- Articulate the importance of having a comprehensive system of supports available for families.
- Identify comprehensive supports for families.
- 将知识应用于连接家庭不如ve supports when needed.
支持ing families can take many forms. Support can range from providing informal opportunities for families to meet to referring families for crisis intervention. The goal is to provide a comprehensive system of concrete resources so families can use the supports that best meet their goals, interests and needs. Your program is a natural place where families can get the help they need to address the risks and stressors in their lives so they can cope and parent more effectively. While this course is about families, the content is relevant when it comes to supporting staff who may experience the same difficulties as your families.
Networks of support are essential when it comes to solving problems. By providing a warm and inviting environment and facilitating the development of trusting relationships, you and your staff provide families with an emotionally safe place to share concerns, get advice, or ask for assistance. Never underestimate the impact of random acts of kindness at drop-off and pick-up, or the emotional support of acquaintances when someone is experiencing stress.
Program Staff
- How to recognize signs of distress or crisis
- 如何以支持和保密地响应陷入困境或危机
- How and when to communicate concerns to you
- How to set appropriate boundaries with families
- 如何以及何时将家庭连接到包含行动团队
- 如何将家庭链接到资源
Peer To Peer
- Designing spaces in your program that are conducive to private conversations
- Using information gleaned from surveys to offer networking sessions on identified topics
- 促进志同道合的家庭的介绍;例如,拥有双胞胎,分享类似爱好的家庭,或者经历了损失
- Recruit families to participate on decision-making groups, such as for the creation of a community garden
Formal Networks of Support
In addition to providing informal networks of support, it's important to provide more formal opportunities for social connections. Sponsoring educational opportunities and identifying available community resources are two ways to provide more formal networks of support to families.
Educational Opportunities
家庭已经在您的程序,所以提供them the opportunity to attend educational workshops while they are there makes it easier for them to get information they need. Using information from parent surveys as well as your understanding of the unique needs and interests of the families you serve helps you plan workshops that are relevant. This information assists you in locating community trainers for the topics families identify. Creating a workshop schedule every six months encourages families to mark their calendars to make plans to attend. There are so many potential workshop topics. Some popular topics might include:
- 育儿
- Child development
- 挑战性行为
- Special needs
- Handling transitions
- School readiness and success
- 金融知识
- 健康的关系
- Healthy cooking
- 处理分离和损失
Community Resources
一旦确定了社区资源并且合作到位,工作人员需要知道可用的资源以及如何为服务提供资源。您可以发布和定期更新资源目录,以便为族和员工了解可用资源和访问它们的流程。为确保所有家庭都意识到社区资源,请使用普遍的教育方法。这意味着您通知您的资源活页夹和各种支持计划的所有家庭,而不仅仅是那些似乎有需要帮助的风险的人。除了普遍教育方法外,您还可以选择使用特定的筛选工具。一种广泛可用和自由工具是保护因素调查,2nedition (PFS-2). Though the PFS-2 was created to prevent child abuse and neglect, it also provides you a snapshot of your program’s families, changes in family protective factors, and areas where staff can focus on increasing individual family protective factors. There are different versions of the PFS-2, and you can refer to the References & Resources section for information about the different versions and how to use them. Also, you can access the traditional version of the PFS-2 in the Learn section.
然而,军事生活并非所有关于挑战。军事家庭有各种各样的支持,您可以帮助家庭最大限度地提高。军事家庭往往是一个强大的军事界的一部分。他们可以与其他军事家庭一起安装,他们可能有一群朋友在类似情况下。他们还可以通过他们的服务或安装来获得医疗保健,心理健康和宣传资源。这些可能是家庭的有价值资产。最后,他们可以访问你 - 军事育儿。你了解家庭的背景,可以成为一个有价值的社会支持来源。
During deployment, many changes occur within the family which children and youth may not fully understand. Learning about deployment is often stressful for military families, and there is not always the hoped-for time to plan, organize or work through the strong emotions involved. Children and youth can struggle with feelings of confusion, fear, sadness and loss. Young children are just as likely to experience these emotions as older children, although they might be unable to verbally express their feelings.
When a parent is preparing to be deployed, he or she may worry about losing the connection with a child. Staff members can support families in continuing to meet their children's needs and remain actively involved in their emotional development.
Families anxiously await the return of loved ones from deployment. While viewed as a long-awaited and happy occasion, returning home can also bring about anxious feelings and difficulties. Families and caregivers established and maintained daily routines that did not include the deployed family member. The parent returning home may have had experiences that changed her or him in some ways. Helping families prepare for and maintain connection in the return home is just as important as it is to plan for departure. Children and youth will need an opportunity to continue to feel safe and to adjust to the return of a loved one.
Connecting Families
Strong family, community and social networks can help parents manage the many tasks of raising toddlers, children, or youth while a spouse is deployed or serving as on active-duty. Staff members should provide information and supportive resources to the families of military children in their care. While the information or resource may fit and be exactly what the family needs, the circumstances surrounding the family may be too overwhelming for them to take on or learn something new. Staff members can offer support by recognizing family strengths and continuing to build trusting relationships.
Below are additional ways to support military families, based on recommendations from families surveyed in the National Military Family Association Report on the Cycles of Deployment:
Crisis Management
One of the best ways to support a family experiencing a crisis is to bring stability and normalcy back into their lives as quickly as possible. In the case of children, the exposure to toxic stress, for example from neglect, parental separation, and incarceration, can create lasting impacts such as a higher risk of early death. When you and your staff are well-trained on crisis management strategies, your program can be a buffer against these long-term impacts and put families and their children on the path to recovery.
In Summary
Your program is an essential source of support for families. From caring for and keeping children safe, healthy, and happy to extending opportunities for families to learn, grow and prosper to being there when an emergency arises, you are there! You are there to provide strength, support, and stability, consistency, competency and continuity. Your program connects families to their children, to other parents, and to community resources. Your program is central to families' well-being.
In your work as a manager, you may not hear directly how important you, your staff, and your program are to the families you serve. Take a few minutes to hear in families’ own words the difference you make each and every day.
Administration for Children and Families. (2017). Early Childhood Homelessness in the United States: 50-State Profile. Washington, D.C.: Department of Health & Human Services.https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ecd/report/early-childhood-homelessness-united-states-50-state-profile-0
Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center. (2018). Supporting Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness. Eight modules for supporting children and families. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/family-support-well-being/article/supporting-children-families-experiencing-homelessness
Kids Included Together. (2019).https://www.kit.org/
副助理副委员秘书长幼儿发展,儿童管理局和家庭。(2017). Self-Assessment Tool for Early Childhood Programs Serving Families Experiencing Homelessness. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/ecd/final_self_assessment_tool_for_early_childhood_programs_serving.pdf
副助理副委员秘书长幼儿发展,儿童管理局和家庭。(2017). Early Childhood Self-Assessment Tool for Family Supportive Housing. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Sesame Street in Communities. (n.d.) Family Homelessness. New York: Sesame Street.https://sesamesteetincommunities.org/topics/family-homelessnesness/
美国健康与人类服务部。U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. U.S. Department of Education. (2016). Policy Statement on Meeting the Needs of Families with Young Children Experiencing and At Risk Homelessness. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.https://www.researchconnections.org/childcare/resources/33125/pdf