Secondary tabs

    • Describe the connection between the arrangement of the program environment and promoting a sense of positive well-being.
    • 了解可以帮助您和您的员工评估学习环境的工具。yabo电子游艺
    • Evaluate a list of evidence-based resources that may be used in professional development activities that focus on positive guidance practices and program improvement.
    • 反思员工监督实践及其对您计划的使命和哲学的一致性。


    “The wider the range of possibilities we offer children, the more intense will be their motivations and the richer their experiences.”- Loris Malaguzzi.



    Visual pyramid model for foundations of supporting children's positive behavior in child-care and youth programs金字塔模型是儿童开发和青年计划如何让基础支持儿童积极行为的图表表示。已发现本基于证据的模型是指导早期护理和教育专业人员在规划环境战略,社会和情感教学以及儿童的个性化行为改变方案方面的有效工具。金字塔模型广泛用于许多早期护理和教育计划。观看以下简短的视频演示来了解金字塔模型:



    Yellow: Effective Workforce (Systems and policies promote and sustain the use of evidence-based practices .)

    Your personal and professional support for staff helps them engage in positive guidance practices. Individual goal setting and professional growth plans are critical to creating a program climate that values ongoing, lifelong learning. As a manager, you are an essential resource as you provide staff with the support they need to bring up any concerns or questions about how to address children’s mistaken behaviors. Your use of reflective supervision with staff creates a supportive climate where staff members feel heard and comfortable with sharing ideas and trying new strategies. You contribute to building an effective workforce by:

    • 承认工作人员以获得杰出贡献
    • 支持员工,因为他们了解与儿童,青年和家庭合作的新战略
    • Holding yourself and your staff accountable for articulating and practicing program policies
    • 使用数据来指示需要或更改和规划行动以满足这些需求的领域

    Blue: Nurturing and Responsive Relationships (Supportive, responsive relationships among adults and children is an essential component to promote healthy social emotional development.)

    To create nurturing and responsive relationships, you must build individual relationships with children, staff, and families. Being available during pick up and drop off to talk with families or drop in on youth games keeps you involved in daily interactions. Continuity of care and assigning primary care providers promotes warm, ongoing relationships among staff and families. When staff and families feel acknowledged and valued by you, they will in turn be more resilient when interacting with the children. Staff members will view you as an ally in their work with children. The trust they feel from you can support them as they engage in problem solving and teaching children “what to do” instead of focusing on who holds power over the child. You may contribute to nurturing and responsive relationships by:

    • 举行庆祝活动并承认员工,儿童和家庭生活中的积极活动
    • Speaking positively and with enthusiasm about children, staff, and families
    • Welcoming culturally, linguistically, and ability diverse children and their families; providing materials in the home language in print and on the web site
    • 通过询问他们的孩子的兴趣,他们的护理措施,惯例和偏好来参与该计划的家庭

    Blue: High Quality Supportive Environments (High quality early childhood environments promote positive outcomes for all children.)

    The physical environment of classrooms, offices, lounges, and storage and outdoor spaces is a major component of ensuring a high-quality program. The program environment can influence the use of positive guidance practices. When children feel safe and secure, and have meaningful activities that engage them, they are less likely to engaging in challenging behaviors. As the manager, you are trusted to ensure that the program environments are safe and secure for children, staff, and families. You offer information about how to obtain necessary resources, materials, and equipment to ensure high-quality environments in which staff can engage in nurturing relationships with children and families. Environmental quality includes your oversight of all program spaces (e.g., organized family corner, clear and welcoming paths into and out of the center, attractive working outdoor play and recreation equipment, indoor appropriately sized furnishings, teacher technology equipment and current software, clean and organized staff lounge and work rooms).






    As the manager, you are trusted to make sure that the program environments are safe and secure for children, staff, and families.

    Green: Targeted Social Emotional Supports (Systematic approaches to teaching social skills can have a preventive and remedial effect.)


