The overall goal of your program is to provide a home-like atmosphere that is warm, comfortable, and physically and psychologically safe. Spaces for adults—the front desk, staff areas, kitchens, etc.—are an important part of this environment. This lesson will focus on ways you can promote adult learning through your environment.
- Provide and make available to staff a well-equipped professional resources library.
- 确保每月完成培训,并与儿童发展专业人员合作,确保完成模块。
- 模拟儿童和成人学习环境的有效实践。yabo电子游艺
- 请求订阅专业组织发布的期刊。
- 寻找有用的书。在整个虚拟实验学校,你会发现建议阅读。这些书可能对你的资源库有yabo11vip帮助。你也可以在专业会议上浏览出版商的表格,寻找最新的书籍。
- Help staff find appropriate websites. Again, professional organizations are a good place to start. Many have links to important resources.
- 建造一个儿童和青年文学,玩具,游戏和其他材料的贷款图书馆非常有帮助。这些类型的材料可以帮助工作人员找到所需的资源,并将一个想法变为现实。这也有助于避免在程序中重复资源。
- 许多课程和专业发展resources. These may be videos, guides, or supplements. Keep any of these materials that staff are not using in a centralized location so they can be found when needed.
- There are many ways to include cutting-edge video in your professional library. The Virtual Lab School is a free source of such video. See the Apply section for more ideas.
Building Learning Communities
作为一个以中心为基础的儿童和青少年发展计划的管理者,你有机会与培训师或教练一起鼓励员工获得真实的、自主的专业发展经验。一个这样的经验被称为专业学习社区。Hord(1997)指出,“三个词解释了[专业学习社区]的概念:专业人士聚集在一个团体中学习。”在儿童保育或教育环境中,专业学习社区是由教育者和管理者组成的团体,他们定期开会,分享专业知识,合作工作,目的是改进教学,最好地支持儿童的发展和学习。Shirley M.Hord(1997)认为,有效的专业学习社区有五个特征:yabo电子游艺
- 支持ive and shared leadership:这意味着您和您的培训师和教练必须将自己视为学习者以及工作人员。有一种感觉,该计划中的每个人都支持专业学习,并投资于卓越方案。yabo电子游艺
- Collective creativity:This means you and staff continually work together to spark new ideas, reflect, converse, and inquire. You focus on solving problems by applying new ideas.
- 共享价值观和愿景:这意味着您和员工已同意为什么专业发展是您计划的重要组成部分。您有共同关注儿童学习和发展。yabo电子游艺
- 支持条件:This means you and staff have time and space to talk. It also means you have the kind of relationship with staff that encourages communication.
- 分享个人实践:This means staff members are expected to help one another by observing and discussing their work.
You could help build learning-community experiences specifically about the environment. Perhaps each month you focus on a different central aspect of the environment (e.g., home-like features, incorporating natural materials, or making it culturally relevant). You could share relevant resources you found with staff members and ask them for their ideas and resources. Staff members could then share the ways they are working on that concept right now in their indoor and outdoor environments. You or your trainers or coaches could share how you focused on that aspect within shared program spaces (e.g., hallways, entrances, or staff break rooms).
- 如何组织员工材料。它们是否以这样的方式安排,您可以轻松访问它们?他们是否以这样的方式排列,他们唤起了学习?yabo电子游艺也许在员工休息室中,您可以展示一个新的资源或董事会分享最近由一间教室完成的有趣项目。这些小型触摸可以唤起员工的参与。
- 员工空间的美学。你的办公室或休息室里有没有像植物或软家具这样的家居元素?你有没有办法把自然、美丽的事物或你的项目的个性融入到其他工作人员使用的空间中?即使偶尔在休息时间或员工资源室里放一瓶鲜花,也能传递出一种权力信息:员工受到重视。
- 您的员工空间有多样化。正如我们希望儿童和青少年的材料在文化上相关,请确保您在您为员工开发和恢复的空间中展示这一点。
Also, consider the organization and appearance of your office and the messages it send. This is another space where you can model some of your vision for what the learning environments in your program should be like. A cluttered space can make staff feel that they cannot trust your organization, or it can be distracting during difficult conversations.
Before working with children, staff should be oriented to the program’s philosophy, goals, expectations, procedures, curriculum, policies, and requirements. Then, staff should participate in an organized professional development program. The National Association for the Education of Young Children recommends staff members develop an annual individualized professional development plan. Developing individual professional development plans will be covered in more detail in the Professionalism and Program Management courses. As a manager, you may be responsible for designing, delivering, and documenting your trainers, coaches, or staff members’ progression through their individual professional development plan. It is important to be organized and proactive about this process. Here are strategies that can help:
- 为每个员工创建投资组合或绑定器。
- 列出已完成的培训机会清单。
- 使用在线系统,如虚拟实验室。yabo11vip
你负责一大批员工的专业发展。这可能很难管理,而且需要复杂的组织技能。下载并打印Adult Learners Activityto reflect on your own practice. Think about how you can ensure all staff members engage in the professional development they need.