-based care is essential when program staff interact with children and youth and families, relationship-based leadership is also important when T&Cs and program managers interact with program staff. When T&Cs and program managers build warm, trusting relationships with program staff, it demonstrates to staff members how they should interact with children and families. It is critical for T&Cs and managers to understand the impact their words and actions have on the individuals they supervise. Just as program staff should focus on children's strengths and talents, T&Cs and program managers should focus on staff members' strengths and talents while working alongside staff to strengthen areas of weakness. T&Cs and program managers should take time to acknowledge staff members' progress in their professional development as teachers and caregivers.
应该建立和培养关系at the core of your practice with children and youth, families, colleagues, and program staff. It is important to build relationships with each staff member to promote trust. You build trust by taking the time to get to know each staff member, honoring and incorporating their customs and culture in your program, and inviting their input on the program. The relationship between a supervisor and an employee can withstand difficult situations when there is an understanding that the supervision relationship is professional and supportive. T&Cs and program managers should continuously focus on building partnerships with staff members. In addition, using relationship-based leadership in supervision meetings builds a strong sense of community within a program. Part of relationship-based leadership is knowing that different staff members may need different kinds of support. Just as each child is unique and has a right to experiences and care tailored to their development and needs, the same is true for staff members. Every member of the staff, including T&Cs and program managers, is on his or her own professional journey, understanding what it means to provide high quality care and education and embody the program's goals, missions and objectives. Strong T&Cs and program managers meet program staff members where they are and work with them to move forward.
条例和程序经理证明员工的话,children and youth, and families are welcome in the program setting. As leaders, the T&Cs and program managers need to learn about the cultural and linguistic practices of the staff members they supervise and to provide resources to staff members to assist them in working with culturally and linguistically diverse families. There are a variety of books, articles, DVDs, and webinars that address cultural and linguistically sensitive practices with children and families. As leaders, the T&Cs and program managers need to learn about each staff member. It is best to ask questions directly when one is unsure about how to provide evaluative feedback. Because one person from a cultural group is, for example, uncomfortable with audiotaping herself during a small-group learning activity, that does not mean that all teachers from that same cultural group feel the same way. Once again, the focus is on building relationships and trust between the program leadership and每工作人员。对语言差异和文化实践敏感,表明了了解个人知识和信仰的开放性。yabo电子游艺T&CS和计划经理展示了他们希望与同事,儿童和青年和家庭建模的员工。
有关本课程期望和随附的学习,探索和应用资源和在整个课程中提供的活动的更多信息,请访问管理计划管理Course Guide。
Read some of the following articles about leadership and then use the handout领导地位的透视反思您的计划中的领导。
- 协调领导和伙伴关系:赋予专业人士和家庭的策略
https://www.naeyc.org/system/files/YC0515_Leadership_and_Partnership_Allred%20%281%29.pdf - 扩展镜头 - 作为组织资产的领导力
https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/yc/may2015/expanding-the-lens - 如果我是粪便学习计划网站总监
In addition, using the handout,通过8岁以上的儿童出生的环境中的知识和能力(参见探索部分),圈出特定的知识和能力,以赋予您在计划组织中的角色。您已经证明了哪些能力?您会选择专注于培养自己的领导技能哪些能力?
Jablon, J., Dombro, A. L., & Johnson, S. (2014).Coaching with Powerful Interactions: A guide for partneringwith early childhood teachers。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。
Schweikert, G. (2014).赢得幼儿专业人士的胜利方式:成为主管。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。