- Describe how to gather information and design program-level plans and procedures to support staff in addressing individual children’s persistent challenging behaviors.
- Facilitate meetings with families to discuss a child’s challenging behavior and how to create behavior support plans.
- 创建一个资源文档,其中包括安装资源,基于社区的资源和基于Web的信息,了解有关寻址儿童持久挑战性行为的基于Web的信息。
参加课程的大多数儿童响应了员工的积极指导原则,用于创造温暖,培育气候。当一个孩子没有回应这些原则并且相当参与持续具有挑战性的行为时,它会影响孩子,其他孩子和工作人员。Research has shown that Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is an effective way of developing individualized plans to address children’s persistent intensive challenging behavior that “reduces challenging behavior, enhances relationships between adults and children, and generally helps caregivers and children experience an improved quality of life” (Hunt and Hemmeter, 2009, p. 9).
- 一种改变行为的方法
- 基于人文价值观和研究
- 制定理解为什么儿童具有挑战性行为和教导儿童新技能来取代这种行为的方法
- 考虑影响儿童,家庭和儿童行为的所有因素(健康,设置,沟通技巧等)的整体方法
Process for Creating an Individualized Behavior Plan
The following steps can be used for developing and implementing individualized behavior plans:
Step 1: Establish a collaborative team and meet to identify goals |
Step 2: Gather information (complete a functional behavior assessment) |
Step 3: Develop hypotheses (best guess about the function of the behavior) |
第4步:设计行为支持计划 |
第5步:实施,监控,评估结果,并在自然环境中进行计划 |
To understand the child’s behavior, the adults on the team (including the family) complete a functional behavior assessment. You might assist a behavior consultant to help complete the functional behavior assessment.
- 定义可观察和可衡量的术语中的行为。
重要的是,将孩子归于团队的工作人员能够清楚地定义可观察和可衡量的条款的行为。例子:Tim uses verbal aggression (threats; name calling, swearing) with peers and adults when he has to wait for a turn to use a tricycle on the playground. - 通过采访家庭,员工和孩子(如果合适)询问行为
- 指定例程并汇总发生行为的位置
- 在自然环境(家庭,学校,社区)的惯例中观察孩子的行为。
The team uses the information gathered from the above interviews and observations to develop the functional behavior assessment. A hypothesis statement is written. The following is one example of a hypothesis statement:
- What triggers the behavior?Group play situations outdoors
- 什么是具有挑战性的行为?言语侵略(威胁,姓名呼叫,咒骂)
- 什么保持行为?同行给蒂姆三轮车;成人提供过度的负面关注
Step 4: Develop a Behavior Support Plan
The Behavior Support Plan includes the following components:
- 行为Hypotheses- 行为的目的(功能);这是团队最好的猜测如何发生行为
- 预防策略- 使事件和交互的方法触发挑战性行为的挑战性行为使儿童更容易管理
- Replacement Skills- 新技能在整天教授以取代具有挑战性的行为
- 新成人回应- 成人对确保挑战行为的具有挑战性行为的反应是不维持的,并且使用了新的替代技能。
The team should address all the variables that could occur (health, transitions, sleep, etc.) and think creatively about prevention strategies and replacement skills.
例子:由于Tim的挑战性行为的功能是获得某些东西(三轮车)一些prevention strategiesmight be:
- review playground rules individually with Tim before going outdoors
- use choices and child interests to distract or support Tim during times when all the tricycles are being used by other children (make sure the choices are ones Tim likes)
- use a timer to signal when Tim can have a tricycle
Teaching replacement skills provides Tim with an alternative behavior to his challenging behavior. Here are some important points about teaching a child replacement skills.
- 高效有效(即,为孩子迅速工作)
- 考虑孩子已经拥有的东西
- 确保适当行为的任何奖励都是一致的。
- Identify an acceptable way for the child to deliver the same message.
- 确保新的响应是社会合适的,并将访问孩子的预期结果
Replacement Skill Instruction Procedures:
- 选择教学技巧
- 使用计划程序故意教导技巧
- 在儿童没有具有挑战性的行为时教授更换技巧
- 全天教
Adults need to intentionally plan how they will respond to Tim’s challenging behavior that will make it ineffective in obtaining adult attention. The adults need to be sure to encourage Tim’s new appropriate skills and pay more attention to Tim’s use of socially appropriate behavior than to his challenging behaviors.
Here is what Tim’s Behavior Support Plan Chart looks like after the team brainstorming meeting:
扳机 | 行为 | 保持后果 |
预防策略 | Tim’s New Skills (Replacements) | 新成人回应 |
Implement, Monitor, Evaluate Outcomes, and Refine The Plan in Natural Environments
The behavior plan needs time to work (teams should meet after three weeks to check in on how the plan is working)—often staff are looking for “quick fixes” for persistent challenging behavior but quick fixes typically do not occur. Sometimes the child’s challenging behaviors may increase before they decrease, and this can be discouraging for teachers and parents. Your positive attitude and willingness to support the team through this behavior change process is vital to its success.
