
    • 描述如何收集信息和设计方案级计划和程序,以支持员工解决个体儿童持续挑战性行为。
    • 促进与家庭的会议讨论孩子的挑战性行为以及如何创造行为支持计划。
    • Create a resource document that includes installation resources, community-based resources, and web-based information about addressing children’s persistent challenging behavior.



    In Lesson Three, you were introduced to the Pyramid Model as a visual guide to thinking about the implementation of a quality program and its impact on the social-emotional growth and development of children. You learned that, as the manager, you are a key person in the implementation of the various components of the model and that your support and supervision of staff ensure that program policies are followed with regard to positive guidance practices. In this lesson, you will learn how your role as a leader greatly affects the ability of your program to serve children who engage in persistently challenging behavior. These are the small number of children who are in the top part of the pyramid (the red area).支持儿童积极行为的基础的视觉金字塔模型

    The majority of children who attend your program respond to the staff’s positive guidance principles used to create a warm, nurturing climate. When a child does not respond to these principles and rather engages in persistent challenging behavior, it affects the child, other children, and staff members. Research has shown that Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is an effective way of developing individualized plans to address children’s persistent intensive challenging behavior that “reduces challenging behavior, enhances relationships between adults and children, and generally helps caregivers and children experience an improved quality of life” (Hunt and Hemmeter, 2009, p. 9).

    What Do We Mean by Persistent Intensive Challenging Behavior?

    The Center for Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) defines challenging behavior as:



    What is Positive Behavior Support?

    • 改变行为的方法
    • Based upon humanistic values and research
    • An approach for developing an understanding about why the child has challenging behavior and teaching the child new skills to replace that behavior
    • A holistic approach that considers all of the factors influencing a child, family, and the child’s behavior (health, settings, communication skills, etc.)

    As the program director, you must create program-level plans and procedures for referring a child who has persistent challenging behaviors. You may create a checklist or form that a teacher can complete in order to describe what the challenging behavior is and what steps have been taken to address the behaviors. A team approach must be taken to successfully address persistent challenging behavior. You are a critical member of the behavior intervention team. You will share information with the family, convene and facilitate the team meetings, observe the child or youth, and assist your staff and the child’s family with accessing any agencies or other resources as needed.



    Step 4: Design a behavior support plan
    Step 5: Implement, monitor, evaluate outcomes, and refine the plan in natural environments


    As the program manager, you are charged with calling together a team to work together to address a child’s challenging behavior. Potential team members are the family, staff members, trainers and coaches, community mental health worker, and other specialized therapists. Everyone on the team helps to collect/gather information about the behavior.

    Step 2: Basic Functional Behavior Assessment Process

    功能行为评估:Process that identifies specific target behavior, the purpose of the behavior, and what factors maintain the behavior that is interfering with the child’s progress


    1. 用可观察和可测量的术语定义行为。
    2. Ask about behavior by interviewing the family, staff and the child (if appropriate)
    3. 指定例程并总结行为发生的时间和地点
    4. Observe the child’s behavior during routines in natural environments (home, school, community).

    Step 3: Develop a Hypothesis statement: a final summary of where, when, & why the child’s behaviors occur


    • 什么触发了行为?小组在户外游戏情况
    • 什么是具有挑战性的行为?言语攻击(威胁、骂人、骂人)
    • What maintains the behavior?Peer gives Tim the tricycle; adult provides excessive negative attention


    当所有的观察,访谈数据,any other pertinent other information are gathered, the team then meets to develop an individualized behavior support plan that incorporates prevention strategies and teaches the child replacement behaviors that will take the place of the challenging behavior.


    • 行为假设-行为的目的(功能);这是团队对行为发生原因的最佳猜测
    • Prevention Strategies- Ways to make events and interactions that trigger challenging behavior easier for the child to manage
    • 更换技巧- New skills to teach throughout the day to replace the challenging behavior
    • New Adult Responses-成年人对挑战性行为的反应,确保挑战性行为不被维持,并使用新的替代技能。


    例子:Since the function of Tim’s challenging behavior is to obtain something (the tricycle) some预防策略可能:

    • 在户外前往蒂姆单独查看游乐场规则
    • 在其他孩子使用所有三轮车时使用选择和儿童利益来分散或支持蒂姆(确保选择是蒂姆喜欢的选择)
    • 当Tim可以有三轮车时,使用定时器来发信号

    Teaching Replacement Skills



    1. 高效和有效(即,为孩子快速工作)
    2. Consider what the child already has
    3. 确保对适当行为的奖励是一致的。
    4. 确定孩子提供相同信息的可接受方式。
    5. Make sure the new response is socially appropriate and will access the child’s desired outcome


    • 选择要教授的技能
    • Teach skills intentionally using planned procedures
    • Teach replacement skills during time the child is NOT having challenging behavior
    • 全天授课




    触发 行为 维持后果
    • 班级在游乐场的三轮车外面播放
    • 言语攻击(威胁、骂人、骂人)
    • 行为功能:获得三轮车
    • 同龄人把三轮车给蒂姆
    • 别理蒂姆
    • 成年人介入蒂姆的负面关注
    Prevention Strategies 蒂姆的新技能(替代品) New Adult Responses
    • 通过播放游乐场行为的角色使用关于Tim的脚本故事进行预先教学技能。
    • 使用可视卡来帮助蒂姆记得使用适当的语言要求询问。
    • 显示蒂姆计时器和解释的时候rings it will be his turn to use a tricycle
    • 要求三轮车转弯
    • Everyone can play with the tricycles
    • 要求成年人的帮助