    There are some excellent social skills training curricula that you should learn about and perhaps adopt as part of your program’s curricula. This is a short list of widely adopted social skills curricula:

    You can obtain more information about a variety of evidence-based social-emotional curricula and behavior interventions in Powell and Dunlap’s循证社会情绪课程和0-5岁及其家人的儿童的干预包

    As you interact with staff and families, think critically about your own intentional interactions. As the program leader, everyone looks to you for guidance on providing information and feedback to others. Carefully plan what you will say if you have to deliver some difficult information to a staff member or parent. Your modeling of positive interactions will reinforce the relationship-based climate you want to promote within your program.


    You will find that some children will need intensive individualized intervention to address their challenging behaviors. Some staff will require a great deal of support to determine the meaning behind children’s challenging behaviors and to choose appropriate responses to that behavior.

    傅(或评估行为,确定意义nction) behind that behavior, and planning appropriate responses is a team effort. You cannot create an intensive behavior plan for a child without using a team approach by including the child’s family.

    作为计划经理,您需要创建一个员工的系统,以便在担心孩子的挑战行为时使用。工作人员需要有关如何观察和记录有关挑战行为的信息的培训和指导,以便他们可以提供客观,基于数据的儿童行为的描述。您还需要成为敏锐的观察者和行为录像机,因为您是规划行为支持的重要参与者。您在与员工合作中发挥着重要作用,以规划有意义的专业发展,使他们能够从事记录,理解和解决具有挑战性的行为。在这个课程中Supporting Infants and Toddlers with Challenging Behavior学activity, you will read about a manager who used the Pyramid Model to support her staff.

    Supervise & Support


    To effectively supervise staff to use positive guidance practices, you will need to feel comfortable and adept at them yourself. There are several activities you can do to prepare yourself in order to promote positive guidance practices:

    • Receive training in the components of the Pyramid Model so you can supervise staff and assist them in implementing recommended practices in child guidance.
    • Receive training on one or more of the environmental assessment tools. These tools can then be used to open a discussion with staff and families about how to improve the program environment.
    • Plan and implement reflective supervision so that you are able to listen and respond to staff needs and concerns. Provide staff with written feedback and work with each staff member to develop personal goals that will improve their knowledge about environmental arrangement, teaching intentional social skills, and working as a team member to address intensive, persistent challenging behavior.

    用于促进幼儿社会情感能力的金字塔模型的基础是effective workforce。没有有效劳动力的基础,该模型的其余部分将不存在。作为程序经理,您负责确保在程序中连续发生质量改进。您将通过为自己参与培训机会,确保您的员工有机会获得高质量专业发展的机会。

    Supporting Staff: The Importance of Professional Development


    Supervision Cycle




    There are many high-quality professional-development resources available to you through publishers, websites, free webinars, videos, etc. As a manager, you can provide resources for staff development about using positive guidance practices, enhancing the learning environment, observation and documentation of child behavior, and planning responses to children’s behaviors.

    使用附件Improvement Resourcesdocument to explore a few high quality resources. Consider how you might use these resources to improve your program’s quality. Use this chart to determine what training and supports you would need to incorporate these resources into your staff development activities.




    确保在您的观察工具或评估中,您希望看到您希望看到其计划中指导哲学的概要行为。在下面的附件中,来自儿童保育休息室网站的空白样本评估表( and it provides just one example of a staff evaluation form that could be used.

    • 这表格是否捕获了您认为应包括在员工评估中的积极指导方面的所有工作技能?
    • 您目前的员工评估计划如何支持您的特派团和计划哲学关于儿童指导?

    Next, look at the example staff evaluation form. Based on this staff member’s performance,

    • 你的下一个步骤是什么?
    • 您会在专业发展方面推荐什么?您在本课程中研究的任何工具是否适用?
    • What goals might you construct with this staff member?











    Child Development Institute. Retrieved from

    Hunter, A., & Hemmeter, M.L. (2009). Addressing Challenging Behavior in Infants and Toddlers. Zero to Three, 29(3), 5-12.

    Lentini, R., Vaughn, B. J., & Fox, L. (2008). Creating Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior. Retrieved from



    Technical Assistance Center for Social and Emotional Development for Young Children. Retrieved from

    The Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute Environmental Rating Scales. Retrieved from