It is good to create a support plan checklist to determine if the plan is being followed. The team needs to meet and review the data you have collected. Being the manager also means you know when the team needs outside professional support to create and sustain a behavior plan for a child. Your network of installation and community resources may be called upon to assist in the development and monitoring of individual behavior support plans.
It is beyond the scope of this lesson and course to teach you everything you need to know about positive behavior support planning. However, there are excellent resources available to help you do this important work. For early childhood programs, you can explore the resources available through the National Center on Pyramid Model Innovations (or NCPMI, which merged with the Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention, or TACSEI):https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/
你可能会有一些困难的与家人的对话ilies about child guidance and behavior issues. It is important that you approach conversations with family members as a listener who wants to hear the family’s perspective on their child. Families do not want teachers or program managers to approach them in a judgmental manner or question their parenting abilities. All families have strengths, and as partners in caring for their children, program staff should acknowledge the hard job parents have raising their children.
It is never easy to talk to families about something they hope to never hear about their child. It is important that a strong relationship is well established between you and the family through ongoing communication during regular daily interactions. These conversations may include suggestions of community-based resources that can provide more intensive interventions. Jodi Whiteman (2013) lists some helpful strategies for having difficult conversations:
- 提问并听。与家人一起想到,展示了专业人员和孩子的家庭之间的平等。这也显示了你对家庭的尊重。例如:“我想知道你是否注意到了Alyana犹豫了爬上操场设备?是否有一些我们应该意识到的是为了帮助她在操场上感觉更安全?“
- Active listening.积极的听力涉及全面关注对方的说法,让他们知道你了解他们的信息。(“你告诉Alyana不要爬上操场设备,因为你听说一位邻居的女儿在公园落下了摇摆,不得不得到几针。”)
- Show empathy.Showing empathy involves your willingness to accept another person’s experiences and feelings. (“I can imagine it is scary to think that Alyana might get hurt on the playground equipment because of what happened to your neighbor’s daughter.”)
When referring a family to an outside agency or other resource, it is important to have the correct information about the agency’s purpose and services. It is helpful if you have a personal contact at the agency so there is a name the parent can use when initiating contact. For some families, it may be helpful to offer to go with them if they are unsure about how to approach an agency.
Reflect on the process of creating and implementing an individualized behavior plan for a child. What resources and training do you believe are necessary for you to feel confident and competent in facilitating a behavior intervention planning team meeting? What training on individualized behavior supports is available to you and your staff (look for webinars and other web-based or conference-based opportunities for staff development)?
These links may be helpful in selecting articles and books for the Family Corner and/or Staff Resource area. Think about planning a joint training about challenging behavior that could include staff from other programs.
- Naeyc - 指导和具有挑战性的行为
https://www.naeyc.org/resources/topics/guidance-and-challenging-behaviors - 关于早期学习的社会和情感基金会(CSEFEL)的中心侧重于促进通过年龄出生的社会情感发展和学校准备。该网站提供资源yabo电子游艺,以英语和西班牙语,家庭,培训师,教师,照顾者提供资源和国家。还包括关于婴儿/幼儿和学龄前儿童的培训模块,以及父母的模块。亚慱彩票
http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu - 明尼苏达大学早期教育和发展网站拥有关于从事挑战行为的幼儿积极行为支持的资源。该网站提供提示表,案例研究示例,父母的信息,以及建立技术援助团队的指导
http://ceed.umn.edu/tip-sheets/ - Guidance Matters, a Young Children column by Dan Gartrell, discusses early educators’ use of guidance to foster young children’s development and learning. The column is published in the issues of Young Children, and an archive of the columns is available online.
https://drjuliejg.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/annotated-gm-columns1.pdf. - National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCEDL)advances best practices in the identification, development, and promotion of the implementation of evidence-based child development and teaching and learning practices that are culturally and linguistically responsive and lead to positive child outcomes across early childhood programs. They also support strong professional development systems.
https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/about-us/article/national-center-early-childhood-development-teaching-learning-ncecdtl - 国家金字塔模型创新中心(NCPMI)创建免费,基于研究的资源,以帮助父母,看护人员,管理员和决策者在与拥有或面临延误或残疾风险的儿童时采用最佳实践。该网站包括术语表,系统和程序的简报和相关链接。
Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL). Retrieved fromhttp://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/
Lentini,R.,Vaughn,B. J.,&Fox,L.(2008)。具有挑战性行为的幼儿教学工具。从...获得https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/pyramid/pbs/ttyc/index.html.
Whiteman, J. (2013). Connecting with families: Tips for those difficult conversations. Young Children, 68(1), 94-95.