    To Tim’s Challenging Behavior:

    • 如果蒂姆使用言语侵略,则介入以防止对其他孩子的伤害

    To Tim’s New Replacement Skills:

    • Anticipate Tim’s fTorustration about not having a tricycle and remind him about how he can ask for a turn when the child is finished.
    • Acknowledge Tim and verbally encourage him to use his new skills



    行为计划需要时间工作(团队应在三周后达到,以检查计划如何工作) - often员工正在寻找持续具有挑战性行为的“快速修复”,但通常不会发生快速修复。有时,在减少之前,孩子的挑战性可能会增加,这可能会为教师和父母劝阻。通过这种行为改变过程的积极态度和支持团队的愿意对其成功至关重要。


    If the child or youth with challenging behavior is receiving behavior support through his or her public school, you may, with the family’s written permission, seek consultation from the school staff to assist with the child’s challenging behaviors in the youth program. For children who receive behavior support in school, it is important that there be consistency across settings (including home and child care).


    Difficult Conversations: Referring Families to Community-Based and Online Resources on Child Guidance and Behavior Issues


    与他们希望永不了解他们的孩子的东西,与家人说话永远不会容易。重要的是,通过在常规日常互动期间通过持续的沟通,您和家庭之间建立了强有力的关系。这些对话可能包括可以提供更密集的干预措施的社区资源的建议。Jodi Whiteman(2013)列出了一些有用的谈话策略:

    • 提问和倾听。Wondering together with families demonstrates equality between the professional and the child’s family. This also shows your respect for the family. For example: “I was wondering if you have noticed Alyana’s hesitation to climb on the playground equipment? Is there something we should be aware of in order to help her feel more secure on the playground?”
    • 积极倾听。Active listening involves paying full attention to what the other person is saying and letting them know you understood their message. (“You told Alyana not to climb on playground equipment because you heard that a neighbor’s daughter fell off a swing at the park and had to get several stitches.”)
    • 表演同理心。显示同理心涉及您愿意接受另一个人的经历和感受。(“我可以想象它是可怕的,因为你邻居的女儿发生了什么,Alyana可能会受到伤害。”)











    • NAEYC - Guidance and Challenging Behaviors
    • Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) focuses on promoting the social-emotional development and school readiness of children from birth through age 5. The website offers resources, in English and Spanish, for families, trainers, teachers, caregivers, and states. Also includes training modules about infants/toddlers and preschoolers, and a module for parents.
    • University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development website has resources about positive behavioral support for young children who engage in challenging behavior. The website offers tip sheets, case study examples, information for parents, and guidance on building a technical assistance team
    • 指导事项是Dan Gartrell的一名年轻儿童专栏,讨论了早期教育工作者对促进幼儿的发展和学习的指导。yabo电子游艺列在幼儿的问题中发布,并在线提供列的存档。
    • 国家幼儿发展,教学和学习中心(NCEDL)在识别,发展和促进依据循证的儿童发展和教学和学习实践的情况下提出了最佳实践,这些教学yabo电子游艺和学习实践在文化和语言上响应并导致积极的孩子幼儿计划的结果。他们还支持强大的专业开发系统。
    • 国家金字塔模型创新中心(NCPMI)创建了免费的、基于研究的资源,以帮助父母、护理人员、管理人员和决策者在处理有延迟或残疾风险的儿童时应用最佳实践。该网站包括术语表、系统和程序简介以及相关链接。



    想想你认为对你、你的员工和家庭来说最关键的解决孩子挑战性行为的资源。下载并打印积极行为支持家庭问答attachment from the Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL).

    Use the information as a template and to develop your own family focused description of positive behavior support. Describe how you would provide access to those resources. Create an agenda for a team meeting that you would hold in order to begin the process for creating an individual behavior plan. What would be important to include on the agenda? Are there outside consultants that you would want to invite? What steps do you need to take to obtain parent permission to start the process of developing an individualized behavior plan for a child or youth?


    Term 描述
    功能行为评估 Process that identifies specific target behavior, the purpose of the behavior, and what factors maintain the behavior that is interfering with the child’s progress
    自然环境 儿童自然或典型的设置;可能包括孩子的家,社区和童心或学校
    Positive behavior support An approach for changing a child’s behavior that is based on humanistic values and research and offers an approach for developing an understanding of why the child has challenging behavior and teaching the child new skills to replace challenging behavior; it offers a holistic approach that considers all of the factors that affect a child and the child’s behavior








    You need to have a difficult conversation with a parent about a child’s persistent challenging behavior. Which of the following are helpful strategies for having difficult conversations?



    Hunter, A., & Hemmeter, M.L. (2009). Addressing Challenging Behavior in Infants and Toddlers. Zero to Three, 29(3), 5-12.

    Lentini, R., Vaughn, B. J., & Fox, L. (2008). Creating Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior. Retrieved fromhttps://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Pyramid/pbs/TTYC/index.html

    Technical Assistance Center for Social and Emotional Development for Young Children. Retrieved fromhttps://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu

