Physical activity is important regardless of age or ability. As a manager, it is important that you have a working knowledge of the developmental milestones for each of the age groups that your program serves in order to better support your staff in their work with children and youth.
- 为您的计划服务的所有年龄段识别典型的发育里程碑。
- 讨论影响物理发展的因素。
- 应用知识,以支持您的员工对物理发展的理解。
A quick refresher on children’s physical development can support your efforts in ensuring that your program has adequate space and materials both indoors and out to support the physical development of children and youth. In considering physical development, the specific needs for children vary by age. Strategies for supporting each age group will be outlined in Lesson Three. Understanding that infants and toddlers experience rapid physical growth while older children refine skills already attained will make it easier to meet the individual needs of children and youth in group care. This lesson provides a snapshot of development by age group. A more detailed understanding can be achieved by reading Lesson Two for each age track.
- 产前护理:Lack of prenatal care or prenatal exposure to harmful substances, such as drugs and alcohol, can negatively influence development.
- 早熟:出生于第38周的发展和出生体重低38周之前可能会经历呼吸困难,视觉问题和喂养和消化问题。
- 遗传:基因影响发展,但同样重要的是孩子的经历。
- 基本需求:未能满足基本需求,如安全,爱情,住房和食物,因为社会经济因素或忽视可能对大脑发育产生负面影响,这反过来会影响物理发展。
- Culture:Some cultures may not value reaching developmental milestones as quickly as others; some may not value the independence that supports physical development.
- 气质和学习款式yabo电子游艺:有很多类型的学习者。有些孩子通过身体,实践活动学习,而其他孩子可能会观察并保持自己。
- 发展延误,残疾或健康问题:请记住,被诊断患有残疾人不会改变儿童的先天欲望。
Developmental Milestones
Here is a snapshot of physical development during infancy (birth to 18 months).
- First movements are reflexive (inborn, automatic behaviors). For example, infants startled by a loud sound or sudden body shift will extend their legs and throw their arms outward and then bring them back toward their bodies. The rooting reflex occurs when an infant’s cheek is stroked near the corner of the mouth and they turn toward the spot being stroked.
- 年轻婴儿开始使用他们的精细机动技能和感官来了解更多关于他们的世界的更多信息。例如,一个年轻的婴儿可以听到护理人员摇晃着拨浪鼓,他/她可能会伸手可取。用手和嘴,婴儿进一步探索拨浪鼓。移动婴儿开始使用他们的大(粗体电机)和小(精细电机)肌肉来进一步探索他们的世界并采取行动以满足他们的需求。例如,移动婴儿可以爬到椅子上,并将自己拉起或穿过草地到沙箱,弯曲,然后拿起一个小铲子。
- 移动婴儿正在精炼他们的精细机动技能,如使用他们的拇指和食指(夹子抓住)来拿起Cheerio或帮助照顾者转动董事会书的页面。
- 较旧的移动婴儿正在精炼他们的运动技能,例如堆叠和排列在每只手中携带物体的街区和行走。
- 幼儿用他们的机构进一步了解自己的世界并获得独立;他们尚未理解他们的局限性。
- 幼儿在攀登,跑步,推动,跳跃和投掷等活动中使用其总电机(大肌肉)技能。
- 老年幼儿开始在每一只脚上走上楼梯。
- 幼儿通过练习绘图,将碎片塑造成简单的谜题,用块,堆叠一本书的页面,拿着杯子,拿着饮用杯子,并拿着杯子。
- 幼儿指向物体作为通信方式。
亚慱彩票学龄前儿童花费大量时间跑步,攀爬,跳跃和互相追逐;他们涂鸦,油漆,构建,倾倒,用剪刀切割,将拼图放在一起,串珠。他们经常在移动中,他们的技能显着改善了他们是幼儿的时间。As their bodies grow over time, the areas in preschoolers’ brains that control movement continue to mature, thus enabling them to perform gross-motor skills such as running, jumping, throwing, climbing, kicking, and skipping, and fine-motor skills such as stringing beads, drawing, and cutting with scissors. They become increasingly more independent. Rich experiences are important for all children’s development, and they are especially important for preschoolers.
- 三岁的孩子擅长奔跑和攀爬。他们可以踏上三轮车,走上一只脚的楼梯上踩踏。他们能够洗手并擦干手。
- 四岁的孩子可以在一只脚上跳跃,长达两秒。他们大部分时间都抓住了一个反弹的球,他们能够倾注,切割和捣碎自己的食物。他们可以使用剪刀并将一个人画有两到四个身体部位。
- Five-year-olds can skip and stand on one foot for 10 seconds or longer. They can swing and do somersaults. They can use a fork and spoon and sometimes a table knife.
School-agers mature while refining their gross- and fine-motor skills. They gain more control of their bodies and are better able to coordinate and balance, as seen in activities such as jumping rope, organized sports, obstacle courses, and yoga. School-agers become more proficient in their fine-motor skills and are able to use utensils, tie their shoelaces, use clasps and buttons, and color in lines. A school-age child’s brain is still developing as they learn how to do new things and to think differently. They gradually become less egocentric and are better able to think about and understand things from different viewpoints. School-age children will experience normal body changes as puberty begins. Sometimes these changes can be drastic, seeming to happen overnight, while other changes happen gradually over months or years. The changes that accompany the onset of puberty can often be confusing and even scary for school-age children. A caregiver’s empathy is especially important for school-agers.
Here is a snapshot of physical development for school-agers.
- 学龄儿童将会有各种各样的身高和体重。
- 生长刺激是常见的,可以导致学龄儿童感到尴尬或笨拙。
- School-age children will begin to see an improvement in their motor skills and increased muscle mass. They will have better control, coordination, balance, and strength.
- 体内的激素变化会导致痤疮,丘疹和体内气味。这些变化有时会导致自尊的问题。
- 激素变化也会导致情绪波动和强烈的情绪。有时候孩子会感到沮丧或悲伤,不能解释原因。
- 孩子在自己的速度发展。没有比较children and their abilities. If a family member compares their child to one of the child’s peers, encourage them not to do so. This can be harmful to a child’s development if they feel they are “not as smart” as their peers.
- 大多数孩子都会赶上他们的发展里程碑。
- 如果您的员工开始担心孩子可能无法以典型方式开发,让他们对他们观察的任何异常行为进行观察并记录他们的担忧。在与家庭成员讨论他们的担忧之前,请先先对你来找你。
- 尽可能快地制作推荐并利用所有可用的资源,例如孩子们在一起, so individualized educational programs (IEPs) can be developed and children can get the supports they need to be successful.
学期 | 描述 |
Developmental delay | A possible reason children do not meet developmental milestones at the expected times; Delays can occur in any area of development |
发展里程碑 | 大多数孩子在某个年龄范围内可以做的一套技能或行为 |
发展筛选 | 用于帮助识别未按预期开发的儿童的工具,可能需要支持;筛选可以通过儿科医生,教师或其他了解儿童和儿童发展的其他人完成 |
Egocentric | 当一个人的前景仅限于自己的需要,想要和活动时 |
Motor skills | 肌肉协调的增长:毛动运动技能是在我们身体中使用大肌肉的动作,就像我们的手臂和腿一样,散步,跑步或跳跃;精细机动技能是在我们身体中使用较小的肌肉的动作,就像我们的手指和脚趾一样,以便写作或使用工具 |
青春期 | 孩子的身体成为成人身体的发展过程 |
Berk,L. E.(2004)。婴儿和儿童:产前通过中年童年(第五次)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012). Developmental Milestones。从...获得
Trawick-Smith,J. W.(2014)。幼儿发展:多元文化的角度,(第6届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司